Reddit Shadowrun is a mixed bag. Yes it is a sink hole of toxicity, negativity, and epic, inane rants a la Duke Ameil du H'ardcore.* But there are a lot of gamers there of all stripes who contribute quality materials on a daily basis ranging from rules CharGen, lore, GMing, and house rule advice,
I have to admit it. I refer people to Shadowrun Reddit from the ShadowCasters Network Discord if they're all caught up in drowning themselves and the SCN in all the things CGL's screwed up over the years, real and imagined. It's all there for people to see if they're into that and done better than any drek poster can repost on the Discord. .
So I tell them to STFU and go there if they want to smear themselves in drek. And
stay there if they can't keep from tracking it into the SCN.
Sadly, the one thing that recommends it the most is that Reddit Shadowrun is
ALWAYS UP. This is fragging important. There's lots of stuff good here too. Maybe the same stuff and better stuff. but I don't drop by often because I can usually count on it being slow, down, or hacked by some 2nd rate Malaysian hackers for lulz. It's vexing.
Finally, the Shadowrun Reddit salt is a
good thing. People
care about the game. They love it and want it to be better - and probably wouldn't be satisfied entirely no matter what. That's why they get all worked up. When CGL publishes a book with errors and the collective Shadowrun Reddit reaction is a "eh", that's when you'll know the franchise is on its death bed.
And finally, for Red: Put on your ego armor. Remember you're a published author. All these people who piss, moan, and insult you aren't. If they could do better, why the hell haven't they? And I strongly suspect the more worked up they are by a
game of all damn things, their personal and professional lives aren't anything you need envy.