Need advice on a run...

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« Reply #15 on: <02-04-13/2138:16> »
Well Dan-O's leg work turned up almost nothing as London was still jet lagged at the time and hasn't gotten out and about, but he did learn that the Bodyguard would be standing out side London's room at the hotel.
Woad's work got him a detailed map of the track and gave them plenty of ideas.

They're next plan of attack is to get the kid in his hotel room, they finally had the idea to try and seduce him. The plan is kind of odd but i can see it half-working.
Seduce London.
Get him up to his room.
"Order room service" which will in fact be a call placed to Woad standing by in a room on the next floor down, dressed as hotel staff.
He shows up with a covered cart. On top is champagne, underneath are bindings, rope, and gecko gear.
Shiko knocks London out with a strong traq-patch.
She ties London up and stuffs him under the cart (he'd barely fit.)
A little later she calls Woad again, who returns with a tray of cherries and a can of whip cream  :o.
Shiko plans to answer the door, while clutching a bathrobe, take the tray, and then "ask" Woad to take the cart as it's "getting in the way."
She then plans to escape out the window with the gecko gear and then down to Woad's room using the rope as a safety line.
Once back in Woad's room they plan to disguise themselves as medical staff and London as a patient then wheel him out on a Steed drone.
Dan-O will be on standby in case anything goes wrong but will head out the moment Woad is back in his room with London.
Dan-O meets up with Jay-C whose in his Step Van.
Jay-C uses his vans chameleon coating to make the Van look like a medical vehicle and pulls up out front.
Woad and Shiko will then take London down and load him into the van. They then drive off together.
Waldo will be hooked up the entire time via a sat link in Woad's room to provide hacker support when needed.

Here's their problem, and if they even think to ask they'll find out, the room windows wont open that high up... so, any guesses as to what they'll try?


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« Reply #16 on: <02-04-13/2311:49> »
Well, I'd assume Shiko would have the gear and/or skills to break the window. That could go one of two ways - just smashing it and leaving, or smashing it, leaving torn bits of one of London's suits in the glass. Shiko blots herself with some crushed cherries, passes it off as injuries, and lets the guard know something's up. Then, not only is it believed that London  is missing, but he went A.W.O.L. after attacking a woman. Hey, convenient ambulance on site to pick her up!

You can see, of course, where certain details would be ironed out. They'll have to improvise their way out, and it could turn nasty very quickly. Especially if the window happens to be wired to a fast-response team from daddy's work.


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« Reply #17 on: <02-05-13/0237:53> »
Or they could grab the 10¥ glasscutter from pg 62 of Arsenal and maintain their stealth profile by having Shiko cut a hole in the glass to escape through. Would suck to have such a nice plan blow apart for lack of a 10¥ item.


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« Reply #18 on: <02-07-13/0102:18> »
By chance, we found ourselves all in the same place with nothing to do all day. So we decided to hold the game and this is turning into a regular cluster farce… It was a long one so I’ll just sum it up.

So, day two, the charity event and race are tomorrow evening, and the party is making their second attempt. Everything goes as planned. Jay-C  (who’s still hasn’t fully recovered from the damage over flow from the car’s security system) has parked his van in a nearby ally. Dan-O’s found himself a secluded stairwell just down the hall from London’s room. Woad is dressed and ready in a room on the floor below. Waldo’s looped the cameras of floor 47 and 48. And Shiko has London in his room. She is even passing off a pimped dragonfly drone (one of Jay-C’s, who’s enjoying the show) as a broche.
Shiko places the call, Woad shows up and makes the delivery right the guard’s nose, exactly as planned, and then Shiko goes to place the patch on London.
Now before a run I always insist on a list of gear each character has and a rough idea of where it is (on their person, in a cart, in the car, ect.) Shiko promptly realizes she has forgotten her Traq-patch. Now this is okay, because Woad slipped an extra under the ice bucket.
Shiko snagged the patch and peeled off the backing. She then turned back to London and attempted to place the patch on the back of his neck. This was an unarmed touch attack against an unaware enemy.
Crit Glitch…
I decided that she accidentally applied the patch to the palm of her own hand, taking 9 stun damage after resistance. This almost knocked her out and caused her to collapse momentarily into London’s arms. Realizing something had gone wrong, Jay-C acted by having his dragonfly attack London.
Three combat turns later the guard had smashed the dragonfly, Shiko was on the floor (having just stuffed the evidence into her shoes,) and London was trying to figure out what the hell just happened.
Shiko explains that the drone was a gift and that she had no idea it was a drone saying it must have been hacked, making a beautiful roll. She also acts up the effect of the patch and convinces them to call for medical assistance. Several minutes later she’s being checked over and released by the building’s on staff paramedics.
She then calmly dismisses herself and the whole party returns to Jay-C’s van to call it a night.

At this point London’s got to be getting suspicious. His car was tampered with and was just attacked with a drone. The Guards are on alert… I want to give them the chance to still get the guy at the tracks but can I really justify him taking the risk (Vice vs. Common Sense… Vice usually wins in these case.)


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« Reply #19 on: <02-07-13/0801:23> »
Yeah it does. Also you said he was 19 so unless he is an uncommon 19 year old, he will probably still think he is invincible and do what he wants. He has those big bad guards after all, and unless someone has made an attempt on him before your runners (when he was younger), he could quite likely just write it all off as coincidence.


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« Reply #20 on: <02-07-13/1700:58> »
Actually, if he'd ever had something like this happen before - especially if it failed completely - he'd be more bold, and likely to shrug it off. "Meh, they just suck at their jobs."


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« Reply #21 on: <02-07-13/1734:31> »
Then it looks like a day at the races...


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« Reply #22 on: <02-07-13/1945:43> »
Also, look at it this way. If he doesn't go to the races and heads home early to get under cover the story kind of stops there. Or at least gets really difficult for your players. Maybe that's good or maybe not but so far they seem to be having enough trouble getting the kid when he is relatively unaware or them. Him alerted with alert guards may be more than their ill-fated dice rolls can handle  :P


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« Reply #23 on: <02-08-13/0203:37> »
I hope they get his car in one piece because they need something to make up for all of this.


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« Reply #24 on: <02-10-13/1359:23> »
They finally got him!
*Poof* *Poof* *Confetti falls*
They decided that they’d go for the simple approach this time. Jay-C stayed home to rest, Dan-O and Woad are playing cards in Jay-C’s van outside the races track, and Waldo was down for regular maintenance. The only one who was actually boots-on-the-ground was Shiko.
When London shows up (keep in mind he has ditched his guards,) Shiko walks into the meet, wearing her Moonsliver dress and form-fitting armor, finds London, chats him up, and promises him “a night of excitement” if makes it through the race.
After the race, Shiko gets into London’s car and the two drive off. They get about two blocks before Dan-O and Woad cut them off. As soon as the car stopped rolling, Shiko pulled her gun and pressed it against London’s hip.
Ten seconds later London was in the van and Shiko was changing the password on his car.
About ten minutes later they were slapping a stun patch on him to shut him up.


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« Reply #25 on: <02-10-13/1519:58> »
Yay! No glitches this time. Were they shaking their heads going 'It was that easy?' I know I've done a few runs where it seemed too easy after you take the simple solution but sometimes it just ends up being exactly that easy.


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« Reply #26 on: <02-10-13/1829:04> »
I'm honestly not sure what they would have done if this one didn't work. I could have spun them another chance if i needed to but honestly they were getting pretty annoyed. Now they just have to hold him for the next 18 days.