teenage mutant ninja monkey

  • 19 Replies


  • *
  • Newb
  • *
  • Posts: 23
« on: <01-07-13/0012:06> »

here is an idea I had for a "monkey" assassin character, He is not heavy on skills since I just ran out of bp, the race alone is 50 bp.  He would most likely be young, just released from his training in japan, sent out into the world for his final test: to actually make it in the real world and repay his debt to the school.

the character is not very survivable, does anyone have any ideas as to how to keep the concept but make the character more survivable? Edit: character was altered jan 7

Starting BP: 400                                                                                                       
Race and attributes
Race:   Harumen                         BP cost 50                                                                                                           
Attributes         nat+additions= nat total                                                                   
Bod         2 +1                                                                                                                                         
Agi          2 + 3                                                                                                                                 
Rea        1 + 3                                                                                                                                 
Str           3 + 2                                                                                                                                     
Cha        1 + 1                                                                                                                               
Int           1 +  2                                                                                                                                       
Log        1 + 2                                                                                                                                 
Wil          2 + 3                                                                                                                                   
Edge      1 + 2                                                                                                                           
Attributes and Race  cost: 240              Bp remaining: 160
Quality                                 BP cost                Brief description
Monkey paws                  free
prehensile tail                 free
unusual hair (fur)             free
metagenic improvement (agi) free
Surge rtg 2                            10
        elongated limbs            free (5)
        Celerity                          free (5)
        balance receptor         free (5)
        astral sight                   free (5)
        Neoteny                        free (-10)
Restricted gear                    5     Medium milspec armor
Restricted gear                    5     muscle toner
Ninjutsu rtg 2                       10
Uncouth                               -20
mysterious implant            -5 (headsafe)
Addiction (mild alcohol)      -5

Thrill Seeker                         -5

Total quality cost:  -5     Bp remaining: 165
Active skills
mark skills covered by your skill groups with an *
groups: athletics 1
Skill                                                     Ranks             Specialization               BP cost                                                                                                                                                               
Climbing (S)                                     1*                                                                                                           
Computer (L)                                     1                                                                                                                                     
Con (C)                                                                                                                                                                       
Cyber Tech (L)                                                                                                                                                         
Cyber combat (L)                                                                                                                                                     
Data search (L)                                                                                                                                               
Demolitions (L)                                                                                                                                                                             
Disguise (I)                                                                                                                                                                                               
Diving (B)                                                                                                                                                                                 
Dodge (R)                                                                                                                                                                                                 
Electronic Warfare (L)                                                                                                                                                               
Escape Artist (A)                                                                                                                                                                     
Etiquette (C)                                     
Exotic weapon (A)                          2
First aid (L)                                                                                                                                                                                                   
Gunnery (A)                                                                                                                                                                                                 
Gymnastics (A)                               3*                                                                                                                                               
Hacking (L)                                                                                                                                                                                                             
Hardware (L)                                    1                                                                                                                                                   
Heavy weapons (A)                                                                                                                                                                   
Industrial Mechanic (L)                                                                                                                                                                                             
Infiltration (A)                                 5                                                                                                                   
Instruction (C)                                                                                                                                                                                     
Intimidation (C)                               
Leadership (C)                                 
Locksmith (A)                                  1
Longarms (A)                                   
Medicine (L)                                     
Nautical Mechanic (L)                     
Navigation (I)                       
Negotiation (C)                   
Palming (A)                           
Parachuting (B)                   
Perception  (I)                                 2
Pilot Aerospace (R)                 
Pilot Aircraft (R)                 
Pilot Anthroform (R)           
Pilot Exotic Vehicle (R)     
Pilot Ground Craft (R)       
Pilot Watercraft (R)             
Pistols (A)                                     3
Running (S)                                    1*
Shadowing (I)                                   2
Software (L)                         
Survival (W)                                     
Swimming (S)                                    1*             
Thrown Weapons (A)                     
Tracking (I)                                                         
Unarmed combat (A)                       2                                                     
Total  active skill BP cost:  90                  BP remaining: 75

 Knowledge Skills
Skill                                                     Ranks             Specialization               BP cost     
Scotch and cigars                1
Gambling                            1                       
Corp security procedures        1
Psychology                        1
Anatomy                            1
Poisons                                2
English                             3

Total BP spent: 2                 BP remaining: 73

Contact                            Function            Connection (group)[modified]         Loyalty         BP spent         
Top Hat                            fixer                            6                                                      1                         7
mist ninja clan               info, jobs, training    3 (5) [8]                                           4                       12

Total contacts BP cost:  19        BP remaining: 50
Starting ¥: 250k         BP cost: 50                   BP Remaining: 0
Cyberware, Nanoware and Bioware:
Ware                            Essence cost:                            ¥ cost
gecko hands  x 2           .2                                 24k
muscle toner 4               .8                                 32k
wired reflexes 2               3                                  32k
datajack                          .1                                .5
Cybereyes Rtg 4                  .5                                            1.5
     Image Link                            free                                        -
     Eye Recording unit              free                                      -
     Vision Enhance rtg 3           [3]                                        4.5     
     Lowlight                                [2]                                          1     
     Thermal                                 [2]                                          1     
     Smartlink                               [3]                                          .9     
    Vision Magnification           [2]                                        1         
     Flair Comp                            [1]                                           .75     
Biosculpting moderate              .1                               5
Print removal                              .1                                   25
Augmentation Total ¥ Cost:  129.15k        Remaining ¥: 120.85

Armor                                                        ¥ cost
Milspec Medium x1.25                               20
    Helmet                                                       10
    ruth poly coating                                     7.5
    Thermal Damp                             3
    Strength upgrade 3                     4.5
    Improved Mobility 2                       5
    chemical protection 6                    1.5
    no tags                                        .5
    custom look (using vehicle rules)    .7      looks like drone pet toy
Urban Explorer custom fit                .625
      helmet                                       .05
mortimer of london berwick full suit     2.85

Armor total ¥ cost:  55.725k          Remaining ¥: 65.125

Identification Please:
 SIN or Licence                 Rating                    ¥ cost
William Grant                SIN    6                                6
Restricted firearms                6
Concealed carry                    6

John Walker                SIN 6
Restricted firearms            6
Concealed Carry                6
Restricted firearms            6

Identity total ¥ cost:  14.4                      Remaining ¥: 50.725

Lifestyle                    Cost per month            Number of months         ¥ cost
low                                    2                                        3                                    6
Lifestyles total ¥ cost: 6                       Remaining ¥:44.725

Vehicle or Mod                   ¥ cost               
Mercury Comet                    14
upgraded pilot rtg 3                3
maneuver  autosoft rtg 3     .6
Spoof chip                        ,5
Morphing License plate       1

Vehicle total ¥ cost: 19.1                     Remaining ¥: 25.625

Item                                         ¥ cost               
Metalink x 10                    1
Electronics total ¥ cost: 1                   Remaining ¥:  24.625

Weapons or modification                       ¥ cost           
Garotte                                           .01
Viper slivergun                              .5
    custom look  (toy)                    .1
    chameleon coating                    1
    smartgun internal                     .5           
    integral silencer                        .4
    custom grip                             .1
    Extra mags x 2 custom look (toy) /cc  .1
    quick draw holster, custom look (toy) /cc  .3
    Spare barrel X 3                       1.2 (cost of silencer)
Thermal Smoke grenades x 6          .21
    quickdraw bandoleer (3 nade capacity)  custom look/ cc    .3 
Weapons total ¥ cost:   8.7                 Remaining ¥:  15.925

Miscellaneous Goodies
Item                                                                    ¥ cost   
Backpack   custom look, CC  (toy drone)     1.25
Expendable Area Jammer rtg 4 X 3               .6
White noise generator rtg 6                              .3
Tag Eraser                                                        .15
Auto picker Rtg 6                                            1.2
Sequencer rtg 4                                               .8
Lockpick set                                                    .3
Miniwelder                                                      .25
            Extra power supply X 2                     .25
Wire clippers                                                   .025
Glass cutters                                                    .01
Glue Sprayer                                                    .15       
radio signal scanner rtg 6                                           1.5     
Duct tape                                                                .01
Optical Tap X 5                                            .5
Mapsofts rtg 6                                .24
        NYC, Seattle, Denver, Detroit, DC, Tokyo, Shanghai, London
Sub Voc microphone                        .05
Skinlink for all guns and armor          .1
Micro Tranciever 4 X 2                        1.6                                   
White Phosphorus grenade X 3 (remote detonation) .36
operations clean up kit                       .5   
Camera Neutralizer 6                        1.5
Nonlinear Junction Detector rtg 6        .6
Camera X 6                                       .6

Total spent: 14.235
« Last Edit: <01-08-13/1232:56> by fitzink84 »


  • *
  • Omae
  • ***
  • Posts: 566
« Reply #1 on: <01-07-13/0243:12> »
drop muscle toner 4 to 2 and the restricted gear.
drop restricted gear mono garote and start the game with a normal one. tell your fixer to start looking for one at the first session.
get Athletics skill group.
don't use gecko hands bioware, just get some gecko tape gloves. They're way better, because you can take them of.
You don't need Dodge. Just use Gymnastic Dodge.
Put everything yoiu freed up in Intution and Willpower.


  • *
  • Newb
  • *
  • Posts: 82
« Reply #2 on: <01-07-13/0307:26> »
Why don't you just make it into a surged character and save yourself the 50 BP?


  • *
  • Ace Runner
  • ****
  • Posts: 2225
« Reply #3 on: <01-07-13/0312:19> »
I find the fact you can cover gecko hands more useful; you can't lose them or leave them behind. /Agreeing with everything else, though. (I find the mini-milspec a bit over the top, too, but hey)

Mysterious Implant - did you decide that, or did your GM? By RAW, you pick the points, and the GM goes from there. Ditto for Changeling negative qualities.

I was thinking of doing something similar with a shapeshifter monkey, using fox stats. If you stick them in a mana ebb, they lose regen, right?
« Last Edit: <01-07-13/0320:41> by Novocrane »


  • *
  • Newb
  • *
  • Posts: 23
« Reply #4 on: <01-07-13/1010:19> »
@ novo GM decided print removal, it will be something that the character needs to find out and could bring possible missions later: who could have kidnapped him from the mist facility in japan and did they leave any other surprises in him?

I wasn't aware of the GM choosing the negative surge qualities, Ill have to run that by him. what is RAW?

what would you suggest for the mini milspec? I agree with you though just fyi, a suit that would fit a small monkey probably could not offer the same protection as a larger one just due to space constraints, maybe drop both ballistic and impact values by 2? as far as the size customization goes I took it at the max 1.25 cost multiplier.

@ makki great advice thank you! I think I am going to stick with the hands though (ba dum ch!) why int and will though just out of curiosity?

I decided to keep the muscle toners at 4 since it is a one shot deal and agility is used so often. just changing the skills how you suggested got me an additional 14 bp which I put one more point into will and purchased one more point in pistols. I dropped the mono garrote and used that 5 bp to purchase a fixer 'cause I'm dumb and forgot to initially.
« Last Edit: <01-07-13/1049:24> by fitzink84 »


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« Reply #5 on: <01-07-13/1112:17> »
Not making the GM upset seems to keep me in the game the longest.  Also, I notice likeable characters seem to live longer than characters who roll 20+ dice and always seem to ruin my missions.  I tend to make sure certain critical hits don't happen and tone done critical glitches.  You know for sure I'll make everyone have to buy another panther cannon or say military grade armor.   

How about a simple Chameleon Suit?  That is a fair amount of armor that would really suit your needs I'm sure.  I could even see him wearing an armored smoking jacket. 

Also, emsquared pointed this out to me

Also you really never should buy specializations at chargen, a specialization at chargen costs 2 BP = 4 Karma. A specialization post chargen costs 2 Karma.


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« Reply #6 on: <01-07-13/1204:35> »
@ makki great advice thank you! I think I am going to stick with the hands though (ba dum ch!) why int and will though just out of curiosity?
physical attributes one can augment with 'ware. Same for Logic if one needs it. normal people don't. Cha you obviously want to go without (Uncouth). INT and WILL are important for a lot of pasive tests. Composure, magic resistance, perception, initiative, memory, judge intentions, etc...


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« Reply #7 on: <01-07-13/1229:10> »
33 BP on Contacts? Really? Get rid of the Armorer (your Fixer can hook you up there, bank the BP), get rid of Jason or Jayme (or preferably both... what's a 1/2 going to do for you?), and combine Allister and Mr. J into 1 Group Contact, i.e. your clan (save BP, get more functionality). Use those banked BP to help out your stats (your BOD and WIL should be odd).


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« Reply #8 on: <01-07-13/2047:04> »
How are you calculating your attributes? Is it base values on the left column and the additional amounts purchased on the right? This would mean you have Body 4, Agility 5, Reaction 4, etc. If so, I have you spending 240 bp on race + attributes not 230. I want to make sure I understand that before I go into detailed advice.

I do however second cutting back on contacts. Having 1-2 decent contacts is way better than spending a ton on knowing a ton of people.

Lastly, about how long do you expect the campaign to last? That'll influence my advice on stuff like restricted gear and advancement.


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« Reply #9 on: <01-07-13/2056:48> »
33 BP on Contacts? Really? Get rid of the Armorer (your Fixer can hook you up there, bank the BP), get rid of Jason or Jayme (or preferably both... what's a 1/2 going to do for you?), and combine Allister and Mr. J into 1 Group Contact, i.e. your clan (save BP, get more functionality). Use those banked BP to help out your stats (your BOD and WIL should be odd).

Yeah, the Fixer can handle what the Armorer does, but he should increase the Fixer's connection to 6 and loyalty to at least 3 (possibly 4). If a hooker is important enough to go on the list of Contacts then said hooker should probably be very high loyalty (probably 6)
(SR5) Homebrew Archetypes

Tangled Currents (Persistent): 33 Karma, 60,000 nuyen


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« Reply #10 on: <01-08-13/1012:56> »
How are you calculating your attributes? Is it base values on the left column and the additional amounts purchased on the right? This would mean you have Body 4, Agility 5, Reaction 4, etc. If so, I have you spending 240 bp on race + attributes not 230. I want to make sure I understand that before I go into detailed advice.

I do however second cutting back on contacts. Having 1-2 decent contacts is way better than spending a ton on knowing a ton of people.

Lastly, about how long do you expect the campaign to last? That'll influence my advice on stuff like restricted gear and advancement.

 you are correct on the attributes, good catch. Evidently I screwed up somewhere in the first edit. because I overspent by 10 bp on attributes all of the contacts suggestions were necessary.

as far as the length of the campaign I'm not too sure. we are doing a kind of round robin gm thing and I think this character will not see too much play as I am one of the gm's. its easy to write him out though since his loyalty lies with the clan so if they send him away on mission he would drop what he is doing and go.

@ skull good call on the specializations, the character is a bit squishier than others due to Neotany which is why I went with milspec rather than a chameleon suit.

@emsquared good advice with the odd numbers for will and body. it seems really obvious but I never thought of that before



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« Reply #11 on: <01-08-13/1026:25> »
I wasn't aware of the GM choosing the negative surge qualities, Ill have to run that by him. what is RAW?

what would you suggest for the mini milspec?
My bad; I was thnking of dormant metagenetics.

On armour alternatives, I'm fairly stumped here. Two body, with no option for further increase or augmentation ... it's an odd one.


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« Reply #12 on: <01-08-13/1045:15> »
... Two body, with no option for further increase or augmentation ... it's an odd one.

im not quite sure I follow?


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« Reply #13 on: <01-08-13/1122:42> »
I'm not sure you've done your clan Group Contact cost correctly... I may just be misunderstanding your notation, but a Group Contact has a Connection and Loyalty just like any other, however they also have their "Group" Rating, which represents how large and what resources the Group possesses. So maybe your 7 Connection is a combination of their Connection and Group Rating and I've just never seen it denoted like that? Otherwise, it may need reconfigured...

Regarding having a 6 Connection Fixer, seems like a bit of a waste to me since you're not a full time player. Assuming your group isn't doubling up too heavily on Contacts, you probably shouldn't have the Fixer contact - I guess unless another GM/Player has the other... Do any of your other players have a Fixer? Maybe a Street-Doc or something would serve your role better for keeping you healthy and helping with future 'ware upgrades?


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« Reply #14 on: <01-08-13/1128:38> »
Meaning it's difficult to put together something more protective with a low body score. (what's the +1 from?)
You could mod a set of PPP securetech & a FFBA half-body suit with YNT Softweave - essentially, that would give you 6/7 armour before you put regular armour over it, without encumbrance. Just a thought.

The usual notation for group contacts is X (Y), where X is their connection rating, and Y is their connection rating plus extra for the number of members, turf size, magic & matrix resources.