here is an idea I had for a "monkey" assassin character, He is not heavy on skills since I just ran out of bp, the race alone is 50 bp. He would most likely be young, just released from his training in japan, sent out into the world for his final test: to actually make it in the real world and repay his debt to the school.
the character is not very survivable, does anyone have any ideas as to how to keep the concept but make the character more survivable? Edit: character was altered jan 7 Starting BP: 400
Race and attributes
Race: Harumen BP cost 50
Attributes nat+additions= nat total
Bod 2 +1
Agi 2 + 3
Rea 1 + 3
Str 3 + 2
Cha 1 + 1
Int 1 + 2
Log 1 + 2
Wil 2 + 3
Edge 1 + 2
Attributes and Race cost: 240 Bp remaining: 160
Quality BP cost Brief description
Monkey paws free
prehensile tail free
unusual hair (fur) free
metagenic improvement (agi) free
Surge rtg 2 10
elongated limbs free (5)
Celerity free (5)
balance receptor free (5)
astral sight free (5)
Neoteny free (-10)
Restricted gear 5 Medium milspec armor
Restricted gear 5 muscle toner
Ninjutsu rtg 2 10
Uncouth -20
mysterious implant -5 (headsafe)
Addiction (mild alcohol) -5
Thrill Seeker -5
Total quality cost: -5 Bp remaining: 165
Active skills
mark skills covered by your skill groups with an *
groups: athletics 1
Skill Ranks Specialization BP cost
Climbing (S) 1*
Computer (L) 1
Con (C)
Cyber Tech (L)
Cyber combat (L)
Data search (L)
Demolitions (L)
Disguise (I)
Diving (B)
Dodge (R)
Electronic Warfare (L)
Escape Artist (A)
Etiquette (C)
Exotic weapon (A) 2
First aid (L)
Gunnery (A)
Gymnastics (A) 3*
Hacking (L)
Hardware (L) 1
Heavy weapons (A)
Industrial Mechanic (L)
Infiltration (A) 5
Instruction (C)
Intimidation (C)
Leadership (C)
Locksmith (A) 1
Longarms (A)
Medicine (L)
Nautical Mechanic (L)
Navigation (I)
Negotiation (C)
Palming (A)
Parachuting (B)
Perception (I) 2
Pilot Aerospace (R)
Pilot Aircraft (R)
Pilot Anthroform (R)
Pilot Exotic Vehicle (R)
Pilot Ground Craft (R)
Pilot Watercraft (R)
Pistols (A) 3
Running (S) 1*
Shadowing (I) 2
Software (L)
Survival (W)
Swimming (S) 1*
Thrown Weapons (A)
Tracking (I)
Unarmed combat (A) 2
Total active skill BP cost: 90 BP remaining: 75
Knowledge Skills
Skill Ranks Specialization BP cost
Scotch and cigars 1
Gambling 1
Corp security procedures 1
Psychology 1
Anatomy 1
Poisons 2
English 3
Total BP spent: 2 BP remaining: 73
Contact Function Connection (group)[modified] Loyalty BP spent
Top Hat fixer 6 1 7
mist ninja clan info, jobs, training 3 (5) [8] 4 12
Total contacts BP cost: 19 BP remaining: 50
Starting ¥: 250k BP cost: 50 BP Remaining: 0
Cyberware, Nanoware and Bioware:
Ware Essence cost: ¥ cost
gecko hands x 2 .2 24k
muscle toner 4 .8 32k
wired reflexes 2 3 32k
datajack .1 .5
Cybereyes Rtg 4 .5 1.5
Image Link free -
Eye Recording unit free -
Vision Enhance rtg 3 [3] 4.5
Lowlight [2] 1
Thermal [2] 1
Smartlink [3] .9
Vision Magnification [2] 1
Flair Comp [1] .75
Biosculpting moderate .1 5
Print removal .1 25
Augmentation Total ¥ Cost: 129.15k Remaining ¥: 120.85
Armor ¥ cost
Milspec Medium x1.25 20
Helmet 10
ruth poly coating 7.5
Thermal Damp 3
Strength upgrade 3 4.5
Improved Mobility 2 5
chemical protection 6 1.5
no tags .5
custom look (using vehicle rules) .7 looks like drone pet toy
Urban Explorer custom fit .625
helmet .05
mortimer of london berwick full suit 2.85
Armor total ¥ cost: 55.725k Remaining ¥: 65.125
Identification Please:
SIN or Licence Rating ¥ cost
William Grant SIN 6 6
Restricted firearms 6
Concealed carry 6
John Walker SIN 6
Restricted firearms 6
Concealed Carry 6
Restricted firearms 6
Identity total ¥ cost: 14.4 Remaining ¥: 50.725
Lifestyle Cost per month Number of months ¥ cost
low 2 3 6
Lifestyles total ¥ cost: 6 Remaining ¥:44.725
Vehicle or Mod ¥ cost
Mercury Comet 14
upgraded pilot rtg 3 3
maneuver autosoft rtg 3 .6
Spoof chip ,5
Morphing License plate 1
Vehicle total ¥ cost: 19.1 Remaining ¥: 25.625
Item ¥ cost
Metalink x 10 1
Electronics total ¥ cost: 1 Remaining ¥: 24.625
Weapons or modification ¥ cost
Garotte .01
Viper slivergun .5
custom look (toy) .1
chameleon coating 1
smartgun internal .5
integral silencer .4
custom grip .1
Extra mags x 2 custom look (toy) /cc .1
quick draw holster, custom look (toy) /cc .3
Spare barrel X 3 1.2 (cost of silencer)
Thermal Smoke grenades x 6 .21
quickdraw bandoleer (3 nade capacity) custom look/ cc .3
Weapons total ¥ cost: 8.7 Remaining ¥: 15.925
Miscellaneous Goodies
Item ¥ cost
Backpack custom look, CC (toy drone) 1.25
Expendable Area Jammer rtg 4 X 3 .6
White noise generator rtg 6 .3
Tag Eraser .15
Auto picker Rtg 6 1.2
Sequencer rtg 4 .8
Lockpick set .3
Miniwelder .25
Extra power supply X 2 .25
Wire clippers .025
Glass cutters .01
Glue Sprayer .15
radio signal scanner rtg 6 1.5
Duct tape .01
Optical Tap X 5 .5
Mapsofts rtg 6 .24
NYC, Seattle, Denver, Detroit, DC, Tokyo, Shanghai, London
Sub Voc microphone .05
Skinlink for all guns and armor .1
Micro Tranciever 4 X 2 1.6
White Phosphorus grenade X 3 (remote detonation) .36
operations clean up kit .5
Camera Neutralizer 6 1.5
Nonlinear Junction Detector rtg 6 .6
Camera X 6 .6
Total spent: 14.235