Str focused Melee Adept, can it be done(well)?

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« Reply #15 on: <01-08-13/1017:18> »
The issue with those is that:

1) shooting them is definitely Pistols. IMO, if you want a ranged combat option as a melee adept, it really should be a long-range option: Automatics, Longarms, or Heavy Weapons, because that's when you have real issues.

2) It's very unclear what skill you use to melee people with them. You can make a case for Pistols, Clubs, or Exotic Weapon: Defiance EX Shocker.

That said, if your GM thinks it is Clubs, they are in fact really good so it is worth mentioning.


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« Reply #16 on: <01-08-13/1021:55> »
Super informative, well detailed, excellently explained explanations go here.

Dude, that is awesome.
Thanks for taking the time to be so helpful.

