This kind of character is a long term investment for sure. I would view your character as the type that relies on their draco form, so tends to not solve problems outside the box. Perhaps you were too busy "studying" yourself to put energy into traditional skills, networking, or being employed.
I would do the following if possible:
1). Take the Sensitive System negative quality. Since you're a magician, you shouldn't be getting cyberware or bioware.
2). Put your magic rating to one less than maximum.
3). Chose one of these skill groups at rating 4; sorcery, conjuring
Just summoning 5 and spell casting 5
4). Purchase the perception skill at at least 1.
5). Buy as many spells as possible. Instead of using skills to do major sleuthing, use detection spells and astral research. No skill needed for guns because of mana ball and stun ball. If you don't want mana ball or stun ball, mob mind and a euphoria spell work wonders for less than lethal play.
6). Put 1BP-3BP toward nuyen. You're naturally talented enough to get money from shadow work quickly.
7). If your GM doesn't give you a starter fixer, buy one.

. Whatever is left put toward the Influence skill group
Just Etiquette
I personally like my magician characters to rely on magic more than other things. Magic is so rare and powerful, why wouldn't you want to use it as much as feasible? Other skills you need you can purchase later for a low to moderate amount of karma.