Drake Occult Investigator

  • 7 Replies


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« on: <01-01-13/0439:38> »
I've recently had the urge to create an occult investigator with the Drake quality. The BP cost makes things kind of tight for a 400BP drake magician so I have been putting some thought in to it before I jump in the mix. Are there any general ideas amongst the populace? I'll post the character once I am done building him.


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« Reply #1 on: <01-01-13/1418:55> »
This kind of character is a long term investment for sure.  I would view your character as the type that relies on their draco form, so tends to not solve problems outside the box.  Perhaps you were too busy "studying" yourself to put energy into traditional skills, networking, or being employed.

I would do the following if possible:
1).  Take the Sensitive System negative quality.  Since you're a magician, you shouldn't be getting cyberware or bioware.
2).  Put your magic rating to one less than maximum.
3).  Chose one of these skill groups at rating 4; sorcery, conjuring
       Just summoning 5 and spell casting 5
4).  Purchase the perception skill at at least 1.
5).  Buy as many spells as possible.  Instead of using skills to do major sleuthing, use detection spells and astral research.  No skill needed for guns because of mana ball and stun ball.  If you don't want mana ball or stun ball, mob mind and a euphoria spell work wonders for less than lethal play. 
6).  Put 1BP-3BP toward nuyen.  You're naturally talented enough to get money from shadow work quickly.
7).  If your GM doesn't give you a starter fixer, buy one.
8).  Whatever is left put toward the Influence skill group
       Just Etiquette

I personally like my magician characters to rely on magic more than other things.  Magic is so rare and powerful, why wouldn't you want to use it as much as feasible?  Other skills you need you can purchase later for a low to moderate amount of karma. 


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« Reply #2 on: <01-01-13/1503:41> »
Don't get the Conjuring group. The Banishing skill is plainly inferior to just Stunbolting spirits. Sorcery group is also probably not worth it since Ritual Spellcasting rarely comes up. Good to have 1 in but not a heavy investment unless your campaign makes it come up often. Make sure you take Counterspelling regardless, unless there's another Magician who's focusing more on that.
Playability > verisimilitude.


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« Reply #3 on: <01-01-13/1512:27> »
This kind of character is a long term investment for sure.  I would view your character as the type that relies on their draco form, so tends to not solve problems outside the box.  Perhaps you were too busy "studying" yourself to put energy into traditional skills, networking, or being employed.

I would do the following if possible:
1).  Take the Sensitive System negative quality.  Since you're a magician, you shouldn't be getting cyberware or bioware.
2).  Put your magic rating to one less than maximum.
3).  Chose one of these skill groups at rating 4; sorcery, conjuring
       Just summoning 5 and spell casting 5
4).  Purchase the perception skill at at least 1.
5).  Buy as many spells as possible.  Instead of using skills to do major sleuthing, use detection spells and astral research.  No skill needed for guns because of mana ball and stun ball.  If you don't want mana ball or stun ball, mob mind and a euphoria spell work wonders for less than lethal play. 
6).  Put 1BP-3BP toward nuyen.  You're naturally talented enough to get money from shadow work quickly.
7).  If your GM doesn't give you a starter fixer, buy one.
8).  Whatever is left put toward the Influence skill group
       Just Etiquette

I personally like my magician characters to rely on magic more than other things.  Magic is so rare and powerful, why wouldn't you want to use it as much as feasible?  Other skills you need you can purchase later for a low to moderate amount of karma.

1: This can depend. Some GMs will throw a wall-eyed hissy fit over a mage taking Sensitive System.
2: Taking attribute maximum is too expensive, but if it's needed for your character, go for it.
3: Depends too much on a particular game for any real comment to be worthwhile.
4: Pretty good idea.
5: If you have the points, taking your spellcasting x 2 in spells is a decent idea. Still buy a skill so you can do something in combat without using magic.
6: The resources you take should depend on what you think the character needs rather than any expectation of what comes later.
7: Having a Fixer contact is a good idea. I'd say at least Connection 4 (preferably 6).
8: A 1 in Influence skill group could be good so you're not defaulting those.
(SR5) Homebrew Archetypes

Tangled Currents (Persistent): 33 Karma, 60,000 nuyen


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« Reply #4 on: <01-01-13/1813:12> »
Thanks for all the quick replies =D

I'm not terribly familiar with Magicians, and even less so with Drakes, and was wondering if it is possible to
cast a spell and then sustain it in Drake form? For example, casting Elemental Aura while in meta-human form, switching to drake form, and then sustaining it for use there? Is it feasible to still use a foci while in Drake form?

Thanks in advance, I'm sure I will have more questions soon.


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« Reply #5 on: <01-01-13/2303:00> »
The spell Shapechange says that you can cast spells in animal form.  I would assume that you could both sustain a spell during transformation and still casts spells in draco form too. 


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« Reply #6 on: <01-01-13/2352:59> »
AFAIK Spellcasting is pretty simple except where you have something like a Geas in place where you need to make some gestures and say an incantation, otherwise I can't see it causing any problems in either form.


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« Reply #7 on: <01-03-13/1754:58> »
Here is the character sheet as promised with some background information as well. Thanks in advance for your comments and critiques.

Most of our runs take place in Seattle, so I structured my knowledge skills as such. However I'm not entirely sure if they are on track for an occult investigator. I feel like some more security oriented skills is appropriate. Let me know what you think.

Background Information
Runner Handle: Siegfried Gram (usually shortened to Gram)
  • SIN: Diedrich Herrmann
  • Listed as a freelance private investigator this ID has all of his basic information along with write ups for his work with Saeder-Krupp. In addition there is a dossier on his status as awakened, including a section on his Dracoform.
  • Fake SIN 3: Isaak Schulze
  • A small time Seattle based private eye with some magical talents. Is listed as a UCAS citizen born in Boston.
Physical Appearance:
  • Human:
  • Gram is a tall, somewhat thin, clean cut looking man. His blond hair is kept shorter on the sides and just long enough on the top to style up. He has dark blue eyes and is generally wearing a smirk. Under his black leather jacket he wears a white tank top over his form fitting body armor. Black slacks, with a leather belt, and boots adorn the lower half of his body. He is always wearing a silver ring inscribed with Nordic runes and bearing the hammer of Thor on his right ring finger, his power foci. The thin silver necklace with the silver and gold trim Triple Horn of Odin, his counterspelling foci, is also always worn.
  • Height: 6'0” (1.83 meters)
  • Weight: 160lbs (72.7 kg)
  • Drake:
  • With four limbs and a set of powerful wings Gram is easily identifiable as the Common Drake native to Europe. Light blue scales and a white underbelly are a stark contrast to the deep gray dorsal spines. His head is adorned with two horns that wrap around and out like that of a ram, with two dark blue eyes lazily gazing about between them.
Age: 25
  • Upbeat, social, and a little bit of a jester in casual settings.
  • Serious and contemplative during business settings, Gram likes to slow it down a little when addressing important issues.
  • Bloody, aggressive, and brutal during battle.
  • Kind hearted, actively seeks out ways to help the community.
  • Empathic to the down trodden and imprisoned, Gram sometimes feels caged by his life and has small moments of depression.
Personal Desires:
  • Increase arcane knowledge
  • Increase knowledge of Drake's
  • Become free of SK debt
  • Help the clan
Born to a clan of wandering Norse spellweavers in service to Odin, Diedrich Herrmann spent most of his childhood on the road. Wandering throughout the AGS, they sought to use their abilities to help the people. When Diedrich was 10, his clan refined their wanderlust to the AGS-SOX border and put their talents towards containing the contamination. During the Year of the Comet Diedrich and his father both turned in to Drakes, greatly alarming the clan. Heading off together he and his father traveled the AGS once again. Slowly they learned to control their transformations, finally returning three years later. Seeking a better way to help the clan joined efforts with Saeder-Krupp. SK quickly ascertained that Diedrich is a Drake and recruited him for their use. Sending him all over the AGS, and eventually Seattle, he worked gathering various bits of information and as a part time test subject. Taking a loan from SK he has decided to turn his attention to the shadows, determined to use it resources to help his clan.

Attributes: 220bp
B: 2 / 6 (9)
A: 3 / 6 (9)
R: 2 / 6 (9)
S: 2 / 6 (9)
C: 5 / 6 (9)
I: 4 / 6 (9)
L: 3 / 6 (9)
W: 5 / 6 (9)
Edge: 2 / 7
Magic: 5 / 6
Essence: 6 / 6
Initiative: 5 / 12
IP: 1 / 4

Active Skills: 86bp
  • Single:
  • Astral Combat: 1
  • Assensing: 3
  • Arcana: 1
  • Perception: 1
  • Pistols: 1
  • Unarmed Combat: 1
  • Dodge: 1
  • Etiquette: 1
  • Group:
  • Sorcery: 4
  • Conjuring: 1

Knowledge Skills: 11 free points
Seattle Shadowrunner Havens: 2
Seattle Smuggling Routes: 1
Seattle Talismongers: 3
Magic Theory: 3
Seattle Security Firms: 2

Language Skills: 10 free points
German: N
English: 4
Sperethial: 3
Polish: 3

Qualities: 45bp
  • Positive: 80bp
  • Drake (65bp ; doesn't count towards 35bp total)
  • Shift (Common Drake)
  • Elemental Attack (Fire)
  • Enhanced Senses (Hearing, Low-Light Vision, Smell, Thermographic Sense)
  • Hardened Armor 4
  • Mystic Armor 4
  • Natural Weapons: Bite/Claws (Str/2 + 2)P, AP 0
  • Fly at twice normal movement rate
  • +1 Reach, +4 Body, +5 Strength
  • Magician (15bp)
  • Negative: 35bp
  • SINner (5bp): AGS
  • Day Job (5bp): Private Investigator
  • In Debt (25bp): Saeder-Krupp

Spells: 24bp
Maximum at start: 8
Elemental Aura (Fetish)
Increase Reflexes
Improved Invisibility
Analyze Truth
Detect Individual
Analyze Device
Mind Probe

Foci: 3bp
Power Foci 1
Counterspelling Foci 2

Total: 11bp + In Debt =  80,000 nuyen
Magical Gear
  • Fetishes:
  • Manipulation Fetish: 6R
  • Supplies:
  • Magical Lodge Materials 5: 10
  • Foci:
  • Power Focus 1: 5R
  • Counterspelling Focus 2: 8R
  • Thundercloud Contrail
  • Handling +1, Acceleration 20/40, Speed 180, Pilot 1, Body 6, Armor 4, Sensor 1
Armor and Clothing:
  • Half Form Fitting Body Armor: 7
  • 4/1 B/I
  • Chemical Protection 3: 8
  • Fire Protection 6: 4
  • Insulation 4: 4
  • Leather Jacket
  • 2/2 B/I
  • Armor Clothing: 2
  • 4/0 B/I
  • Clothing x7
  • Long Cougar Fineblade Knife: 7R
  • Personalized Grip: 2
  • Short Cougar Fineblade Knife: 5R
  • Personalized Grip: 2
  • 2x Ceramic Knife
  • Colt Government 2066: 6R
  • Electronic Firing Pin: Stock
  • Personalized Grip: 2
  • Internal Smartgun System: 6R
  • Gas Vent 3: 6R
  • Ares Light Fire 70: 3R
  • Special Silencer
  • Personalized Grip: 2
  • Internal Smartgun System: 6R
  • Gas Vent 3: 6R
  • Beretta 101T: 4R
Weapon Accessories:
Concealable Holster: 2
Hidden Gun Arm Slide: 4
Quick-Draw Holster: 4
Clips x11: 4
130x Regular Rounds: 2R
40x Subsonic Rounds: 10F
Frag Grenade x2: 10F
Smoke Grenade x2: 4R
Thermal Smoke Grenade x2: 6R
Flash-Bang Grenade x2: 6R
  • Novatech Airware
  • 3/3 Response/Signal
  • Iris Orb
  • 3/3 Firewall/System
  • AR Gloves
  • Satellite Link: 4
  • Subvocal Microphone: 6
  • Tag Eraser: 6F
  • Area Jammer 4: 12F
  • Micro-Transceiver 6: 12
Miscellaneous Running Gear
  • Standard RFID Tags x100
  • Stealth RFID Tags x20
  • Datachips x40
  • Certified Credstick x2
  • Handheld Sensor Device:
  • Cyberware Scanner 6: 4R
  • MAD Scanner 3: 6R
  • Radio Signal Scanner 6: 4R
Medkit 6
Antidote Patch 3 x2: 3
Stimulant Patch 4 x2: 2
Stimulant Patch 2 x2: 2
Trauma Patch: 2
Survival Gear
Gas Mask
B&E Gear
Autopicker 6: 8R
Maglock Passkey 2: 6F
Maglock Sequencer 4: 12F
Enhancement Gear
  • Vision:
  • Glasses
  • Low Light: +4
  • Flare Compensation: +2
  • Image Link
  • Smartlink: +4R
  • Optical Vision Enhancement: +2
  • Mage Sight Goggles: 12R
  • Hearing:
  • Earbuds
  • Select Sound Filter 3: +8
  • Audio Enhancement 3: +2
  • Fake SIN 3: 12F
  • Concealed Carry 4: 12F
  • Driver's License 4: 12F
  • Spellcaster 4: 12F
  • Counterspelling Foci 4: 12F
  • Private Investigator 4: 12F
  • Long Cougar Fineblade 4: 12F
  • Colt Government 2066 4: 12F
Total Spent: 104595 nuyen
Starting Nuyen: (3D6 + 4) * 50 = 15 * 50 = 750 nuyen

4/3: SK Affiliated