What other games do you play?

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« Reply #60 on: <04-06-11/1637:10> »
Right now I'm in a Deathwatch campaign, which easily includes Dark Heresy and Rogue Trader. Shadowrun is in the que as is Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3.
I really like Scion, old Vampire the Masquarde, but enjoyed the new Mage and Werewolf. Played in a year long D&D 4 ed. and could not tell you if it is any good or not. I liked Eclipse Phase. My 7th Sea and Legend of the Five Rings collection is small, but well placed in my heart.
Andrew Grim


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« Reply #61 on: <04-06-11/1724:42> »
I know there's going to be haters out there, but...  Rock Band 3.

I'm wondering if I might be able to pick up one of those stringed guitars they now have at a pawn shop later on when some rich kid finds out that "Playing instruments is hard!" and get it at a decent price.
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« Reply #62 on: <04-06-11/2348:02> »
I know there's going to be haters out there, but...  Rock Band 3.

Hater's gunna hate, but I brought RB3 and two guitars on my last road trip. Too bad the house had a nice TV with a craptacular setup (no access to HDMI port), we couldn't set it up.

I'm wondering if I might be able to pick up one of those stringed guitars they now have at a pawn shop later on when some rich kid finds out that "Playing instruments is hard!" and get it at a decent price.

Take a look at the Squier Stratocaster one, if you can find it. It's set up like a normal SS with MIDI support, but it also includes the additional data that RB3 needs (which is why you can't just plug a MIDI guitar into the Mad Katz converter). The other model, the Fender Mustang, has 102 fret buttons and a string box. I don't like the idea, I figure if I'm going to take the time to learn how to play in Pro mode then I'll learn on a proper axe.
Power corrupts.
Absolute power is kinda neat.

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« Reply #63 on: <04-07-11/0036:46> »
There's enough pawn shops in the city that I can probably get a real guitar damned cheap...
Si vis pacem, para bellum



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« Reply #64 on: <04-07-11/0723:15> »
That's fine, but if you're going to try to use it with RB3 Pro Mode you'll find that a regular guitar won't work.
Power corrupts.
Absolute power is kinda neat.

"Peter Smith has the deadest of deadpans and a very sly smile, making talking to him a fun game of keeping up and slinging the next subtle zinger." - Jason M. Hardy, 3 August 2015


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« Reply #65 on: <04-10-11/2245:06> »
No RPGs really atm, no group.  Midland Texas appears to be a RPG-destitute place.

But when I could/can:
Shadowrun (any edition works for me)
Warhammer Fantasy RPG (2nd edition)
AD&D (2nd preferred, but 3.5 is ok)

Mass Effect 2
Baldur's Gate series