Barnes and Noble games shelf

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« on: <10-18-10/1131:24> »
Saw something rather sad yesterday.  No SR books at all on the local Barnes and Noble RPG shelves.  Nearly all of the space taken up by D&D, with some Vampire and WH40K RPG books.  I need to find a local gaming store to support, and hopefully drum up some tabletop SR fun.
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« Reply #1 on: <10-18-10/1136:00> »
Saw something rather sad yesterday.  No SR books at all on the local Barnes and Noble RPG shelves.  Nearly all of the space taken up by D&D, with some Vampire and WH40K RPG books.  I need to find a local gaming store to support, and hopefully drum up some tabletop SR fun.

Even a B&B can be impacted by a single customer. When you don't see the books, ask the front desk. Ask if there is any official form or place you can put a request.

The Welshman
Catalyst Freelancer

hazmat the monstar

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« Reply #2 on: <10-18-10/1421:26> »
is there a place online to have physical copies of SR books sent from?


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hazmat the monstar

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« Reply #4 on: <10-18-10/1508:44> »
You can order from Amazon, BattleCorps or even Paizo.
Thank you Jack. I want that 6th world almanac. Must have it...


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« Reply #5 on: <10-18-10/2119:35> »
While being able to order online is handy, it doesn't put the books right in front of casual browsers who wind up thinking that the other systems are all that's available.  That's the main part about it making me sad; the other is that I'm rather hands-on when it comes to considering buying a book, whether it be a textbook, novel, or gaming book.  Admittedly, that part is much more of a personal opinion thing.
Life is short, the night is long, and we still have ammo.


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« Reply #6 on: <10-19-10/0048:36> »
Just want to point out that if you order straight from BattleCorps, Catalyst gets more of the actual profit. Catalyst profit converts to more products and depth to the universe.

(What? Well yeah, that does me we writer's get more work, but that's a good thing, right?)
The Welshman
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« Reply #7 on: <10-19-10/0057:10> »
Yea, I concur, it's disappointing to see very little or no other systems or games represented on the big stores shelves. Often however the only thing talking to an employee gets you is them telling you they can order it for you. they dont seem to understand that the point is to have the books on the shelf for visibility. However, when you bring that up, they counter with how they cant stock everything and they try to stock things that sell. The debate is endless. Sad, but endless.
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« Reply #8 on: <10-19-10/0938:13> »
...The debate is endless. Sad, but endless.

Truthfully, it's not a debate the stocker should even be having. Odds are they're not the store's manager, or buyer, or whoever at the store is responsible for determining what gets sold. The best bet, from the store level, is to consistantly order product. If the person who handles the inventory is smart, keeping an eye on the special orders for trends, they might start to stock the line.
Power corrupts.
Absolute power is kinda neat.

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« Reply #9 on: <10-28-10/1022:22> »
unfortunately its been my experience with the big stores that if they have someone that is special ordering they will allow that  person(s) to continue to do so and keep their shelf space open for other items that sell more often. The local books a million is doing that currently with their manga selection. The demand is going mostly to special order and instead of stocking their shelves with similar items they are simply letting their current selection dwindle.
May god grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, to change the things I can, and the firepower to make the difference.

Suicide is never the answer, now homicide on the other hand, that has posibilities.

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« Reply #10 on: <10-28-10/1927:31> »
Saw something rather sad yesterday.  No SR books at all on the local Barnes and Noble RPG shelves.  Nearly all of the space taken up by D&D, with some Vampire and WH40K RPG books.  I need to find a local gaming store to support, and hopefully drum up some tabletop SR fun.

Good for you.  Support your local gaming store.  I worked at one for about five years.  One of the best times of my life.

Dead Monky

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« Reply #11 on: <11-23-10/1545:20> »
The B&N shelves here fluctuate.  They are and always have been dominated by D&D, but other games seem to flow in and out.  SR has taken upwards of 40% before while it's now down to about 5%.  White Wolf games once took up a large chunk as well, but last I was in there were only two books on shelf.  Warhammer has remained steady at about 20% while Star Wars fluctuates rapidly.  I just order everything off Amazon or at the local comic shop.


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« Reply #12 on: <11-24-10/1312:43> »
I'm not sure, but I know Borders has an alright SR selection, but just like B&N they're dominated by D&D4E.

Between my other half & I, we've spent about $280 on sourcebooks alone the last two years. 90% of that was bought at my local game store, with a 5% loyalty discount because I've been gaming there for three, four years now? It's not much, but it's so nice to have someone who knows what he's selling.

Not to mention, cheapy snacks and iced tea!

Local availability low, I support the idea of Amazon. I'm a sucker for free shipping. Also, Chessex has a ton of stuff available on Amazon in terms of dice if you don't have anywhere to get that either. ;D


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« Reply #13 on: <11-24-10/1340:24> »
Ahh... has become my FLGS. Being an AP subscriber means I get 15% discount on just about everything I purchase there. And they have a neat little thing where you can toss stuff in your cart and have it ship once a month with your subscription, saving on the shipping fees (although it does mean you have to wait for it then...).


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« Reply #14 on: <03-30-11/1447:06> »
Ahh... has become my FLGS. Being an AP subscriber means I get 15% discount on just about everything I purchase there. And they have a neat little thing where you can toss stuff in your cart and have it ship once a month with your subscription, saving on the shipping fees (although it does mean you have to wait for it then...).

Look past the lies, and all the scary stuff that remains is the truth.

