What other games do you play?

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« Reply #30 on: <10-21-10/2336:47> »
For anyone that loved D&D 3.5 and felt betrayed by WotC and their GSL, I strongly recommend picking up Pathfinder.  It really is D&D 3.5 the way the players want it to be.

I agree, though 4ed was the first time I played DnD. Pathfinder took me some time to learn, but is so much more flexible and I love how Piazo handles PDFs.

Currently playing in a Pathfinder campaign and running Shadowrun online with RPG tools.
How is the Shadowrun game going? I'm thinking of starting a game back home for my friends.


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« Reply #31 on: <11-08-10/1712:16> »
Games I've been a player (not GM/Storyteller/DM):
DnD 3.0/3.5/4.0
d20 Modern
Vampire the Masquerade
Vampire the Requiem

Games I've GMed:
Shadowrun 4
d20 Modern
DnD 3.0(Rokugan, Faerun, Homebrew)/3.5(Faerun, Homebrew)/4.0(Homebrew)
New World of Darkness (one mortals game, one mixed supernaturals)

Games I Own and Wish I had the Time to Run:
Exalted 1.0/2.0
Mage the Wakening
Werewolf the Foresaken
Promethean the Created
Changling the Lost
Geist the Sin-Eaters
Mage the Ascension
Vampire the Dark Ages

Of the ones my group has played, Shadowrun is quickly becoming our favorite, but damn do I wish I had the time to run everything I own. I have over four and a half shelves filled with RPG books I've gathered over the years.

Side note: DnD 4.0 actually had the most dynamic characters fitting the fewest stereotypes at maximal flexibility and the game lasted over a year. Sorry 4.0 haters, but when you actually play the system, it's a decent system. Also, 4.0 Faerun does not exist, don't tell me it does.
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« Reply #32 on: <11-08-10/1817:41> »
@Chaemera: nWoDs Changeling: the Lost is amazing. If you're into dark, creepy dream/madness/horror games - you should make time ;)
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« Reply #33 on: <11-09-10/0448:48> »
Games I have played:

Shadowrun-every edition
D&D/AD&D- every edition
WoD- I combine them because I consider them essentially the same
Traveller- First and only time I have had a character die DURING character creation, heard the new game doesn't do that.
TORG-best game ever, but I think it had as much to do with my GM
Champions-4th&5th only, thank god
Marvel- 1st edition only, it wasn't broke, stop trying to fix it
IFGS-This is a boffer weapon LARP, but I include because it was some fun gaming lemme tell you
Star Wars D6 version

Are we counting ccgs and miniatures?  That will add a few to the list


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« Reply #34 on: <11-09-10/0947:26> »
@Chaemera: nWoDs Changeling: the Lost is amazing. If you're into dark, creepy dream/madness/horror games - you should make time ;)

I know, it's just one of those cases of working 40+ hours a week, coupled with having people for a game things. I've promised the group another chapter on our year-long 4e campaign at some point in the future, presumably after we wind up this Shadowrun game (don't know if any of them are going to want to ever wind up the shadowrun game, as previously stated, SR4 is quickly becoming our favorite system). However, I might succeed in talking them into a nWoD game, though I don't know which supernatural. Geist has been my favorite (just reading the books, anyways), but Changling is a close second and the wife likes that one, too. That may end up being the deciding factor. . . Wives seem to work that way.
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« Reply #35 on: <11-11-10/0138:42> »
I've GMed SR4E for about 3 years.

I've played Star Wars Saga Edition for 2.

Played a game called Anima for a while.

Tried Naruto Tabletop, that died quick though.

And currently a friend has talked me into playing a GURPs game called Transhuman Space.

Gotta say though out of all of them, Shadowrun remains my favorite, the setting and rules are just far better than most in my opinion. The right amount of depth but streamlined enough to run smoothly.
I've just begun playing GURPs and I  already think I hate it for the fact that it's just too simple for me rules-wise. Also it tends to favor the GM fudging alot more than other games, which risks making the players apathetic.

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« Reply #36 on: <01-26-11/2325:58> »
I play in several games:
1.0 Spycraft
3.0/3.5 Dungeons and Dragons the original Temple of Elemental Evil
4.0 Dungeons and Dragons
4.0 Gamma World
4th edition Shadowrun (most recent)

Star Wars Saga system
and maybe in the future 4th Edition Shadowrun after seeing how the system goes in playing it.


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« Reply #37 on: <01-27-11/0721:19> »
I'm more of a fan of the earlier SR editions (1-3), but it's probably because of some of the nuances that didn't go to 4th (cursed nostalgia).  That and I had every book until 4th hit the shelves...

Ars Magica is fun and encourages creativity and roleplaying (Magic centric system).

I've only played pre-CBT Battletech, but with a few house rules it played out fine (who doesn't like giant robots fighting it out?!).

Cyberpunk is like SR without the magic and amped up craziness and cyber-ness...

Darksword Adventures was a one book system by Weis and Hickman associated with the named trilogy.  Roleplay and creativity heavy!  It operates on either percentage dice or a paper-rock-scissors related, which worked better when we were out hicking (we adopted this conflict resolution style to other systems when we out and about without dice).

Deadlands, is cool if you're looking for 1800's style play.  I haven't played it yet, but I read it through and it has a different feel than the normal systems.

D&D 3-4 (e) is for the MMO generation, because they wanted to ultimately put the games online.  AD&D 1-2 (e) was more roleplaying heavy and it has that classic RPG feel (good luck on finding them though - Goblinoid Games makes a clone that's closer to 1st (e) called Labyrinth Lord).  1st (e) was the only game where players had trouble making it through character creation with that optional 0th lvl start, where your characters become their class and stats piece by piece through roleplaying.

Earthdawn is SR in a fantasy setting, minus the tech.

Eclipse Phase is pure scifi with a very streamlined system, you'll see some of the SR influence in it.

GURPS is like playing the tabletop version of Fallout 3, there's even a module for it if you want to go that route.  It's like the percentage system of the d20 system, but older (I wouldn't be surprised if WotC was inspired by it when they put together d20).

I've played everything Palladium put out, but out of everything they have I always went back to Rifts.  Whenever we had a player that wanted to play a certain character in a particular system we could almost always convince them to play it in Rifts, where it could make sense that they would suddenly appear.

I'm very pro WEG Starwars (d6).  It always played out smoother than d20 and it'd be easier for SR players since they have plenty of the dice.  Starwars is a open license right now since Lucas yanked it from WotC, because of where they were going with Saga (my brothers a moderator on the WEG SW site, so I know way to much of what's going on).

Warhammer Fantasy is an RPG, not wargame.  It's set in the named setting and it plays out kinda like Earthdawn with a Warhammer feel (they aren't making it anymore).  There is also the 40K RPG, which I've read but haven't played.  If you like the universe from the books or the VG's then head in full bore.

WoD and Exalted are for college players that have that "middle of the night out of your minds" moments, but you have to do your homework because they don't clearly chart anything (or they didn't before they reboot their worlds).

My group gathered together our favorite things from every system and universe and ran with crazy home-brewed fun.  Try it, you might not go back!


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« Reply #38 on: <01-28-11/1535:03> »
There is a new edition of Warhammer Fantasy RolePlay. But it's more akin to the ned DnD, with even more weird things, like skill cards, special dice, and stuff that 'you need to buy to play'.
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« Reply #39 on: <01-28-11/1742:19> »
There is a new edition of Warhammer Fantasy RolePlay. But it's more akin to the ned DnD, with even more weird things, like skill cards, special dice, and stuff that 'you need to buy to play'.

If they did it any other way, they wouldn't be GW.
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« Reply #40 on: <01-29-11/1403:25> »
L5R(1st 2nd and 3rd Edition)
Dark Heresy
Shadowrun 4th(Have run all previous editions.)

Of course play is a relative term.  I have been GMing pretty much exclusively for the last 10 years.

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« Reply #41 on: <03-12-11/0338:02> »
I played all the Old World of Darkness games.

I played Aberrant, Trinity, and Adventurer.

Deadlands is good fun, mad science is awesome till you critically fail on your zep. It's still fun after that, but parachutes become your dear dear friend.

I played Exalted First Ed, still play second Ed.

Used to play SR2, and we were jonesing as group for something a bit different so I volunteered to run SR4 and just started lurking to rip off lovingly borrow good ideas.

Had all the original ED stuff, but never got to play it. Same with Battletech.

Oh and I played DnD for one campaign before we discovered Vampire.

Basically I'm a big WW whore...


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« Reply #42 on: <03-12-11/1108:01> »
Used to GM Deadlands, especially loved Hell On Earth.  'Course, I'm a major Post Apocalyptic and Cyberpunk fan, so that's no surprise to my group.

I liked how bullets were currency in most communities (Something I loved about Metro 2033 as well!), and my group figuring out just how much trouble someone was worth, and using the right kind of ammo to make it affordable to kill it.

Or, as one player intimidated an annoying NPC with, "You're $4 worth of trouble right now.  My bullets cost $5 each.  Don't become a more expensive problem."
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« Reply #43 on: <03-12-11/1236:29> »
Aside from the SR4 I'm co-GMing, I'm  playing Exalted 2E and DnD 4E. Was running Deadlands Reloaded but that's on hiatus for a bit.


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« Reply #44 on: <03-14-11/1700:02> »
There are quite a lot of systems I've played (next to Shadowrun).  The latest where we have played campaigns:
-Legends of the Five rings (3rd edition)
-Mage the Awakening (ongoing)
-Warhammer RPG (ongoing)
-Exalted (2nd edition)
-Alternity (Stardrive)
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