I hate class systems. I hate them so much I had to be tasered to not burn the Star Wars D20 book one of my players bought. I how I hate those systems...
I agree, same goes for anthing with a "clan", (BT excluded *grin*) "tribe", tradition, etc. I can never find one I like completely and have to shoehorn myself into one. I like systems that allow for a lot of flexability and let one literally create what they want. That's why I liked the Star Wars D6. You werent limited and your character "class" was more of a easy way to describe yourself, not define what you were. You could be a smuggler with a high something that had NOTHING to do with smuggling. Why? Because that's just the way you wanted it; and it was good, and nothing in the rules said you couldnt.
Thats why I like SR too, the "types" are just a general thing, you can literally be anything you want in any combination.
That being said, I still do like Pathfinder. Im not a huge fan of the fantiasy thing, but I have had fun playing my two Rangers and a Paladin. It's a good system and it does offer some flexability, even IF you are hemmed in a bit by having set classes with the inherant restrictions, etc.