What other games do you play?

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« Reply #15 on: <10-15-10/0954:48> »
Battletech RPG (Battletech: Time of War)
Eclipse Phase (any SR fan should check this out) (PM if your interested and I can share you the book (I love Open Source Gaming))
Mechwarrior: Dark Age (it is no longer being produced but I still love it)
Pathfinder (like D&D but better)
Star Wars (D6) (It is how Star Wars was meant to be played)
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« Reply #16 on: <10-15-10/2033:34> »
I like classes, myself. :/ I like just picking from a set and going. Character creation for pathfinder goes by in maybe an hour or two, character creation for SR took me... about a month? On and off? With a LOT of revisions? I like being able to point at one of my characters and go "he's a glass cannon/tank/healer/wall/thief." With Code it's "well... he's kinda like this with a little of this and sorta that..."
"People say I hate the living. It's not true. I just happen to see the potential inside all people; those great things anyone can do if they aren't trapped in their own consciousness and morals. And when I unlock that potential, death is the side-effect. I can't help that." - Dr. McMourning


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« Reply #17 on: <10-15-10/2053:54> »
I like open character systems so I mainly play Shadowrun and WoD (Mage mostly).

I have played DnD in the past but haven't for years. I enjoyed Rifts while we played it the world is amazing. Played Earthdawn a little.
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« Reply #18 on: <10-15-10/2325:18> »
Shadowrun (forever and always)
DnD 3.5 (death to 4.0)

played VtM and agree, its either powergaming or railroading except for one game that i was in, but it was more dark worlds, and Jacksonville Fl while it had a large vampire population (on all three sides of the fence) only had a small werewolf group and one hunter (npc), but since it was practically the only thing to play i played my werewolf (get of fenris ahroun) as if he was a runner.

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May god grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, to change the things I can, and the firepower to make the difference.

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« Reply #19 on: <10-16-10/0007:44> »
I like classes, myself. :/ I like just picking from a set and going. Character creation for pathfinder goes by in maybe an hour or two, character creation for SR took me... about a month? On and off? With a LOT of revisions? I like being able to point at one of my characters and go "he's a glass cannon/tank/healer/wall/thief." With Code it's "well... he's kinda like this with a little of this and sorta that..."
I can say that it gets easier each time you create a character... Instead of a month, you'll be able to get it down to a week in no time! ;)

Chaotic Insane

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« Reply #20 on: <10-16-10/0129:27> »
Well, it's better than when we tried to play Werewolf. We opened the books, looked at the blank character sheets, and then sat around and BS'd and laughed about Doom's Dad's rottweiler mix trying to sit on my lap. Now we game here and spend half the session BSing and laughing about my cat drooling on Doom's laptop.

BUT AT LEAST WE MADE IT THROUGH CHARACTER GENERATION! And got in two, three sessions or so. Excluding Pathfinder, this is a record. I think. Since I joined the group anyway.
"People say I hate the living. It's not true. I just happen to see the potential inside all people; those great things anyone can do if they aren't trapped in their own consciousness and morals. And when I unlock that potential, death is the side-effect. I can't help that." - Dr. McMourning

The Doomed One

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« Reply #21 on: <10-16-10/0230:08> »
Not only is that a record for any game other than pathfinder it is a personal record for Shadowrun, because I can think of four other occasions where we have tried to get a game going and only one made it past character creation and that didn't make it past the first session.
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« Reply #22 on: <10-16-10/0430:08> »
I hate class systems. I hate them so much I had to be tasered to not burn the Star Wars D20 book one of my players bought. I how I hate those systems...

I agree, same goes for anthing with a "clan", (BT excluded *grin*) "tribe", tradition, etc. I can never find one I like completely and have to shoehorn myself into one. I like systems that allow for a lot of flexability and let one literally create what they want. That's why I liked the Star Wars D6. You werent limited and your character "class" was more of a easy way to describe yourself, not define what you were. You could be a smuggler with a high something that had NOTHING to do with smuggling. Why? Because that's just the way you wanted it; and it was good, and nothing in the rules said you couldnt.

Thats why I like SR too, the "types" are just a general thing, you can literally be anything you want in any combination.

That being said, I still do like Pathfinder. Im not a huge fan of the fantiasy thing, but I have had fun playing my two Rangers and a Paladin. It's a good system and it does offer some flexability, even IF you are hemmed in a bit by having set classes with the inherant restrictions, etc.
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« Reply #23 on: <10-16-10/1317:54> »
I hate class systems. I hate them so much I had to be tasered to not burn the Star Wars D20 book one of my players bought. I how I hate those systems...
I So completely agree.

Additionally, I thoroughly hate level systems as well.

I've heard good things about savage worlds. Anyone who plays it - a Q: Are there levels or classes in the system?
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The Doomed One

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« Reply #24 on: <10-16-10/1333:50> »
I hate class systems. I hate them so much I had to be tasered to not burn the Star Wars D20 book one of my players bought. I how I hate those systems...
I So completely agree.

Additionally, I thoroughly hate level systems as well.

I've heard good things about savage worlds. Anyone who plays it - a Q: Are there levels or classes in the system?
A: No.
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« Reply #25 on: <10-16-10/1416:06> »
Some of the ones I play are obviously Shadowrun, Red Dwarf, Serenity, Dark Heresy, did for a little while play Call of Cthulhu but lost our GM, also play in a D&D campaign that's pretty entertaining.


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« Reply #26 on: <10-16-10/1421:17> »
I hate class systems. I hate them so much I had to be tasered to not burn the Star Wars D20 book one of my players bought. I how I hate those systems...
I So completely agree.

Additionally, I thoroughly hate level systems as well.

I've heard good things about savage worlds. Anyone who plays it - a Q: Are there levels or classes in the system?
A: No.

Yay! Can you expound a little about the system or it's mechanics, I'm really interested, but unfortunately, even just $10 is a little steep for me at the moment as I am a starving college student for the 2nd time in my life, so I can't just go grab the book like I want to unless I know it's gonna be worth it. Also, if anyone has the savage worlds cthulhu book, I would love to hear about it as well since thats what I'm considering using the system for.
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« Reply #27 on: <10-21-10/1623:50> »
(Sorry, Voyd.  Don't mean to interrupt.)

I'm a bit spoiled for gaming right now.  Currently playing:
[1] Shadowrun (durr)
[2] Pathfinder Epic 6 campaign startup
[3] Hybrid 3.0/3.5 D&D
[4] KULT, 1st Ed.  (The horror...)

We now return you to your regularly scheduled conversation.
"Was it in Tahiti?  Were we on the Nile?"


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« Reply #28 on: <10-21-10/2200:42> »
For anyone that loved D&D 3.5 and felt betrayed by WotC and their GSL, I strongly recommend picking up Pathfinder.  It really is D&D 3.5 the way the players want it to be.
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« Reply #29 on: <10-21-10/2327:58> »
For anyone that loved D&D 3.5 and felt betrayed by WotC and their GSL, I strongly recommend picking up Pathfinder.  It really is D&D 3.5 the way the players want it to be.

I agree, though 4ed was the first time I played DnD. Pathfinder took me some time to learn, but is so much more flexible and I love how Piazo handles PDFs.

Currently playing in a Pathfinder campaign and running Shadowrun online with RPG tools.