What other games do you play?

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hazmat the monstar

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« on: <10-14-10/1734:10> »
I can't seem to find any other RPG I wish to get into. Maybe Battletech. I played Werewolf the apocalypse once upon a time. I don't like D&D at all. But I know some D&D players. They also play StarWars. But I hate the D20 system.


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« Reply #1 on: <10-14-10/1754:14> »
the games I play are:

1. Shadowrun (of course)
2. Changeling the Lost (with very extra creepy and dark overtones)
3. Call of Cthulhu (Chaosium System)
4. Star Wars (WEG d6 System)

As for preference, SR is my favorite and is therefore in 1st place as it were, and the other 3 are all tied for 2nd place in my eyes. They each have their pro's and con's and are essentially equal in my eyes for various reasons. Take a peek at them, you might like one. =)
My tips for new GM's
Unless it is coming from an official source, RAI = "Rules As Imagined."

hazmat the monstar

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« Reply #2 on: <10-14-10/1801:11> »
Thank you voydangel. I'll check out changeling. That's white wolf, right?


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« Reply #3 on: <10-14-10/1856:34> »
Battletech is great, especially if you like strategy games like Warhammer. (And, it's a lot cheaper since you don't need to buy all the minis.)


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« Reply #4 on: <10-14-10/1856:43> »
Yes it is. White wolf - aka "d10 central". Although, if you don't already have a collection of d10s, I have found that using d6's in place of d10s for any/all White wolf products provides pretty much the exact same gaming experience since they use the same "hit system" as SR4A. If you do the math, they're almost identical. In white-wolfs system 8s, 9s & 10s are considered "hits" - thereby giving you a 30% chance to get a hit on a 1d10 die roll. And since SR4 uses d6(5,6=hit), which is a 33% chance for a hit, you can easily swap the dice out with only a 3% margin of change in success rates for the system.
My tips for new GM's
Unless it is coming from an official source, RAI = "Rules As Imagined."

hazmat the monstar

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« Reply #5 on: <10-14-10/2001:07> »
Awesome. I'll go check it out.

The Doomed One

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« Reply #6 on: <10-14-10/2156:48> »
Savage Worlds, the core rule book is only $10.00, it is easy to pick up, it plays fast, and it can run more or less anything.
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Usda Beph

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« Reply #7 on: <10-15-10/0732:26> »
Battletech is great, especially if you like strategy games like Warhammer. (And, it's a lot cheaper since you don't need to buy all the minis.)
I had a CBT mini collection with over 900 minis (that counts infantry stands as 1per), the majority collected during the year I was a Commando. I don't think I spend as much as i hear 'hammer armies cost though ;D
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« Reply #8 on: <10-15-10/0809:53> »
Other than Shadowrun and D&D 2nd Ed, I am a big fan of Unknown Armies. Some of the creators had also worked on Call of Cthulhu. It's a strange game, mixing magic into the ordinary modern world.

Chaotic Insane

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« Reply #9 on: <10-15-10/0815:54> »
D&D 2.0-3.5, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulu almost happened, Deadlands, Savage Worlds almost happened, Werewolf... I don't think we even made it past character creation? Haven't played Malifeaux yet but my DM and I are looking into it. THEMINISARESOPRETTY.
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« Reply #10 on: <10-15-10/0826:11> »
RPGs (a Lot)
D20 (D&D 3.x, Starwars D20,Eberron....Next we'll start a crossover "Classic goes Star Wars")
(And NO, It doesn't cause Cancer)
Deadlands (Classic)
(maybe ,in 1/2 a Year, Mechwarrior, The Battletech RPG ;) )
I'd Like to Try out Eclipse Phase and Battletech Galactica.
Savage Worlds is a nice,easy RPG
VtM (Werewolf,etc)....I wouldn't advise (No,Sir,not at all).
The Game promises conflict on many Levels ,but all I've seen so far (15 Years of Conventions and I played It myself for several Years I was even Moderator for Vampire Live for some Time) is either Railroading Intrigue or Powergaming of the worst. >:(

with a very disappointed Dance

Doc Chaos

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« Reply #11 on: <10-15-10/0837:45> »
Starwars D20

SR4A Limited Edition [german] - 0478/1100


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« Reply #12 on: <10-15-10/0917:11> »
I've loved the Mechwarrior Lifepaths for character creation, but the biggest problem with Mechwarrior has always been (and probably always will be) the integration of the game with Battletech. They really are two separate games.


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« Reply #13 on: <10-15-10/0928:53> »
I've loved the Mechwarrior Lifepaths for character creation, but the biggest problem with Mechwarrior has always been (and probably always will be) the integration of the game with Battletech. They really are two separate games.

Years Ago we had a long GURPS Battletech Kampaign (12-15 Sessions 1x/Month)
we expanded the 2d6 Battletech Tables to 3D6 so we could Integrate the RPG Rules with the Tabletop Rules.It worked out fine
Our Chars were Part of a Small MERC Company (10 Mechpilots(5 PCs & 5 NPCs), 3 Battallions ...Companies ? ....3x 28 Footsoldiers,1 APC, 1 Dropship

Starwars D20


No,not at All (I'm impervious to Fire ;) )
Star Wars D6 was OK, but Star Wars D20 gives You wahay more opportunities for Char creation.
In a few Weeks we'll start a D&D 3.x Campaign that starts quite normally, but sooner or later(1-3 level) we'll get Kidnapped by Aliens and my aquatic Hobbit (Rogue /Pirate) will become a Pilot ;D
we're using D20 Dragonstar Rules

He who Dances in the Pyre
« Last Edit: <10-15-10/0931:04> by Medicineman »

Doc Chaos

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« Reply #14 on: <10-15-10/0934:29> »
I hate class systems. I hate them so much I had to be tasered to not burn the Star Wars D20 book one of my players bought. I how I hate those systems...
SR4A Limited Edition [german] - 0478/1100

