Season 3 to Season 4 how did your players get out?

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Lightning Rod

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« on: <10-17-12/1649:49> »
Want to make this clear.  I am the GM for Missions home game.  At my table we have been running season 3 from start to finish, and we are closing in on the last mission in the season (Elevator Ride to Hell).  They are half way into spin control right now.  I was wondering how any of you handled the move to Seattle?  I was thinking that a road trip from coast to coast would be loads of fun... well not so much for me I guess. I have seen the maps and I have read some of the history, but it feels overwelming to try to plan a fun trip from NY to WA in the 6th world. Has anyone ran anything like this before?  I cound use a few tips maybe few things to avoid.  Thank you.


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« Reply #1 on: <10-18-12/1857:56> »
Zeppelin? I'm still working a group through season 2, so I haven't really given it serious thought.


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« Reply #2 on: <10-18-12/2203:50> »
Honestly unless they really insist on it I'd avoid the road trip option. For starters that is a lot of driving through some areas which are kind of sparsely populated and the roads are presumably very bad. The interstate system as we know and take for granted is if I remember correctly pretty much gone so that means a lot of crappy highway driving or cruising down pieces of the old interstate. It's less "fun and rambling adventure" more "big, potentially life threatening, hassle". On top of that you've got multiple border crossings that they'll likely want to avoid adding further complications to the route. Basically for anyone but smuggler type characters it may well be a big batch of "out of their element". Gently remind them of this.

The trick is to give them a more attractive answer, have a contact offer to get their gear shiped in by a smuggling outfit like technicolor wings and hook them up with fake sins that will stand up at least once to commercial airflight. Then if you want to make things interesting have something happen ont he flight over just for fun, assasination attempt on someone on the plane, overly paranoid courier, murder mystery at 30,000 feet, whatever.

Alternatively if they end season three in the good graces of a certain powerful megacorp exec they might be willing to arrange a no questions asked cargo flight from Manhattan to Seattle. Triple-A extraterritoriality is a wonderful thing.
"And if the options are "talk to him like a grown up" versus "LOLOLOL murder him in his face until he doesn't come back," I know which suggestion I'm making." - Critias

No team I'm on has ever had a problem with group think.

Lightning Rod

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« Reply #3 on: <10-22-12/1514:58> »
Thank you both so very much. I see all of your points on the "road trip".  Only thing is they have alot of stuff, from a roadmaster to 3 med and 1 large drone. Plus one of the members picked up a sweet ride from his mega corp friends.  I have some ideas now. Thank you.


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« Reply #4 on: <10-22-12/1532:16> »
Well to talk evasively i'm sure the company or companies in question have enough cargo planes available to ship their gear. For example a C-130 style airframe (hell they might still be using a C-130 variant, those planes are amazingly useful) could easily accomodate the roadmaster and another vehicle and then a bunch of miscelanious drones plus the runners and their personal freight to spare. That's not even getting into stuff like the C5 galaxy which if memory serves can haul 2 abrams tanks and their crews (although little else from a weight perspective) even the road master doesn't weigh anything close to that.
"And if the options are "talk to him like a grown up" versus "LOLOLOL murder him in his face until he doesn't come back," I know which suggestion I'm making." - Critias

No team I'm on has ever had a problem with group think.

