A discussion I was having with a player in my group got me to thinking about dice pool penalties and their effects on players abilities. Other than the fact it is a standard RPG trope to apply a die penalty or increase a target number when things start working against a character's ability to perform an action, has there ever been a thought to use percentage decreases instead? Maybe I'm too good at math and don't think this would be an awful way to impose penalties but I think it would make penalties less devastating to low pool rolls and more much more punitive to high pool rolls. As it stands now, if I went RAW, a person without a medkit and a pool of 4 dice trying to do first aid on a mage in bad conditions has no chance to do it at all without a long shot test, and that is IF they have edge to blow. While on the other end of the extreme a person with a dice pool of 15 trying to shoot a gun while running at medium range target with 9 boxes of damage (essentially holding their guts in) will still have 7 dice to make the shot. Those are pretty good odds of hitting their target with one or two hits ... consistently. I've never said that RPG rules should simulate RL, they should just be fun, but having dice pool penalties based upon percentage reductions in the pools would make lower pools more playable, and keep higher pools from creating scenarios where the superhuman feats become pedestrian and expected. That being said, I think the rules now are fun and easy to use, but as you add more complexity with new rules and gear, you start to get wonkier situations like above. Just a thought to spark discussion / debate or see if devs ever considered such an option.