I'm sorry, but first of all I think that trying to do what they did was a pipe dream given the shear level of resources that is needed to code and maintain a fun MMO. I really take my hats off to them for the effort, but getting too wedded to the MMO paradigm is a recipe for failure. I was just playing SWTOR and it does have something going for it with the whole voiced over NPC's and quest narrations and the visuals (especially the cityscapes) but in my opinion that's about it....maybe the whole companion system too.....but other than that it's just like WoW but with a twist. WoW inherently is designed to become monotonous. I really feel the Cliffhanger people are producing a far better product for so much less resources. First of all the browser based point and click strategy type game is far closer to what a PnP roleplaying game is like rather than a thirdperson shooter virtual world. Table top PnP games don't have realtime combat....there's time to consider your next move withing a series of constraints. 2nd of all, looking at the art on the cliffhanger's SR facebook page....MAN! I love it and they really really got it right. If you can make dwarves and elves look gritty....then you difinitely got me sold! Once you got the aesthetic feel right, then the rest is a piece of cake.