The first of the month always seemed to loom so large over Gregory's head. The beginning of the month always meant things needed to be put in order for the coming month. Groceries to buy, subscriptions to renew (or cancel), and bills to be paid. Most of them normal, everyday working-class bills, such as rent and electricity, but one bill in particular...
It's already that time. And I didn't make nearly enough on my last run, so an interest payment it is.
Gregory rolled out of bed, still half asleep as he rubbed his eyes and tried not to stumble into the bathroom as he yawned, the smell of stale cigarette smoke and spilled beer still on his skin from the night before. His apartment wasn't posh, but it was nice, and he enjoyed the lifestyle his...employer, he guessed would be the best word...afforded him. Set in a quiet building in Renton, just minutes from downtown in a 4 story converted factory, complete with the whole neo-retro-industrial look that made most wageslaves drool with anticipation at finally moving in.
The apartment wasn't overly large, but it had space. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and a private staircase that led up 2 flights to his own rooftop patio. The door to that staircase was near the kitchen, which was on the other side of the apartment from his bedroom, while the main door was in the living area, near the kitchen but off to one side. Yes, this apartment was his, and it was paid for the next month. But that one bill he had to pay just weighed on his mind.
He stepped into the shower and turned the water on, letting it hit his body to wash off the events of the previous night.
Yeah, she was cute, that's for sure. Too bad she was a skank to boot.
He quickly finished showering, shaving, and brushing his teeth, donning some pants and loafers, with a blue button-up shirt and tie, which all fit nicely over the form-fitting full body suit he never went anywhere without wearing. He made his way past his nightstand, where he picked up his commlink and glasses, heading into the living room. His fingers were so adept at hitting the correct sequence of keys that he finished his communication before he hit the living room.
<<To: Nose>>
<<From: Tacks>
<<RE: That last job paid for shit, but I still gotta pay what I gotta pay. Unfortunately, it's the minimum 5% because I've got other bills to pay. Unless you'd have me living on the street, that is.
I need work, boss. If you've got something for me, I'm all yours. I'm gonna grab some breakfast and wait for your call.>>
<<Payment: 75 Y>>
At the end of the message, he hit the sequence of keys to transfer the correct amount of creds, frowning a little and scolding himself for not being able to send more.
He's gonna own me forever at this rate. I'm never gonna pay this shit off.
He grabbed his jacket, even though it wasn't really cold outside. He just needed an extra pocket to stuff his disposable commlink in so he wouldn't have to use the Sensei unless it was absolutely necessary. He also needed the sewn-in holster for his Sakura Fubuki.
Never leave home without protection. Only SnS, but the last time I needed it and I didn't have it that Ork almost put me in the hospital...
He grabbed his keys, locked his apartment behind him, and headed out in his Hyundai for the nearest Starbucks, his taste buds aching for his morning soykaf.