Immortal (Highlander) Quality and Rules

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« on: <09-11-12/0045:50> »
So I ran into Bull's old write-up for Highlander in SR3, and decided to convert it to 4a.

Immortal (Quality) 25bp
This quality grants the character access to Adept powers, as well as granting Immortal Regeneration, Immunity to Aging, and Immortal Detection. It also grants the Sensitive System quality. They may also use Weapon Foci like an Adept, and use the Assensing Skill if they have the Astral Perception power.
Immortals begin at base Magic 1, and may only increase this by defeating other Immortals. Immortals may not Initiate, but may have Magic scores higher than 6, and therefore PP higher than 6. For metamagics (purchased as powers) based off of Initiate grade, use half the Immortal's Magic (rounded up)
Each point of Magic higher than 6 enables an Immortal to add 1 to his attribute cap in his absorbed foes' highest unaugmented attribute. In the event of a tie for highest, the player chooses.

Immortal Regeneration
As Regeneration, except for the following: Immortals regenerate even from death unless their head is severed. Immortals have infinite overflow boxes, and automatically stabilize on Regeneration checks. They cannot regrow lost limbs.

Immortal Detection
Immortals can always sense their own kind, at a distance of Magic x 10 meters.
Non-Immortals who Assense immortals can't quite determine the nature of the aura, and take a -8 penalty to Assensing tests to determine the target's nature. Each Assensing of a different Immortal, which has 4 or more hits, reduces this penalty permanently by half, from -8 to -4 to -2 to -1 to 0.

The Quickening lasts a number of rounds equal to the dead Immortal's Magic. The victorious Immortal suffers (defeated Immortal's Magic)S damage, resisted by Willpower, but also gains 1 point to his Magic rating. An area equal to the defeated Immortal's Magic x 10meters is filled with an electrical field dealing (defeated Immortal's Magic)Se. This is not cumulative with that taken by the victorious character.

Additional Immortal Adept Powers

Weapon Concealment (1pt)
The character can hide swords, clubs, and similar weapons under baggy or long clothing as if they had an additional -8 Concealability modifier.

Immortals may also learn the Masking, Adept Centering, Attunement (Melee Weapon), Psychometry, and Sensing Metamagics as 1 point powers.
« Last Edit: <10-17-12/1307:13> by ArkangelWinter »


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« Reply #1 on: <09-11-12/0458:10> »
A couple of things:

An Immortal with 3 ranks of Fast Recovery would auto-heal 3 boxes, plus whatever they roll on their Regeneration test, every Combat Turn?

Also, I would assume by 'can regenerate even from death' you mean they have infinite Overflow boxes and auto-stabilize with each Regeneration check? I might suggest stating that explicitly.

For Weapon Concealment, I might also suggest rephrasing it so that their concealed weapons (concealed melee weapons, if you want to be restrictive) get an additional -8 (Katana +6 to Light Pistol -2) concealment modifier.

Also, you have 7.5 possible Power Points and only 6 possible Magic. I might suggest fixing that by saying that each Quickening after they hit Magic 6 adds to their Essence as well as their Magic.

Perhaps also raise the Natural Maximum on their Attributes and/or Skills by 1 for every point of Essence over 6?
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« Reply #2 on: <09-11-12/1037:33> »
Removed Fast Recovery as OverPowered. Allowed PP over 6, and raising one Attribute caps. Clarified regeneration and Weapon Concealment. I'll list all the Adept Powers they can select from shortly.

 Thanks JustADude.


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« Reply #3 on: <09-11-12/1433:09> »
What does this mean?

may only increase this by absorbing karma from other Immortals.

No where else in your write up do you mention Karma drain and in the quickening section you say they just gain a point of magic.

Also what is this word?

In thr event of avtir for highest, the player chooses.

Now as for Attunement (Melee Weapon), can these guys use weapon foci? If so wouldn't they use that inseatd? Or does that power stack with foci in this single case?

Also you might want to word the Weapon Concealment power as a targeted/limited form of the Concealment critter power.

Otherwise, keep refining this, it looks good.
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« Reply #4 on: <09-11-12/1501:06> »
Changed the "absorbing karma" line. Other thing was a typo, it should have said "a tie".

I would allow weapon Foci, I'll add that line, but I figured Attunement would be valid as well

Jareth Valar

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« Reply #5 on: <09-11-12/1647:38> »
Nice job. Couple of things:

Metamagics as powers. Some of those powers abilities are based on initiate grade, how do you propose the bonuses are received? I would assume use their magic rating.

Quickening: definitely catches the feel, but maybe, instead of a flat 8S, perhaps (2+Dead immortals magic) S? In the show and movies both, it seems the weaker immortals quickenings are much easier to deal with, but the powerful ones have even knocked someone unconscious for a few (IIRC that is).


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« Reply #6 on: <09-11-12/1709:30> »
Metamagics as powers. Some of those powers abilities are based on initiate grade, how do you propose the bonuses are received? I would assume use their magic rating.

Huh missed that.

Personally, I'd say substitute Magic Rating for Initiate Grade and call it a day.
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« Reply #7 on: <09-11-12/2153:23> »
Updated with suggestions, used (Mag/2) for initiate grade.

The Wyrm Ouroboros

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« Reply #8 on: <10-04-12/1759:50> »

Suggestion: automatically make the Immortals adepts; let them choose their own Way.  Disallow any 'greater' forms of magic, including full Magician and Mystic Adepts.  Metamagical abilities either a) have requirements as already stated in the rules, or b) if they require the ability to see into the astral but the Immortal has not taken that ability, then such metamagics apply only in regards to other Immortals (i.e. the Immortal Detection power substitutes for astral perception).

Also, give those who are ignorant of what an Immortal's astral signature means a -8 dice pool to determining what exactly is 'unusual' about them besides any adept abilities they may possess.  ("There's something unusual about that adept."  "What is it?  *roll*"  "Can't put your finger on it.  Just something odd.")  Reduce this penalty by half after this once they discover the truth about any Immortal they've assensed.  ("He's dead."  "Awww, crap."  "No, wait."  "So THAT'S what's odd!!")  Reduce further by one per additional known Immortal they've assensed, until the penalty is gone.  ("You've assensed five people you know to be Immortals.  You can recognize that aspect of an aura normally now.")
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« Reply #9 on: <10-04-12/2110:24> »
To limit power at least a little, I could just create a Way of the Immortal; but I wanted to limit powers to only abilities onr could believe the film Immortals pulling off, partially for balance.

I do like your assensing rule, and I'll add it in.


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« Reply #10 on: <10-13-12/1244:04> »
What's the final write up look like? I actually wanted to create an NPC as an Immortal.

The Wyrm Ouroboros

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« Reply #11 on: <10-14-12/0048:41> »
Immortal Detection
Immortals can always sense their own kind, at a distance of Magic x 10 meters.
Non-Immortals who Assense immortals can't quite determine the nature of the aura, and take a -8 penalty to Assensing tests. Each Assensing of an Immortal, which has 4 or more hits, reduces this penalty permanently by half, from -8 to -4 to 0.

-8 to -4 to -2 to -1 to 0.  Also, you should note that it's in regards to that aspect of the Immortal's aura.  I also suggested the idea that the penalty went down once they knew a particular individual was an Immortal, but I can understand the GM not wanting to keep track of that.  (As well, it would be 'per different Immortal', so the player couldn't argue that he'd successfully Assensed one guy five times ...)
Pananagutan & End/Line

Old As McBean, Twice As Mean
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