Hello all,
I put together the attached guide to help out the hacker in the game I'll be running shortly and to help me wrap my head around the basic hacking rules as they are (probably) most likely to be used. I hope it's of some use to other GMs/players looking to tangle with hackers for the first time.
Please note that the information in the guide is BBB only (that's how we're starting our campaign, though we may introduce some stuff from
Unwired in time) and is not intended to be a comprehensive list of everything a hacker can do (see Smoo's excellent guide for that:
http://forums.shadowrun4.com/index.php?topic=5938.0). I hope it's still helpful and easy to follow despite all that.
I'd like to thank the people who provided feedback and helped me correct my errors and knock this faintly into some sort of useful shape on the
Rules and Such board - lurkeroutthere, RiggerBob, Kat9 and UmaroVI.
Cheers everyone...
Edit: Updated version with new layout and some typos fixed.