Icarus gets to a rendezvous point and drops everyone off to go their separate ways.
Over the course of the next few days, news reports file in about eruption of gang violence throughout the Minneapolis Metro, from the little twerps making a mess in St. Cloud to violence on the bridges between St. Paul and Eau Claire.
Horizons Prairie North: "Knight Errant has been hired to attempt to deal with the crisis, but is having limited luck, as tempers run high and new atrocities crop up throughout the area.
"In election news, Aaron Arneson has started pulling ahead in the polls for city council, focusing on his previous statements about the powder-keg that has been brewing. From a speech given yesterday:"
A clip of Mr. Arneson, a man in his mid fifties with graying hair, shows up on the screen, holding and old fasioned microphone. "Mr. {} has been saying gang related crimes are at a decade low. He's been telling you that it'd take an amazing amount of provocation to cause gang violence in the streets. What does he think now, I wonder? Things are blowing up, caused by events that look like all the rest. Who knows what'll set the ganger next door off? We need to increase budget for security around this city, or the only thing left standing will be the Aztechnology arc downtown.'"
The screen focuses back on the reporter "Other city councilors are flocking to his support, even known standbys of Barker. The incumbent was not available for comment." End report
Each of you gets a message from Mr. Johnson. "Bonuses will be distributed following our general assessment of the job. Thank you for your support. Contained are receipts of transfer to the account numbers given to us, containing 5000 nuyen, as agreed."