[IC] Virtual Underworld 93

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« Reply #3390 on: <01-19-16/1241:25> »
>>>>>[Dude, you never see all the angles.  You're lucky if you see the main angle.  And never use weapons linked to an official SIN on a job.  Never.  They will find you and since you're ex-star, you know what they will do to you. ]<<<<<
    -- Black Panther (18:42:02/01-19-78)
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #3391 on: <01-19-16/1305:29> »
>>>>>>[Even I know that. Well I guess I am taking the job. Time for more legwork.]<<<<<
    -- Vexboy (01:05:57/01-19-78)
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"As a Mage I have no issue with 'shoot the face first'. He deserves it and it's about time they stopped targeting me right from the go." -The Tekwych

The Wyrm Ouroboros

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« Reply #3392 on: <01-20-16/0607:13> »
>>>>>[ Wait, you trusted the guy who's been screwing with you just because he happened to have a problem with shooting a teammate in the back??  Are you high???  Do the job as quickly and as safely and as subtlely as you can, then dump the two of them.  This is not a pair you want to hitch your wagon to, all the more because they were screwing with you.
          Never trust anyone who deliberately screws with you, then tells you 'no hard feelings'.  People in this biz may say 'nothing personal', but if it wasn't personal, then neither is any kind of friendship or facsimile of trust they might be showing you.  Fraggin' everything is personal when your life is on the line - and in the shadows, your life is always on the line. ]<<<<<
          -- The Wyrm Ouroboros (06:00:00/01-20-2078)
Pananagutan & End/Line

Old As McBean, Twice As Mean
"Oh, gee - it's Go-Frag-Yourself-O'Clock."
New Wyrm!! Now with Twice the Bastard!!

Laés is ... I forget. -PiXeL01
Play the game. Don't try to win it.


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« Reply #3393 on: <01-20-16/0711:29> »
>>>>>[Ironic considering the job involves something very loud.]<<<<<
     -- Vexboy (07:11:27/01-20-78)
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"As a Mage I have no issue with 'shoot the face first'. He deserves it and it's about time they stopped targeting me right from the go." -The Tekwych


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« Reply #3394 on: <01-20-16/1332:55> »
>>>>>[Now we're seeing one of the reasons so few runners survive their first couple years in the biz. Clearly, this team (and I use the word as loosely as possible) is basically on the street punk level, no better. Finish the job, and then never speak to any of that team again. Maybe your next gig will have some actual professionals (or people who want to be professional) on it. Screwing over your team is never 'just biz'. Sure, you might not have the 'band of brothers' mentality you see in military or mercenary units, but you are still a team, and if you can't trust the guy beside you not to stab you in the back, you're not going to be effective. You want to cause shenanigans and settle scores with a team member, you do it AFTER the run. You'll still take a hit to your rep for backstabbing your team, but doing it in a manner befitting professionals will make it 'just biz', so your rep won't be hit as badly as someone who turns on the guy next to them during the run.

And yes, sometimes honor, your rep, or even a job will demand you turn on a member of your team. Yes, the easiest way to get that revenge would be to shoot them in the back of the head while they're in the middle of a firefight. But you do that, and you can kiss your rep goodbye. If you're lucky, you might even keep your life. If you must turn on a teammate, do it after the run, and make it so they are facing you, and armed. It is more difficult, but honor and professionalism, as well as choosing the less easy path, will help to preserve your rep.]<<<<<

--Iceblade (13:32:23/01-20-78)
Greataxe - Apply directly to source of problem, repeat as needed.

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« Reply #3395 on: <01-20-16/1413:04> »
>>>>>[Better is to let someone else do it.  Most (say all) of us have some parts of our lives we'd rather not see in the spotlights.  Things we have done, enemies we have made.  Have the enemies of your enemy do the job, and your rep stays clear. ]<<<<<

--Black Panther (20:12:43/01-20-78)
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #3396 on: <01-20-16/1827:25> »
>>>>>[I have no idea what happened or why but I have rent for three months with only minimal getting shot at by security forces and even they were only grasping at straws with those shots... plus we took countermeasures up to and including making sure our transportation is impossible to find again and hiding out in deep seattle sprawl. But its the job... theres no such thing as a milk run right? What the hell happened? Basically what happened was the equivilent in terms of illegality of skipping out the bill at a diner. Should I be concerned? Because if what all that effort, and it was a CONSIDERABLE AMOUNT of effort in comparison to the end goal and we had to have assistance arranged by our Johnson, tan amounted to what occurred im both confused and paranoid...]<<<<<
    -- Vexboy (06:26:58/01-20-78)
From To<<Matrix message>>
"As a Mage I have no issue with 'shoot the face first'. He deserves it and it's about time they stopped targeting me right from the go." -The Tekwych


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« Reply #3397 on: <01-20-16/2113:53> »
>>>>>[Vexboy, it is simple enough. You were a diversion: something big and shiny with pretty fireworks to distract people from whatever the real job was. Might hurt the pride to know that you're nothing but a diversion, but it isn't a bad gig. You were Star, so here's an example that should be easy for you to understand. Say a group of gangers is looking to get the old 5 Finger Discount at the liquor store. You have one group grabbing booze, and the other group causing a distraction so that the thieves aren't being watched too closely. Same idea here, but now you're not playing on the level of the local Stuffer Shack, but megacorporate politics.

Fortunately for you, the distraction teams rarely get that much attention from the Knights or corpsec, unless they do something stupid like causing mass casualties, or having explosions travel off corporate property. You know, the things that start putting you higher on people's 'to do' list, because catching 'terrorists' that blew up a big chunk of Downtown or had a running gun battle with grenades and heavy weapons through Renton is going to look really nice on the evening news, and cops love it when they can make themselves look good for all those taxpaying SINners.]<<<<<

--Iceblade (21:13:15/01-20-78)
Greataxe - Apply directly to source of problem, repeat as needed.

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« Reply #3398 on: <01-20-16/2136:27> »
>>>>>[Vexboy, it is simple enough. You were a diversion: something big and shiny with pretty fireworks to distract people from whatever the real job was. Might hurt the pride to know that you're nothing but a diversion, but it isn't a bad gig. You were Star, so here's an example that should be easy for you to understand. Say a group of gangers is looking to get the old 5 Finger Discount at the liquor store. You have one group grabbing booze, and the other group causing a distraction so that the thieves aren't being watched too closely. Same idea here, but now you're not playing on the level of the local Stuffer Shack, but megacorporate politics.

Fortunately for you, the distraction teams rarely get that much attention from the Knights or corpsec, unless they do something stupid like causing mass casualties, or having explosions travel off corporate property. You know, the things that start putting you higher on people's 'to do' list, because catching 'terrorists' that blew up a big chunk of Downtown or had a running gun battle with grenades and heavy weapons through Renton is going to look really nice on the evening news, and cops love it when they can make themselves look good for all those taxpaying SINners.]<<<<<

--Iceblade (21:13:15/01-20-78)

>>>>>[You literally described both the job and my previous employment as a detective. With minimal hints too. Your a vet Iceblade! I gotta buy you a drink sometime. My OCD about this is insane though. Im gonna go over the run one more time and when nothing comes up ill move on... also im not working with these guys again. Punks. I see why Scatter said he hasnt met many nondegenerates if this is his "team." Though he himself is pretty degenerate.]<<<<<
    -- Vexboy (09:34:29/01-20-78)

>>>>>[Im batshit insane. Not degenrate. There is a difference. Subtle but there is one.]<<<<<
    -- Scatter (09:38:01/01-20-78)
« Last Edit: <01-20-16/2228:02> by Raiderjoseph »
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"As a Mage I have no issue with 'shoot the face first'. He deserves it and it's about time they stopped targeting me right from the go." -The Tekwych


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« Reply #3399 on: <01-21-16/0510:08> »
>>>>>[I'll probably not be on much the coming days.  I got into a fight with a toxic shaman and a hospital visit is in order.  At least he won't need it anymore, except maybe the morgue.  It was however much closer than I would have liked it (damn those background counts). ]<<<<<

--Kitten (11:11:11/01-21-78)
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #3400 on: <01-21-16/0720:35> »
>>>>>[Yeesh. I ran into one of those on the job about a year ago. Bastard had a very strong habit of killing people and decapitating them and taking out their eyeballs... toxic shamans are pure evil anyway though. Good on you for putting him in the dirt Kitten.]<<<<<
    -- Vexboy (07:20:47/01-21-78)
From To<<Matrix message>>
"As a Mage I have no issue with 'shoot the face first'. He deserves it and it's about time they stopped targeting me right from the go." -The Tekwych


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« Reply #3401 on: <01-21-16/1126:08> »
>>>>>[Heh. Well, while I am a vet (in more than one sense), this is more a case of it being one of the more basic gigs newcomers get all the time. Sometimes they'll even hire the distraction gig out to gangs like the Halloweeners, or stir up some protesters against some cause or another to have a nice big distraction at the front gate. Regardless, the core of the job is always the same: keep eyes focused on something other than the main players.

If you're wondering, here's the basic types of jobs you can expect. Sure, there are others, and some have a mix of two or more, but these are the main types:

Courier - Pick up a package, and get it from A to B. Package might be a datafile, it might be a verbal message, might be a kilo of novacoke, or it might be a cargo container full of Ares Arms' latest and greatest. A and B could be a couple blocks apart, or in entirely different countries. But it is still a courier job, and is one of the most common gigs out there, since everyone has things they'd like to move around discretely.

Escort - Escort gigs come in many forms, but they all boil down to you (and your team, if you got one) protecting something or someone from people who want to interfere with what your target is supposed to be doing. This can be a bodyguard gig, or running an escort on a convoy between corp facilities, or any number of other things. Maybe you're the hired help to make sure the Courier gets his package from A to B. Or set to watch the courier so he isn't tempted to take it to C instead.

Persuasion - Sometimes people need other people to do things they might not want to do. Now, most cases Mr. J doesn't care how you persuade the mark to play ball, just so long as they do. This means that when 'persuading' the mark, possible methods range from seduction, to bribery, to intimidation, to hostage taking, to torture and everything in between. Now, most teams won't be comfortable with all those methods. Even the people who will jump straight to torture might balk at the idea of actually having sex with a mark to get them to change their mind.

Distraction - Big and shiny objects waved in front of a child's face to keep them from crying. Well, it gets more complicated than that, but the point remains the same. Your target is doing something you would rather they not do, so here's a bunch of Halloweeners on one of their joyrides that 'just happens' to run straight through the parking lot of the target's building. Or whatever. Regardless, you want them to be looking at the pretty birdie, and not the team slipping in that open window.

Tailchaser - Hands down the most annoying jobs ever. This would be the majority of your 'milk runs'. And most of them are simple timewasters. Why would people pay bank for jobs that they could easily just have a legit messenger service do? There's plenty of reasons, actually, but they generally boil down to either testing new talent's skills, confirming the loyalty of trusted agents, or camouflaging big jobs in a flurry of little, inconsequential jobs. Kind of like getting a bunch of dominoes and painstakingly setting them up so that when you hit that first one, everything falls naturally into place.

Extraction - This is one of the big ones people think about when they talk about shadowruns. Your job: get into corp A, grab the target scientist/exec/whatever, and deliver them to corp B. Oh sure, there's a bunch of different variations, but in the end it is essentially a courier gig involving people. And the very real chance that the package will be incredibly uncooperative about being relocated, while people are actively trying to kill you (and sometimes the package as well).

Datasteal - Like an Extraction, but instead of dealing with people, you're dealing with information or objects. Maybe it is the latest IC cooked up by MCT, or a prototype of Ares's newest gun, or even a priceless relic from a museum. Regardless, someone wants it, and is willing to pay you to go in and get it. Oh, and if alarms get tripped, guards will be even less hesitant to open fire, because there won't be potentially valuable corporate citizens in the way.

Sabotage - Go in, and ruin someone's day, maybe their whole week. If you can ruin their month or year, even better. These gigs can be anything from planting a virus to shred research files (putting the target corp behind their rivals), to arson, to blowing up a dam or bridge, to poisoning food supplies. Sometimes you make it look like an accident. Sometimes you are very blatant about what happened, because you're supposed to send a message. Regardless, Bad Thingstm are going to happen at the job site. These are not gigs to play nice on. You're looking to put the hurt on the other side, and the only question is whether you're going to be causing financial pain, or going to be causing casualties.

Wetwork - Sometimes people die on runs, because corpsec isn't willing to let you just walk out without exchanging a few words (and a lot of lead) first. That isn't what these gigs are about. You are hunting metahumans for money. Sometimes they'll be rat bastards who deserve it. Sometimes they'll be people who are simply too principled to see that MCT really should be allowed to strip mine a national park. And sometimes they'll be a nice lady who's only 'crime' is standing at the podium at a Mothers of Metahumans rally. Regardless, you are setting out to end someone's life. Whether it is an 'accident' or a bullet from a sniper rifle depends on you, and the requirements of the job.

Intelligence - Most gigs will include some of this as part of legwork, but some jobs are all about gathering intelligence, sometimes over extended periods. Maybe it is trying to find out who is flooding the streets with a new tempo knockoff. Maybe you're trying to get inside SK Prime to read Lofwyr's secret plans. Or maybe you're just trying to find blackmail material on that sleazeball in accounting, or provide evidence (even if you have to create it) that a husband is cheating on his wife so the divorce goes her way. Those of you with experience as cops, private investigators, or spies know all about this gig.

Like I said, there's more types of jobs, some of which are specialized to only certain types (no use talking to a decker about a jaunt to the metaplanes, for instance), but those are the main categories, and most jobs you'll find will fall loosely under one or more of those categories.]<<<<<

--Iceblade (11:25:23/01-21-78)
Greataxe - Apply directly to source of problem, repeat as needed.

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« Reply #3402 on: <01-21-16/1147:16> »
>>>>>[Nice overview Iceblade.  Those are indeed the basics.  Sometimes the run will involve more than one of those (like an extraction and a datasteal of sabotage) or one will turn in the other (intelligence into extraction or wetwork). ]<<<<<

--Black Panther (17:47:31/01-21-78)
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #3403 on: <01-21-16/1756:55> »
>>>>>[Intellegence is something I am very familar with yes. Stake outs account for 70% of what we did back then. Nothing worse then bringing in the wrong guy. I once had to stalk a guy on a foot for 2 hours to make sure he was the real killer... worst job ever. I'd rather do Tailchasing. Maybe you might not but if you do the same thing over and over again its boring. But if your too focused to be bored instead it becomes torture.]<<<<<
     --Vexboy (05:56:37/01-21-78)
From To<<Matrix message>>
"As a Mage I have no issue with 'shoot the face first'. He deserves it and it's about time they stopped targeting me right from the go." -The Tekwych

The Wyrm Ouroboros

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« Reply #3404 on: <01-21-16/2030:31> »
>>>>>[ As one of the original tailchasers, I must point out that you have your example of the thing wrong. ]<<<<<
          -- The Wyrm Ouroboros (20:30:00/01-21-2078)
Pananagutan & End/Line

Old As McBean, Twice As Mean
"Oh, gee - it's Go-Frag-Yourself-O'Clock."
New Wyrm!! Now with Twice the Bastard!!

Laés is ... I forget. -PiXeL01
Play the game. Don't try to win it.