//…Load Shadowland 4.7 Software? (Y/N)
//…Shadowland 4.7 Loading….
//…Newer Version Found. Download Shadowland 7.2? (Y/N)
//…Update Aborted
//…Loading Custom Scripts
//…Reticulating Splines
//…Shadowland 4.7 Is Now Loaded. Thank You.
>>>>>[Welcome to the new Shadowland 4.7! I’m not going to bother giving you all the boring details behind what’s new with this version of the software. Suffice it to say, it’s got some better security and has some better data compression rates. Deon’t try fragging with the backend though, chummers, or I’ll kick your hoops back to the stone age.]<<<<<
-- Captain Chaos (12:33:51/03-12-57)
>>>>>[Oh frag. I wasn’t expecting to see that when I booted this up. Damn. Ghosts from the past. I never really knew Cap, except by reputation and in passing. We didn’t hang out or anything. But still, he was a chummer. One of the old guard. I’d take him by my side over any 10 of these kids today that call themselves “hackers”. Too many of them are gone now. This biz chews you up and spits you out like day old soy-burgers.
Well, that was a bit more melancholy than I expected for the grand opening of Virtual Underworld 93. There’s a lesson there for you, though. No matter how smart you are, no matter how good you are, no matter how long you’ve been doing this…you can still be surprised.
Here’s to Cap, and all those who came before. May we honor their memory, while we try to avoid becoming memories.]<<<<<
-- MacCallister (20:46:22/09/04/72)