>>>>>[ Then they should not send their teams into a situation with which they are unfamiliar - or permit their teams to initiate an engagement against a superior opponent. If, after receiving the assembled dossier, the Consensus is in agreement with the actions of their employee, then my life and the existence and liberty of my Bonded are all in critical jeopardy. While I will not initiate engagement on this matter, should they do so, I will take it as a declaration of intent, and expand my engagement portfolio accordingly.
And then Horizon will have a significant change in leadership, because the members of the Consensus are neither as anonymous nor as invulnerable as they believe themselves to be.
I trust, however, that their examination of the dossier will permit them to acknowledge that her actions were unwarranted, and disavow them as being unbecoming of Horizon support. This has been the reaction at every other significant megacorporation with which my targets have been associated. It helps that I was not the initiator of the crime, and that their eliminations are ... justice.
One moment.
** Feed Break: 36s. **
There; finished for Seattle. I always knew he'd try to run, I just hadn't been certain as to when.
Mirikon, your reputation is something I'm counting on to assist us with reinforcements; you can have the rescue mission part. Your wife and I should be able to handle the entity in question, who is to blame for imprisoning, and attempting eradication of, the 'close acquaintance' I brought to your wedding - the 'young person with a very old soul', as the Wyrm put it. You get to rescue her; your wife and I will make the point to any who care to learn about it that such actions among others of their own kind are Not Tolerated. So at the end of it, you might improve in status. For myself, I'm willing to take any potential damage to my reputation in order to effect her rescue and the destruction of the one who has captured, imprisoned, and tortured her. ]<<<<<
-- Shugyōsha (23:58:52/04-30-2079)