I was bored, and came up with these spells, for characters who want a little something special to throw around. Afterall, if raw damage was all a spellslinger was about, we'd never use anything except Stunbolt!
Combat Spells
Type: P. Range: LOS. Duration: I. Damage: P. Drain (F/2+5) (Physical +1, LOS +0, Physical Damage +0, Elemental Effect (Fire) +2, Elemental Effect (Cold) +2)
Frostfire Storm
Type: P. Range: LOS. Duration: I. Damage: P. Drain (F/2+7) (Physical +1, LOS +0, Area +2, Physical Damage +0, Elemental Effect (Fire) +2, Elemental Effect (Cold) +2)
This spell combines two elements to create a vivid blue flame that is burns icy cold. Treat damage done by this spell as both Cold (may damage electronics, freeze lubricated parts, etc.) and Fire (may catch on fire). Damage is resisted by half Impact armor. Insulation and Fire Resistance add their full rating to this roll. Frostfire is a single target attack, while Frostfire Storm is an area effect.
Arctic Blast
Type: P. Range: LOS. Duration: I. Damage: P. Drain (F/2+5) (Physical +1, LOS +0, Physical Damage +0, Elemental Effect (Ice) +2, Elemental Effect (Cold) +2)
Arctic Blizzard
Type: P. Range: LOS. Duration: I. Damage: P. Drain (F/2+7) (Physical +1, LOS +0, Area +2, Physical Damage +0, Elemental Effect (Ice) +2, Elemental Effect (Cold) +2)
This spell produce an icy cold that is far stronger than normal spells of its type. Treat damage as Cold (may damage electronics) and Ice (encrusts surfaces with ice). Damage is resisted by half Impact armor. Insulation adds its full rating to this roll. Arctic Blast is a single-target spell, while Arctic Blizzard is an area effect.
Type: P. Range: LOS. Duration: I. Damage: P. Drain (F/2+5) (Physical +1, LOS +0, Physical Damage +0, Elemental Effect (Electric) +2, Elemental Effect (Cold) +2)
Superconductivity Sphere
Type: P. Range: LOS. Duration: I. Damage: P. Drain (F/2+7) (Physical +1, LOS +0, Area +2, Physical Damage +0, Elemental Effect (Electric) +2, Elemental Effect (Cold) +2)
This spell creates a momentary area of extreme cold, allowing the air to superconduct electricity. Treat damage as Cold (may damage electronics) and Electric (does stun damage, may incapacitate foes). Damage is resisted by half Impact armor. Insulation and Nonconductivity add their full rating to this roll. Superconductivity is a single-target spell, while Superconductivity Sphere is an area effect.
Type: P. Range: LOS. Duration: I. Damage: P. Drain (F/2+5) (Physical +1, LOS +0, Physical Damage +0, Elemental Effect (Light) +2, Elemental Effect (Sound) +2)
Major Flashbang
Type: P. Range: LOS. Duration: I. Damage: P. Drain (F/2+7) (Physical +1, LOS +0, Area +2, Physical Damage +0, Elemental Effect (Light) +2, Elemental Effect (Sound) +2)
This spell combines Light and Sound to make an effect not unlike a Flashbang grenade. Damage is treated as Light (Glare penalty, may catch material on fire) and Sound (Stun damage, Armor has no effect). Armor is not effective against this spell. Sonic dampers and spells like Silence and Hush add their full effect to the damage resistance test. Flashbang is a single target spell, while Major Flashbang is an area effect.
Mud Shot
Type: P. Range: LOS. Duration: I. Damage: P. Drain (F/2+5) (Physical +1, LOS +0, Physical Damage +0, Elemental Effect (Water) +2, Elemental Effect (Sand) +2)
Mud Slide
Type: P. Range: LOS. Duration: I. Damage: P. Drain (F/2+7) (Physical +1, LOS +0, Area +2, Physical Damage +0, Elemental Effect (Water) +2, Elemental Effect (Sand) +2)
This spell combines Water and Sand elements to create Mud. Damage is treated as Sand (may jam or damage machinery) and Water (more likely to be knocked down, puts out fires). Damage is resisted by half Impact armor. Mud Shot is a single target spell, while Mud Slide is an area effect.
Electric Mayhem
Type: P. Range: LOS. Duration: I. Damage: P. Drain (F/2+5) (Physical +1, LOS +0, Physical Damage +0, Elemental Effect (Metal) +2, Elemental Effect (Electric) +2)
Electric Mayhem Field
Type: P. Range: LOS. Duration: I. Damage: P. Drain (F/2+7) (Physical +1, LOS +0, Area +2, Physical Damage +0, Elemental Effect (Metal) +2, Elemental Effect (Electric) +2)
This spell draws iron particles in the air together and arcs electricity between them. Damage is treated as Electric (stun damage, may incapacitate) and Metal (+2 DV, may shred fabric). This spell is resisted by half Impact armor +2. Nonconductivity adds its full rating to this roll. Electric Mayhem is a single target attack. Electric Mayhem Field is an area effect.