Well, here's the thing: your recent 'VU93 Street Legends Shadowtalk' posts suggest that everyone should recognize 'Uath', and nobody does, because he's only from your games. Your comment on the Wyrm's shadowtalk would get a response of 'who the frell is 'Uath'' - because even though he's a legend in your game, it's your game - and not everything here. From the Wyrm's viewpoint, he's still a bloody isolated runner - because he's only been around since, what, '65? '70? And more-or-less only in Seattle, barring a trip or three outside the city?? My point with this is that neither this-Siouxsie (as there's another one in old Shadowtalk) nor Uath MacImmoman/Po' Boy has traction here - no recognition factor.
The Wyrm has it, just because I've been posting here for a while, and because I've been posting/playing as this character on other places, and people who post here know me from there. Plus, by both his admission and others' ICly, he has worked and worked very hard indeed to keep himself on the down-low. When you purposely burn Street Cred to lower your Notoriety, when you purposely burn Street Cred to lower your Public Awareness, when you run under other names in order to keep your primary profile low, only the people who ran with you are going to remember you, because even though 'the Wyrm' has the Karma, its cred and impact gets applied to the name.
I'm not saying 'go away'; please god, don't do that. But you-as-Siouxsie needs to understand that you might get plenty of 'who? Never heard of him' when you're talking about your street god. You might also want to come up with reasons for the karma Uath earned from published adventures; ICly, it's never anyone here who did them, always 'someone else'.