Shadowrun Play > Virtual Underworld 93
[OOC] Virtual Underworld 93 Planning Thread
UV93 IC Play Thread
UV93 OOC Bio Thread
Just for shits and giggles, I'm setting up a In Character (IC) thread called, coincidentally enough, Virtual Underworld 93.
VU93 is not a game thread, per se. THere's not a GM running anything or controlling anything. Instead, it's simply cooperative, in character roleplaying set in a Matrix node running some rather antiquated code. It was set up in Seattle in 2072 by a former Decker turned Fixer named MacCallister. MacCallister is a crotchety old ork who still frequently swears using the old lingo (drek, frag, hoop, slot), and since he misses the old days, and figures that there are other older timers like him, as well as kids who might enjoy being "retro", he's gone ahead and set up a node using the original Shadowland coding.
So whats this mean? Basically, it's like Shadowland or even Jackpoint today, except there's not necessarily a focused topic. It's an IC Chatroom. You can roleplay with each other, or with yourself (Be careful, you'll go blind), or just tell IC stories or whatever. There are a couple rules, however...
1) Use the proper format.
>>>>>[This is the proper format.]<<<<<
-- MacCallister (19:44:23/09-04-2072)
That's 5 >'s, Brackets "[ ]", and closed by 5 <<<<<'s for the body of the text.
5 Spaces, two dashes "--", a space, and then the character's handle, a space, and then a time stamp enclosed by parentheses "( )" using the HH:MM:SS/Month-Day-Year format. Just like the original sourcebooks. Use the current time and date (Don't worry about time zones, and time shifts, just post your current time on your computer), and todays date, with the year as 2072 (And in January, we'll bump to 2073).
I do plan to be a bit of a Style Nazi here... So try and follow the correct format. Here's an example that you can cut and paste if you need:
--- Code: --->>>>>[XXXXX]<<<<<
--- End code ---
2) Only use your own characters.
Unless you have permission (Granted here in the OOC thread), do not "speak" or post for any characters but your own.
3) We only know what you tell us.
Use the OOC VU93 Character Bio thread to post any background information you would like about your character. This information represents "public info", so you probably won't want in depth backstories and family trees. This is the stuff that your fellow runners would know about you. If there's a deep dark secret, have it come out through roleplay (or just leave it a secret for folks to guess about). But, if you want to be recognized as a badass street samurai, you need to tell us why. Otherwise, you're a nobody (or a lying braggart) as far as the other runners posting are concerned.
4) No Mary-Sue's
Mary Sue has a lot of definition these days, so I'll spell out what I mean... You are not the best in the world at anything. You can be highly trained, you can have a good rep, but no characters are instantly recognized as "Holy shit! That guy stared down Lofwyr while having his way with both Nadia Davier and Ryan Mercury, and Dunklezahn made him President of the World when he died! And I hear he's a Cyberzombie-Free Spirit-Vampiric Half Dragon who shoots lightning bolts out of his ass!"
Be realistic, be down to earth, be humble. Well, a little humble. There is always someone better than you. :)
5) No published characters.
Unless those are actually your characters. So no Fastjack, no Kane, no NetCat, no Laughing Man... (I can cheat a little and use Bull, since Bull is actually my character :)).
6) Play nicely with others.
Similar to #2, this basically means you have to roleplay off each other. If RiggerBoi is posting about how he's been hitting on QueenSusie and they're going out next week, no replying with "Oh yeah? I just killed Susie!" Unless you work it out here in the planning thread first, of course.
7) Have fun!
Try and play in the spirit this is intended, and just have fun. It's a light way to roleplay without the hassle or expectation of an actual full on game. You can put as much or as little into it as you want, and you'll get out of it as much as you put in, if not more.
8) The Threads
Last one. There are effectively three threads to watch. This one is the Planning Thread. Any discussion or planning or setup you need to do for the game that is out of character, do it here.
There is a "Character Bio" thread. That is ONLY for posting character Bios. If you’re planning to use the characters on a regular basis, I suggest linking to the Bio(s) in your Signature. I will have the mods remove any discussion or non Bio posts that go in that thread, to keep it cleaned up.
And finally, the IC thread. This is ONLY for In Character posts. Please follow the formatting (see #1 above) and do not post any OOC stuff there. Again, I’ll have mods delete any OOC chat that goes on in that thread.
I’m the De Facto GM for this game, though as I said, I’m not really going to run anything, just hang out and participate where I can.
--- Quote from: Bull on ---4) No Mary-Sue's
Mary Sue has a lot of definition these days, so I'll spell out what I mean... You are not the best in the world at anything. You can be highly trained, you can have a good rep, but no characters are instantly recognized as "Holy shit! That guy stared down Lofwyr while having his way with both Nadia Davier and Ryan Mercury, and Dunklezahn made him President of the World when he died! And I hear he's a Cyberzombie-Free Spirit-Vampiric Half Dragon who shoots lightning bolts out of his ass!"
Be realistic, be down to earth, be humble. Well, a little humble. There is always someone better than you. :)
5) No published characters.
Unless those are actually your characters. So no Fastjack, no Kane, no NetCat, no Laughing Man... (I can cheat a little and use Bull, since Bull is actually my character :)).
--- End quote ---
Sure I can't post in there? Pretty please? I'll give you the updated Jackhammer code...
Sorry man. You can post there, but you need a character other than Fastjack.
Basically, it comes down to two things...
1) I'm playing around with this as part of Missions, or I'd like to. MacCallister is one of the NPC COntacts that shows up in Season 4 (and showed up in one of the CMP adventures run at Gen Con, Origins, and Dragon*Con this year), and Tauren is going to be my own Missions Character. There's no way something like this can really be "official", but by the same token, I'd like to use it to play around with and play up some of the things that may pop up in Missions.
2) Nothing personal, but major NPCs tend to have their own "voice", and we don't want people just grabbing them and going crazy with them, writing them all out of character.
3) I want to keep this on a more "normal" play level... Fastjack opens us up to Harlequin, dragons, and all kinds of crazy stuff. :)
No prob. I figured as much. The fun thing about 'Jack is that he pops in infrequently, doesn't actually give out too much info, then let's the kiddies wonder what the hell's going on. ;D
Oh, and to help the newbies, copy and paste this code, replacing the X's (and time/date holders) to post on the thread:
--- Code: --->>>>>[XXXXX]<<<<<
--- End code ---
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