Dwarf Face Adept / Combat Mage / Go-Ganger

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« on: <07-01-12/0356:03> »
Built on 400BP with a few game-specific rules:
1) 400 BP
2) Two Attributes at 5 max; all other Attributes at 4 max (modified by metatype; normal costs, i.e. 10 BP for every point)
3) Magic/Resonance 4 max
4) One Skill at 5 max or two at 4 max; all other Skills and Skill Groups at 3 max (same limits also apply to Knowledge Skills)
5) Availability 8 max (up to 12 with the Restricted Gear Quality; only exception: Fake SINs and Licenses can be up to AV 12 as normal)
6) Free points to buy Contacts equal to Charisma x3

.... what I came up with is a recently ex-go-ganger Dwarf, a Mystic Adept whose adept abilities are focussed on social skills, but whose spellcasting falls into the "flashy combat mage" category.  I've attached a ZIP of the HeroLab portfolio, for those who use that program.

In all his dubious glory:

Maus / Martin Reddinger (Dwarf Mystic Adept)
B 4, A 2, R 2, S 4, C 5, I 3, L 3, W 6, E 2, Ess 6, M 4 (Adept 2, Magician 2) Init 5, IP 1

Condition Monitor boxes (Physical/Stun): 10/11
Novatech Airwave Commlink Condition Monitor: 10
Armor (Ballistic/Impact): 10/12

Skills: Arcana 2, Counterspelling 4, Influence Group 3, Intimidation 3, Perception 2, Pilot Ground Craft 1 (Bike +2), Spellcasting 5
Knowledge Skills: Combat Biker 3, English N, Japanese 4, Korean 4, Literature 1 (pre-Awakening CyberPunk +2), Or'Zet 4, Russian 3, Salish 4, Seattle Bars & Nightclubs 3, Seattle Gangs 2 (Identifiers +2), Sperethiel 3

Metatype Abilities: Enhanced Senses: Thermographic Vision, Resistance: Pathogens and Toxins +2
Qualities: Addiction (Mild): Betel, Aspected Magician: Sorcerer, Linguist, Media Junkie (Mild), Mystic Adept, SINner (Criminal SIN), The Magician's Way (Other Way's Powers): The Speaker's Way

Spells: Combat Sense (limited), Glue Strip (limited), Heal, Influence, Lightning Bolt (limited), Shape [Stone] (limited), Stunbolt, Swarm (limited)
Adept Powers: Commanding Voice (10dicepool vs. Willpower + Leadership), Improved Sense: Vision Enhancement, Kinesics (2), Multi-Tasking

. . Backpack
. . . . Rations x6
. . . . Sleeping  Bag
. . . . Survival Kit
. . . . Tent
. . . . Water Purification Tablets (bottle)

. . (armor) Chain Shirt with Nonconductivity (6)
. . (armor) Form-Fitting Half-Body Suit with Chemical Protection (6)

. . AR Gloves with Skinlink
. . Betel (CorpCandy, Jaw) x130
. . Camouflage Netting
. . Earbuds (1) with Skinlink, Spatial Recognizer
. . Fetish: Combat Sense
. . Fetish: Glue Strip
. . Fetish: Lightning Bolt
. . Fetish: Shape [Material]
. . Fetish: Swarm
. . Flashlight, Thermographic
. . Freeze Foam (6) x4
. . Glasses (2) with Flare Compensation, Image Link, Skinlink
. . Horizon Doble Revolution
. . Magical Lodge (4)
. . Novatech Airwave Commlink with Analyze (3), Browse (3), Command (2), Edit (2), Encrypt (3), Iris Orb Operating System, Skinlink
. . Power Focus (1)

. . (identity) Martin Reddinger with  – Advanced Lifestyle – (2 2 2 0 2; Rough Neighborhood)
. . (identity) Maus with Fake Sin 4 - "Edgar Pollard"
. . (identity) Dr. Alcomb with Fake SIN 1, Storage Center bolt-hole

. . Attack of Will (vs. Spirits) [DV 5P vs. I]
. . Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, DV 2S vs. I]


Horizon Doble Revolution (Horizon Doble Revolution)
B 6, Sen 2, Han +3, Fir 3, Pil 2, Rsp 3, Sig 3, Init 5, IP 3
Physical Condition Monitor: 11
Armor (Vehicle): 12 [6]
. . Anti-theft System
. . Morphing License Plate
. . Motorcycle Gyro Stabilization
. . Pimped Ride, Level 2
. . Smart Tire
. . Spoof Chips

===== Basic Details =====
Description: Slick, glossy medium charcoal grey with neon green chassis lighting, and a motif of neon-green flames.  Seat leathers are a darker grey, with neon green stitching.  The tire is a bright neon green, and glows.

Hero Lab® and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Shadowrun © 2005-2012 The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Shadowrun is a registered trademark of The Topps Company, Inc.

I see some details don't come out in the statblock.  Well, he's got a Charisma tradition - Black Magic seemed appropriate.

The absence of Conjuration is intentional; his magic is Aspected towards spellcasting, and he's also mostly self-taught.

Captain Karzak

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« Reply #1 on: <07-01-12/1856:20> »
Based on the character creation rules at the beginning of your post I don't think you can have Spellcasting 5 and Counterspelling 4.

One skill at 5 all others no higher than three, right?

As for the rest of the character.... what kind of feedback are you looking for? I mean there's a of numbers we could make higher, but I get the impression a lot of the "gimping" is intentional. I assume you are purposely building a low-powered character for a low-powered campaign. So what, specifically, would you like us to do for you?


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« Reply #2 on: <07-01-12/2159:06> »
Oh, you misunderstand /... i wasn't looking for optimisation advice; I was just showing him off - though I wouldn't object to general thoughts and ideas about how the design could be tweaked one way or another.  :)

Also, when that PbP didn't work out for me (technical difficulties) I did rework him a bit (raised Magic to 5, that sort of thing), so I may have missed a few details when trimming him back to the game's standards - so there might be an error or two hidden in there.  That Counterspelling should probably be a 3, for example.  :)