Have to agree with Netzgeist, this is a fairly nice quality when properly run by the GM. It can quite easily lend itself to the campaign (might take some working in), and the negative is actually pretty bad if you fail that test in intense situations (e.g. you're in the facility and you find a database that contains a whole heck of a lot of data, and you just have to check it first before you leave).
Besides, its not like it can't just be abused as badly as an obscure allergy, or worse yet, the prejudiced quality with only the biased degree (e.g. free BP if poorly RP'd; "I'm only biased against humans/orks/elves" whee 30 BP, and I only have to grumble when I work with them).
Lost loved one can be pulled out of the box whenever the GM feels like it, and instantly can change the tone of an encounter from a dispassionate "Its only business" tone to a remarkably personal tone for that given character.