"And just when I hit Ace Runner...they pull me back down."
[1]"Who's 'they'?"
"You know. Them. The one's pulling me down, taking titles away from me."
"You think titles are important?"
"It's the intertubes, titles are everything...and nothing. Yeah, but you know what? This title, this one right here. This was my dream, my wish. And it didn't come true. So I'm taking it back. I'm taking them all back."
[2]"You think you have that power, that much control?"
"Control, control, control. When are you gonna realize nothing can be controlled? We live in chaos."
[3]"If we live in chaos, then why do you find the order of having titles so important?"
"Because without that order you got four guys all fighting over who's gonna be Mr. Black, but they don't know each other, so nobody wants to back down."
[4]"Is that how you perceive it? That you are being attacked by men named Mr. Black over titles? Might that not be paranoia?"
"Paranoia is just reality on a finer scale. The question is not whether I am paranoid, but whether I am paranoid enough."
[5]"I'm sure you believe that."
"You would too, if they took your title."
[1] The Godfather: Part 3
[2] Goonies
[3] Grand Canyon
[4] Reservoir Dogs
[5] Strange Days
(just to make sure credit is given where credit is due for the paraphrasing,
