someone already invented this on dumpshock:
Nature's Call (Realistic, Single-Sense)
Type: M | Range: LOS | Duration: S | DV: (F/2)-2
Halftime (Realistic, Single-Sense, Area)
Type: M | Range: LOS (A) | Duration: S | DV: (F/2)
This spell induces the strong feeling of the need to use the bathroom. While it's great for pranks at school or camp, this spell is also a great way to distract your enemies. Each net hit scored by the caster applies a -1 dice pool modifier to all of the target's actions as they contemplate a potty dance. At the gamemaster's discretion, a character who suffers a dice pool modifier higher than his Willpower is convinced of their need and may leave their post (if any).
Nature's Call affects a single target, Halftime is area effect.