Pink Mohawk: Full out Punk, the good guys never win, the bad guys are worse than the sociopaths, and over-the-top action is how you do things. Bring lots of drugs and even more ammo!
Mirrorshades: Far more professional and strict. Lots of planning, detail, contacts used, preparation, and use of the mind. Corruption is strife, however, and unless you've gone on a double-digit murder spree of security and police officers, freedom is only a bribe to the right person away.
Trenchcoat: A combination of the two. You start out Mirrorshades, but when/if something goes wrong, the coats come off and the 'hawks come out, complete with Gatling Guns and PACs.
yes i know the more common Phrase is Black Trenchcoat , I use Canray's definition because the post is about extremes and
not the middle ground. (Don't worry Canray I will plagiarize you again someday)
So to the reason I wrote this
Are there any virtues to introducing players
new to Shadowrun with an extreme game style such as Pink Mohawk and Mirrorshades rather then Trenchcoat.
As a GM if you
had to choose, would you want to run a Pink Mohawk or a Mirrorshades game
As player if you
had to choose, would you want to play a Pink Mohawk or a Mirrorshades game
If you have any storytelling techniques about either style please share
I find Pink Mohawk games are a great teaching tool for combat and movement mechanics. I find it normally works best with younger players
I have found Mirrorshadest tends to teach legwork and in game lore rapidly
As a GM I enjoy running Pink Mohawk campaigns
Right now I am playing both Pink Mohawk (Morg) and Mirrorshades (Shadowrider) game styles via play by post I think I am liking the story immersion of the Mirrorshades game but my choice may be different in a face to face game
When running a Mirrorshades game I find sprinkling clues tells the story better then
large amounts of NPC interaction. If you are going to do this it is good practice to repeat the information you want the players to have in at least 3 different places in case of a bad die roll or inattention, remember you want them to find it to advance the plot. as for Pinki Mohawk keep the pacing at break neck speed and handwave often if the players could easily do something by buying successes use it to keep it cinematic .
(your turn reader)