Shadowrun Play > Previous Editions

Subtracting Dice from a Spell Casting Test to resist drain in SR4A

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All I can find in SR4A is:

--- Quote ---Ritual Drain
At the end of the ritual, each member of the ritual team—including
the spotter—must resist the Drain of the spell. Individual magicians
with foci or bound spirits not otherwise occupied may use them to
help with Drain.

--- End quote ---

I didn't check SM though

I haven't found any reference in SR4A to being able to use Spellcasting Foci to aid with drain rolls. I don't see it being overpowering at all, and I don't know if the change was intended or not, but it isn't listed in the changes document at all, so it's kind of up in the air.

Yeah i've been kind of curious myself with that change. I started playing thinking it did work that way and then found out it didn't.

at least there are centering foci in SM

Still, the idea of subtracting some of your spellcasting dice to increase your drain pool was pretty rad. I'd really like to know why the people responsible for the SR4A magic rules felt that it had to be removed.
Another strange magic rule one of our players noticed:

--- Quote ---The caster can reduce the time required for a spell to become permanent
by sacrificing net hits from the Spellcasting Test; every 1
net hit spent this way reduces the sustaining period by 1
Combat Turn. Hits used this way do not increase the effect
of the spell.

--- End quote ---
Source: Street Magic page 161

Is there any reason to ever do this, instead of just casting the spell at a lower force? Because, you know, casting it at lower force will reduce the sustaining period just as well, but you'll have to resist less drain and can cast less noticeable spells.


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