Irresistable Dance
Type: M. Range: LOS. Duration: S. Drain: (F/2)-1 (Mana +0, LOS +0, Sustained +0, Limited Effect -1, Mental +0, Minor change +0)
Eternal Waltz (Manipulation Spell, Mental)
Type: M. Range: LOS. Duration: P. Drain: (F/2)+1 (Mana +0, LOS +0, Permanent +2, Limited Effect -1, Mental +0, Minor change +0)
This curse originated in Europe, designed by a street witch as a curse to use against those who wronged her in some way. It is actually a variant of the Control Actions spell. Those who fall victim to the spell are forced to dance, continually, until the spell ends. Irresistable Dance is a sustained version of this spell, while Eternal Waltz is a permanent one. There are reports of victims of this curse having literally danced themselves to death from fatigue and dehydration.