Possible Edit?

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  • Ace Runner
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« on: <04-30-12/2111:37> »
Hello, wasn't sure if this was the right board but i was looking at the website's missions for the fourth Season and noticed in "Ain't that a Kick in the Head." that it says "Ant-metahuman" when i think it means Anti-Metahuman.... not sure if it's a mistype or Ant-metahuman is acceptable spelling or it's an actual insect... o.O'

Just thought i'd point it out. Thanks.
Having access to Ares Technology isn't so bad, being in a room that's connected to the 'trix with holographic display throughout the whole room isn't bad either. Food, drinks whenever you want it. Over all not bad, but being unable to leave and with a Female Dragon? No Thanks! ~The Captive Man

