Shadowrun 2050?

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« Reply #30 on: <05-24-12/0446:38> »
sounds good to me, lol   ;D

Though, on a more serious note, is any of the "history" that was added from the various novels gona be in the book, as well as characters like Sam, Dodger, & Heart, as some examples ;)
« Last Edit: <05-24-12/0452:12> by Aelavel »


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« Reply #31 on: <05-24-12/0504:56> »
That said, the move from large, slow desktop computers to wireless tablets has taken about the same amount of time in the real world.

Except that we also now have large, fast desktop computers. They don't have to be tiny and portable, rely on batteries, or worry about an obscenely low thermal threshold. All that adds up to a machine that will chew a tablet or netbook up and spit it out. It's far more computer than of the technologically ignorant masses need to surf Facebook, but it exists for those that actually appreciate having some horsepower.

Also, hardwired connections are much more stable and have lower latency than wifi... which might just be another reason for no Wireless Matrix. They haven't advanced wireless technology to the point where it can keep up with the bandwidth and stability needs of modern computers and their full-immersion software, so they mothballed it.
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« Reply #32 on: <05-24-12/0559:23> »
I'm pretty excited about this! SR1 was the first RPB I ever GMd. I played it damn near every weekend for 7 years. I even put all of my books in a footlocker and took them with me when I deployed to Somalia for 6 months :-)

The Universal Brotherhood was by far my favorite campaign. So it will be nice to revisit those whacky people.

I am very happy it's going to be the same timeline.

So how are you guys planning on playing it? You going to build new characters or are you going to send your 2072 team through a rip in the space/time continuum? Either way would be fun I think.

Hmmmm.....our intrepid team of Runners is given a mission to Mars. On their way they encounter an anomaly in space. All hell breaks loose and they decide to abort the mission and head back to good old Mother Earth. Then only problem is when they get's not exactly the same place they left. :-)



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« Reply #33 on: <05-24-12/0751:11> »
Hell, you could pull a Life on Mars type deal (except they all get hit by a car) to cut out the temporal anomaly bit, complete with David Bowie soundtrack..


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« Reply #34 on: <06-25-12/0130:51> »
i do have to ask this question and here seems to be a good topic for it.

if we have a growing amount of wireless tech currently, and things are generally advancing, is there really a reason to ignore wireless for the 2050 setting? i'm not really saying bring all the stuff from current time or 2070 to the 2050 game, just wanting to avoid that "watching 2001: A Space Odyssey on my wifi connected laptop that is more powerful than HAL" feeling,  (of course, my laptop is made 7 years beyond the movie)

i just really hate playing a game that has "super advanced computers" that my current tech out paces in at least one manner.
To sum up everything for you.
Your laptop isn't even close to as powerful as a deck. Deck's run full immersion VR that runs and interacts with millions of other  online consciousness'. They support and facilitate full neural interaction. The last time I saw a conversion rate for base memory packets they run on Terabytes/second. Which is why a wireless matrix couldn't happen. They didn't have the tech to get a signal powerful or steady enough to not cause lag. You Lag in the matrix, you get dumped. Then you have dumpshock. No one could get work done with that.

So the Governments and Corps went back to Hardline. And riggers took over the wireless, since they didn't have all that extra matrix interaction to deal with the bandwidth could support them. Eventually the tech was developed to facilitate a wireless matrix but there was no impetus to upgrade. The current system was fine and there was no profit in all the upgrading that  would have to happen. Especially when, to the public it would be an "Untested and semi-reliable" technology just because it was "new".

But then the second crash came and the corps had people to pay them to install all this new tech. And there we go.             
Runing the shadows since '90
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"Sometimes we do the right thing.  Sometimes we shoot people in the face for money."-CanRay
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« Reply #35 on: <06-25-12/0501:01> »
You know, reading this thread makes me think about several things..

1)Wired Matrix:
   I see a number of perfectly GOOD reasons for the Wired Matrix with the classic topography to exist.
    a) Remember back in 2029 when that virus went around destroying all sorts of data? Remember the size of the
     government tech immersion tanks that Echo Mirage was in? Let us, for a moment, assume that the tech continued
     to advance at the rate it is now. How powerful would those have had to be to be that BIG? Remember that, today,
     some of the most powerful "Super Computers" are the size of a  business fax/copier unit.
    b)Remember that the data unit used in the 3050's was not "megabytes" was "Megapulses", which was 1/second
     of full sim-sense recording. Sound and visual data might be easy to encode, and low on the data cost, though remember:
     even these are every detail as perceived by our senses. So you can discern everything from the direction of a sound, to the
     subtle shadings of greens in a leaf. It also included smell, taste, touch and emotional feedback(part of how BTLs worked,
     and how Simsense Porn would likely work, as well). For those saying their modern computer has as much processing power
     as a deck, consider this: How many Megabytes is "Happy"? Now consider that the computer you are directly plugged into
     is shaping that feeling...that is ALOT of data flying is NOT like when we are going around playing, say, Second Life.
     Which leads to...
    c) Ever been doing something on a computer on a wireless hub, and it suddenly got really, really slow? And that is just at todays
     levels where most of it is looking at a mostly text forum, or sending pictures of cats to friends. Now, imagine that when you
     are dealing with something so massively complex that you had to develop an entirely new term for the amount of data being
     thrown around CASUALLY.

Chargen Costs:
    You know...things cost more back in the 2050's, and the maximum someone could start with was 1 Million Nuyen, compared
    to 250K Nuyen ion the modern rules. And that 1 Million Nuyen could not buy quite the same as the 250K nuyen can. In fact,
    something, by themselves, cost that 1 million(like, for example, the Fairlight Excalibur Cyberdeck)...and, of course, back then:
    only Humans could have the loads of money(unless the GM was using optional rules!), the best attributes or best skills,
    which BTW, was the choice for a Human Street Sam:Which am I best in Money, Attributes, or skills..(while Metas and Human
    Awakened had  the "Which am I WORSE in, Money, Attributes, or Skills..and Meta Awakened were just screwed).

  While I expect alot of debate on this, I hope we see Grounding return, and the explanation for why it is no longer a concern
  is because people got better at making things shielded from it...Come on..they need to have the "I am terrified to use
  a power focus because of what some enemy mage can do to me using it!" feel back...


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« Reply #36 on: <07-06-12/0002:24> »
I would support a return to grounding. I Loved that tactic.

Mages were the first thing I tried in SR.
Runing the shadows since '90
If you can't Dazzle them with STYLE, Riddle them with BULLETS.
"Sometimes we do the right thing.  Sometimes we shoot people in the face for money."-CanRay
"Sometimes those are the same thing."-Mirikon

Missions Characters:
ChromeMonger - Sam
Blanco Diablo - Adept


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« Reply #37 on: <07-06-12/0120:57> »
I would support a return to grounding. I Loved that tactic.

Mages were the first thing I tried in SR.

More then that, it was a thematic element. It was something every Mage/Shaman/Adept had to think about:
"Does the reward outweigh the casting of area-effect kill spells through this on me and my team?" It is why,
before 4th Edition(I had not realized it was gone in 3rd), I never used weapon foci or spell locks or power foci,
or, well, any foci...Too bloody dangerous!

