Guys, please don't try to sell me the box of goods I've already gotten. Yes, I know that the two examples I've given are not paragons of virtue, but unlike the debate about Aztechnology, in this I do mean relative good.
Ares cleared out bug nests; this is a good thing. Sure, they did it because it's good press, but before Chicago they weren't even getting THAT out of it. It's only been later (Threats 2, when even then it was suggested that it may have been a hallucination, and now confirmed in 4e) that it's come out that they were 'grabbing test subjects' as well, doing something that is definitely Not Right.
Villiers is a shark, sure, but in all of this, he's been portrayed as a sympathetic shark -- that he loves his family and ex-wife, but that living with Samantha would have torn both of them into little gobbets of flesh; they get along well, but in the long run their personalities would have totally wrecked them. Now, though, we have Samantha trying to do something, and Richard doing stuff back to 'punish' her, that make them sound more like the highly dysfunctional Shiawase family.
These two used to be 'yeah, he's a shark, but he's OUR shark' sorts of individuals -- doing more-or-less what's right by any means necessary, people we could look forward to meeting as players. Now ... now they're just assholes that the players would reply with 'eh -- he's a dick.'