Pacify (Manipulation Spell)
DV: (Force/2)+2 (Mana +0, LOS +0, Sustained +0, Mental +0, Major Change +2)
Mass Pacification (Manipulation Spell)
DV: (Force/2)+4 (Mana +0, LOS +0, Area +2, Sustained +0, Mental +0, Major Change +2)
[Weapon] Block
DV: (Force/2)+1 (Mana +0, LOS +0, Sustained +0, Restricted Effect -1, Mental +0, Major Change +2)
[Single Weapon] Block
DV: (Force/2) (Mana +0, LOS +0, Sustained +0, Very Restricted Effect -2, Mental +0, Major Change +2)
One of Spellweaver Consortium's latests offerings on the market, the Pacify(TM) line of spells have proven a real winner with security corporations looking to emphasize nonlethal means of nullifying enemy attackers, and has even seen limited use with Saeder-Krupp's Desert Wars teams this season. The Pacify spell sets up a mental compulsion in those who are affected, preventing them from using any weapons or weapon skills for the duration (for all intents and purposes, treat them as being Unaware in all weapons skills for the duration). This spell has no effect on the Dodge skill.
Mass Pacification is an area version of Pacify. [Weapon] Block is a version of Pacify limited to a single weapon skill (i.e. Automatics Block, Blade Block, etc.). [Single Weapon] Block is limited to a single weapon type within that weapon skill (i.e. Shotgun Block, Sniper Rifle Block, etc.).