A three-person Shadowrunning team

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« on: <04-18-12/1449:32> »
So, yeah. I managed to get a group together to play. Now I need to know if those characters suck, work together nicely, or if they are even logical. here's the DL/DR Version:

A human Street Samurai
A human Hacker/face
A pixie Shaman

Created mostly with Runner's companion and the basic rulebook.

So anyway, comments, critique and suggestions would be nice, seeing as the other two people making these characters and I have no prior experience in shadowrunning.

The street Sam:

I already posted her while making her, so no need to type the things up here again. And I don't think I need any comments on her build either, but here she is so you can see how she fits into the team.

The Hacker:

Backstory is something like doing hacking jobs for the Triads in Seattle (There is atleast one, right?) Before there was a big screw-up with one of his jobs, but he had demanded payment upfront, and has already blown it like an idiot, and is now debted and kind of screwed unless he can get the money fast...


Body 3
Agility 3
Reaction 3
Strength 1
Charisma 5
Intuition 5
Logic 5 (7)
Willpower 3
Edge 3

Essence 5,15
Initiative 8
IP 1
Matrix Initiative 9


Electronics group 4
Influence group 4
Hacking 6
Electronic warfare 4
Cybercombat 4
Pistols 3
Perception 3

Knowledge skills

English N
Chinese 6, Triad slang specialty
Seattle Triads 4
Matrix games 4
Matrix security 4
Cooking 3
Gambling 4
Matrix software 4


Codeslinger (hacking on the fly)
First impression
Natural hardening
Sinner (5BP)
In debt, 22,500 Nuyen, Triad.
Prejudiced (Outspoken, security Spiders)


Ares Predator IV w/ Concealable holster, Silencer, Smartlink.
10 clips w/regular ammo


Armor Vest


Tailored pheromones 2
Cerebral booster 2


Transys Avalon

Custom OS w/ System 6, Firewall 6
 Analyze 6
Browse 6
Edit 6
Encrypt 6
Scan 6
Command 6
Exploit 6
Armor 3
Biofeedback filter 3
Attack 6
Blackout 3
Databomb 3
Defuse 3
Sniffer 6
Stealth 6
Agent 3
Spoof 6
Track 6
Medic 3.

AR gloves
Satellite link
Hot sim module
Sunglasses w/Smartlink, Image link, Vision magnification
Subvocal microphone

Dodge Scoot
4 doses of Long Haul
Tag Eraser
Radio sensor rating 6


Triad Member, L6, C2
Fixer L3, C2

Pixie Shaman

Something about living in Tir Tairngire and being fascinated with human technology and ending up in Seattle as a mage for hire. I don't know really.


Body 1
Agility 5
reaction 5
Strength 1
Charisma 7
Intuition 4
Logic 3
Willpower 5
Edge 3
Essence 6
Magic 5

Initiative 9
IP 1
Astral Initiative 8


Spellcasting 6
Counterspelling 4
Summoning 4
Infiltration 4
Assensing 4
Perception 2
Binding 3

Knowledge skills

Undecided. You guys have any idea what a typical Pixie would know about?


Restricted Gear (Power FOCI)
Mentor spirit - ? (Not decided yet. Any ideas?)
Incompetent (heavy weapons). Yes, it is a joke.
Gremlins 2
Simsense vertigo
Mild allergy - cats


Can she even wear armor? Does her body stop her from doing so? if not, then an urban explorer jumpsuit?

Sony emperor w/ Iris Orb
Basic+ software suite

Power FOCI 4


Talismonger L6, C1

Detect Life
Ball lightning
Physical Mask
Improved Invisibility
Physical barrier
Increase body

Please help me finish these characters and make them better!


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« Reply #1 on: <04-18-12/1523:12> »
That cerebral booster isn't going to do the hacker as much good as they think. Most hacking tests are skill + program, not attribute + skill. Go for PuSHeD if you have Augmentation available. Ultimately meaning that the hacker can at least buy "nicer" hacking programs for their commlink than what they have now (I know rating 4+ hurts on hacking programs, but its just what you do).

Probably advise them to drop 1 point of logic and charisma and put it in edge, if only to ensure maximum results on the tests they need to make, of which there should only be about 4 per session. E.g. that one negotiation check with the Johnson for how much money you make. That one big test to hack on the fly, etc.

Not sure about the pixie. I just see someone that's going to go *pop!* the first time they get shot.

Remember, if the damage code of the damage you're taking is greater (or equal to I think) than your body, you get knocked down. Given that its pretty much impossible to only take 1 DV from an attack (I mean, it has to be net hits, right, so its 1 + X > 1), that's alot of actions spent getting back up.

Honestly, I'd tell the pixie to get something with a ruthyem polymer coating to wear, and an illusion sustaining focus. Sustain invisibility, and constantly try to hide. Remember, invisibility is not perfect, always try to hide and be stealthy even if you're invisible.

Gremlins 2 hurts. It hurts alot. I can see where they're coming from, but still, it hurts. If simsense vertigo is allowed, is sensitive system? Weakened immune system might be bad given the base body.

Not seeing any fake SINs or incenses. Its usually a GM by GM thing, but might want to make sure you have something official you live under.

Not sure I would recommend Increase Body as a spell. Without a sustaining foci it means those penalties are going to add up over time.

Also, talk to the GM about what a connection 1 talismonger can actually do. Foci have very high availability at the cooler ratings, and it just seems that you're never going to be able to get anything done if the talismonger isn't any good.

Also, the Face should probably have more contacts. Anyone in KE/Lonestar to pay off to lose some heat? Any bloggers or fellow hackers out there they know or get in touch with for help?

Also vehicles, I see a scooter and a motorcycle. Now maybe its just a matter of the runs the party is getting, but I see 3 people and two bikes. Extraction of personnel and large goods is going to be problematic.


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« Reply #2 on: <04-18-12/1534:52> »
That cerebral booster isn't going to do the hacker as much good as they think. Most hacking tests are skill + program, not attribute + skill. Go for PuSHeD if you have Augmentation available. Ultimately meaning that the hacker can at least buy "nicer" hacking programs for their commlink than what they have now (I know rating 4+ hurts on hacking programs, but its just what you do).

Probably advise them to drop 1 point of logic and charisma and put it in edge, if only to ensure maximum results on the tests they need to make, of which there should only be about 4 per session. E.g. that one negotiation check with the Johnson for how much money you make. That one big test to hack on the fly, etc.

Not sure about the pixie. I just see someone that's going to go *pop!* the first time they get shot.

Remember, if the damage code of the damage you're taking is greater (or equal to I think) than your body, you get knocked down. Given that its pretty much impossible to only take 1 DV from an attack (I mean, it has to be net hits, right, so its 1 + X > 1), that's alot of actions spent getting back up.

Honestly, I'd tell the pixie to get something with a ruthyem polymer coating to wear, and an illusion sustaining focus. Sustain invisibility, and constantly try to hide. Remember, invisibility is not perfect, always try to hide and be stealthy even if you're invisible.

Gremlins 2 hurts. It hurts alot. I can see where they're coming from, but still, it hurts. If simsense vertigo is allowed, is sensitive system? Weakened immune system might be bad given the base body.

Not seeing any fake SINs or incenses. Its usually a GM by GM thing, but might want to make sure you have something official you live under.

Not sure I would recommend Increase Body as a spell. Without a sustaining foci it means those penalties are going to add up over time.

Also, talk to the GM about what a connection 1 talismonger can actually do. Foci have very high availability at the cooler ratings, and it just seems that you're never going to be able to get anything done if the talismonger isn't any good.

Also, the Face should probably have more contacts. Anyone in KE/Lonestar to pay off to lose some heat? Any bloggers or fellow hackers out there they know or get in touch with for help?

Also vehicles, I see a scooter and a motorcycle. Now maybe its just a matter of the runs the party is getting, but I see 3 people and two bikes. Extraction of personnel and large goods is going to be problematic.

Haven't used it much myself because I think it's overpriced in nuyen and essence, but the encephalon may be just what the doctor ordered for that hacker.

As to the Edge, I view a high value there the same way that several people view Banishing and Decompiling--only worse in my opinion. Putting a lot of points into such a finite resource like that just seems like a waste. I mean come on, buying up a stat that you can only use a number of times equal to the rating before it runs out? Geez, you might as well just leave the points floating at the end of character creation in my opinion, especially since the GM decides when it refreshes. No, just not worth it unless it refreshes every session.
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« Reply #3 on: <04-18-12/1706:59> »
My recommendations largely boil down to "more like the Archetypes characters," so I'm going to try to focus on the most major things and on "not suck" rather than "is suboptimal." If you would like more detailed advice in any area let me know.

The hacker's programs won't run on his commlink. Response limits max program rating.

That pixie's core problem can best be described as "pixie dust." I recommend less agility, some health sustaining foci, and sustain Increase Body and Increase Reflexes.

Physical Barrier is surprisingly meh, because due to the really bizarre way shooting through barriers works, it's not actually very hard to ignore it and fire at people on the other side for only minor penalties. Metal Wall [Street Magic] is a much better spell because it's opaque, although it is more drain, it's worth it.


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« Reply #4 on: <04-18-12/1724:23> »
The great thing about this team is that they can pack on to a single bike.  Get in good with some go-gangs, i.e. contacts.  I recommend the Reality Hackers in Puyallup, not a go-gang but they are big on the matrix down that way.  Maybe hook up with the Princes down in Tarislar.  If you want to go Redmond (and watch your back constantly), team up with the Chaos Brigade.  They've been pushed back to the old Microsoft Campus by the Lake Acids.  Get contacts in low places, like the garbage dumps.  Work off a favor economy and stay off the Matrix.  In fact, figure out ways to frag people on the matrix and cram those telecomms up their hoops.

Anyway, you're set up well for smash and grab matrix scenarios.  Figure that you've got 90 seconds to hack a system and then bolt.  That gives the Sammy and Mage something to do while the decker  hacks. They have to fend off local security before the back up arrives.

Go without SINs or permits or anything.   Just have a fixer set up grease pits for you.  Get yourself a hungry fixer too.  They get a cut of the payout, so the more you make the more they make.  Go watch the movie The Professional (1994).  Not for the hitman stuff, but rather the relationship between Leon and his Fixer.  Talk to your GM and see if you can get that sort of set up.  It will also let you guys cut right to the chase with the runs since your fixer is handling the negotiations.  Your face is going to handle deals on the street, but you've got a buffer between you and the Johnson. 

Puyallup has a lot of high security factories in the Barrens, particularly Puyallup.  These are run by the Yaks and the Mob.  If you're in with the Triads then hitting them isn't a conflict of interest. 


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« Reply #5 on: <04-18-12/1802:08> »
My recommendations largely boil down to "more like the Archetypes characters," so I'm going to try to focus on the most major things and on "not suck" rather than "is suboptimal." If you would like more detailed advice in any area let me know.

The hacker's programs won't run on his commlink. Response limits max program rating.

That pixie's core problem can best be described as "pixie dust." I recommend less agility, some health sustaining foci, and sustain Increase Body and Increase Reflexes.

Physical Barrier is surprisingly meh, because due to the really bizarre way shooting through barriers works, it's not actually very hard to ignore it and fire at people on the other side for only minor penalties. Metal Wall [Street Magic] is a much better spell because it's opaque, although it is more drain, it's worth it.

Hacker's program is not limited by rexponse, it's limited by system.

Does everyone just ignore the pixie concealment rule or is it just me? Doesn't it help the pixie stay alive?

Yeah, I forgot to mention lifestyles. Pixie has a fake Neonet sin 4 and lives with the talismonger, low lifestyle. The hacker lives alone with a low lifestyle and a fake sin 4. He does have the sinner quality, though.

Removing barrier, what of the mind control or influence spells? Are they worth it.


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« Reply #6 on: <04-18-12/1805:55> »
Mental manipulations are great.

Pixie Concealment is cool, but relying 100% on it like that is asking for trouble.

Sorry for being unclear about programs. Response limits System (SR4A 222 System). System, as you know, limits programs. So by the transitive property, Response limits programs, but it's easy to miss that thing about Response limiting System.


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« Reply #7 on: <04-18-12/1809:13> »
Mental manipulations are great.

Pixie Concealment is cool, but relying 100% on it like that is asking for trouble.

Sorry for being unclear about programs. Response limits System (SR4A 222 System). System, as you know, limits programs. So by the transitive property, Response limits programs, but it's easy to miss that thing about Response limiting System.

And you can't forget that as software, Firewall is a program and is thus also limited by System.
(SR5) Homebrew Archetypes

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« Reply #8 on: <04-18-12/1813:42> »
Hacker's program is not limited by rexponse, it's limited by system.
That's true, but a commlink's System is limited by Response (SR4A 222) so in effect response caps program ratings.


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« Reply #9 on: <04-25-12/0401:58> »
And you can't forget that as software, Firewall is a program and is thus also limited by System.

Actually, it would be better if you did forget that.
Firewall is part of the operating system, not a program, thus is not limited by System.

Logic-linked bonuses are a must for hackers.
Encephalon, PuSHeD, Neocortical nanites, doses of Overdrive or Trance - these things are what will give you the advantage when hacking.  Also look into program options.

The Pixie is pretty terrible.  Not going to be fun to play with. 
"I'm an invisible super-mage!  I always get my way because if anything bad ever happened to me, I'd instantly die!" 
That's what that is.  Build looks like lazy Munchkinry.


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« Reply #10 on: <04-25-12/0855:00> »
And you can't forget that as software, Firewall is a program and is thus also limited by System.

Actually, it would be better if you did forget that.
Firewall is part of the operating system, not a program, thus is not limited by System.

No. It is software. Software is program and thus limited by Response which limits System.  I still have not seen hard proof quoted from a book where it explicitly states Firewall as an exception to that rule.
« Last Edit: <04-25-12/0857:02> by All4BigGuns »
(SR5) Homebrew Archetypes

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« Reply #11 on: <04-25-12/1338:03> »
No. It is software. Software is program and thus limited by Response which limits System.  I still have not seen hard proof quoted from a book where it explicitly states Firewall as an exception to that rule.

Dude, does Firewall count against Response? No. No it does not, because it's not running on the Operating System, it's part of the Operating system. SR4A, p221, even says "Firewall is the device’s built-in security software," which means that it's not a separate program that you can run and stop or load and unload.

Also, Hero Lab... which is an official, licensed product that is, as far as I know, vetted by Catalyst... doesn't limit Firewall by System even when System is limited by Response.
« Last Edit: <04-25-12/1344:03> by JustADude »
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« Reply #12 on: <04-26-12/0209:14> »
And you can't forget that as software, Firewall is a program and is thus also limited by System.

Actually, it would be better if you did forget that.
Firewall is part of the operating system, not a program, thus is not limited by System.

Logic-linked bonuses are a must for hackers.
Encephalon, PuSHeD, Neocortical nanites, doses of Overdrive or Trance - these things are what will give you the advantage when hacking.  Also look into program options.

The Pixie is pretty terrible.  Not going to be fun to play with. 
"I'm an invisible super-mage!  I always get my way because if anything bad ever happened to me, I'd instantly die!" 
That's what that is.  Build looks like lazy Munchkinry.

Well, giving her body 2 isn't going to do much good. One dice in damage resistance tests and... That's it. Sure, you could get it to 3 with some 35 BP... But that kinda breaks the backstory of pixies.


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« Reply #13 on: <04-26-12/0237:48> »
i personally prefer elf shaman as nice as the bonuses from pixie are you can get a shot or you dead and no matter how careful you are eventually you will be shoot at or had damage spell cast on you.
Whenever I am at a loss for I should do, I ask myself what would Michael Weston do?

