An Archive of Adepts - Walking the Ways

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The Wyrm Ouroboros

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« Reply #60 on: <08-23-14/2347:05> »
Raphael Le(o)nardo the Dwarf Beast Way Adept is 0.25 points overspent.  You don't receive a half-point off; you receive a 50% discount.  Killing Hands, normally 0.5 points, becomes 0.25 points - not 0.

Otherwise, only two quibbles, both in the Knowledge Skills: "Hand to Hand Combat Techniques" can be rolled as a knowledge aspect of standard Unarmed Combat, using Logic instead of Agility; and 'High Threat Response' should be refined.  What part of HTR?  Their tactics, their SOP?  Would it be better off simply as Small Unit Tactics, or would it be better as Police and Security Procedures?
Pananagutan & End/Line

Old As McBean, Twice As Mean
"Oh, gee - it's Go-Frag-Yourself-O'Clock."
New Wyrm!! Now with Twice the Bastard!!

Laés is ... I forget. -PiXeL01
Play the game. Don't try to win it.


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« Reply #61 on: <08-24-14/0217:18> »
Raphael Le(o)nardo the Dwarf Beast Way Adept is 0.25 points overspent.  You don't receive a half-point off; you receive a 50% discount.  Killing Hands, normally 0.5 points, becomes 0.25 points - not 0.

Otherwise, only two quibbles, both in the Knowledge Skills: "Hand to Hand Combat Techniques" can be rolled as a knowledge aspect of standard Unarmed Combat, using Logic instead of Agility; and 'High Threat Response' should be refined.  What part of HTR?  Their tactics, their SOP?  Would it be better off simply as Small Unit Tactics, or would it be better as Police and Security Procedures?

Killing Hands is free from Shark Mentor Spirit. So, not overspent there.

I suppose that part of Hand to Hand is true, I was trying to figure out something that would make sense for him. He didn't come from a corp, he doesn't have a lot of formal training, all he has is a Criminal SIN and his mentor spirit to guide him. What would you suggest to replace that with?

I didn't realize HTR needed to be refined. I was thinking more along the lines of what kind of response times they would have for the classes of areas. This guy is a, well obviously a Shadowrunner, but a Criminal who should know that sort of thing. Any other security type knowledge skills you can think of? If so, that's probably something for Raphael would/should know.

The Wyrm Ouroboros

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« Reply #62 on: <08-24-14/0305:53> »
You might want to indicate that somewhere, then - because every GM I know would look at the character and wonder why you're getting these three things for half off, and that one for free.  More information, or at least footnotes or something, is always a good thing.

As for the HTR stuff, just take exactly that: 'Police and Security Response Times'.  A GM should allow you to roll that almost any time there's a concern as to how long you should have - or have left ...
Pananagutan & End/Line

Old As McBean, Twice As Mean
"Oh, gee - it's Go-Frag-Yourself-O'Clock."
New Wyrm!! Now with Twice the Bastard!!

Laés is ... I forget. -PiXeL01
Play the game. Don't try to win it.


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« Reply #63 on: <08-24-14/1414:11> »
All right, I'm still new to using Chummer5 and I don't know how it allocates/marks stuff up. I'm thinking I'll just create the character in Chummer5 then export it to a spreadsheet by hand.


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« Reply #64 on: <08-24-14/1709:40> »
Sorry for double posting, but I revised the Dwarf Beast Way Adept a bit and put it into a spreadsheet, so it should be easier to see/read. I'll be honest, I copied your template Aria; I hope you don't mind.

Here's the link:


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« Reply #65 on: <08-25-14/2302:23> »
I have another adept if you're interested. I used the High Life rules with a couple of tweaks. First, I had Suprathyroid Gland and Improved Reflexes stack. I wasn't sure it would be allowable, but a couple of people on here would probably allow it as a houserule. Second, I went a bit crazy with contacts. I figured that a High Life runner would have been around long enough to acquire some really high level contacts. You can always bump it down if you want to. Not so much of a tweak, but damn do Trolls have expensive Lifestyles. I mean, I would think a High Life runner would earn a lot of nuyen, because he better hope he does or he's gonna be broke paying rent.

Here's the link:

This is Muscle, the Troll Burnout Way Adept. You need muscle? He can bring it. He can bring a lot of it, but not much else. He isn't big on being social, and he lives to hit (and usually kill) things.


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« Reply #66 on: <08-26-14/0757:04> »
Sorry for double posting, but I revised the Dwarf Beast Way Adept a bit and put it into a spreadsheet, so it should be easier to see/read. I'll be honest, I copied your template Aria; I hope you don't mind.

Here's the link:
Not at all :D

Linked on the front page, and thanks for both your adepts!
Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #67 on: <09-12-14/1524:08> »
This one seems like a solid addition,

Have a toxic mysadept that is similar in evasion, and a mysadept troll buffer/unarmed coming.


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« Reply #68 on: <11-22-14/1940:08> »
I made a spiritual way adept a few days ago if you would like to add him to your collection!
No trees were harmed in the creation of this message, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.

"normal speech" thought "Matrix"   whisper "Subvocal" "Foreign Language"


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« Reply #69 on: <11-24-14/1501:39> »
This one seems like a solid addition,

Have a toxic mysadept that is similar in evasion, and a mysadept troll buffer/unarmed coming.
Great, added to the archive!
I made a spiritual way adept a few days ago if you would like to add him to your collection!
Also up there now :)

I really must get on and add a few more of my own adepts up there for SR5... hurries off to look for some character sketches  ;D
« Last Edit: <11-24-14/1506:49> by Aria »
Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #70 on: <12-09-14/0841:19> »
I've added a link for Spite, a street scum level adept built around high agility, low strength and the nerve strike power.  I will post a full runner variation shortly too as it seems like a powerful build in theory.

As ever, comments welcomed on any of the adepts here.
Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #71 on: <12-09-14/0903:26> »
I think you really want to put up the normal build, as the lack of attributes seems to be quite crippling for her physical abilities. Having more attribute points to play with would allow you to get a bonus to AGI with Improved Physical Attribute instead of one of the other options.

One should maybe ask how Nerve Strike is supposed to work against Full Body Armor or other similar means of protection at a given table, but other than that I think the power is a really sweet option for adepts.


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« Reply #72 on: <12-16-14/0815:59> »
Added an AR Hacker adept to the mix.  Still a WIP but there should be sufficient inspiration there if anyone wants to have a go at a similar build - and I'd like to see the results!  I make no pretence about being a character optimiser, I just enjoy making adepts  ;D

A full runner Nerve Strike adept is underway too...just seeing where I can squeeze out some more agility without resorting to muscle toners  :P
Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #73 on: <12-18-14/0216:06> »
just seeing where I can squeeze out some more agility without resorting to muscle toners

Try going for Improved Physical Attribute AGI 1 and Attribute Boost AGI 2. It should put you close to or at augmented maximum often enough while providing a solid base and often enough neglibible drain.


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« Reply #74 on: <02-09-15/0837:51> »
So I've finally managed to complete the Nerve Strike Adept and added him to the list:


Currently working on a couple of mysads...
Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36