Shadowrun Play > Character creation and critique

An Archive of Adepts - Walking the Ways

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--- Quote from: All4BigGuns on ---I'd like to suggest that all the augmented ones be moved into the 'Burnouts' list whether they have that Way mechanically chosen or not, as that is where they are headed.

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--- Quote from: All4BigGuns on ---I'd like to suggest that all the augmented ones be moved into the 'Burnouts' list whether they have that Way mechanically chosen or not, as that is where they are headed.

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Not sure I agree with that either...bioware is so prevelant and relatively essence friendly that a large number of adepts might seek a cheap boost to their powers.  I see Burnout as a much more extreme route.


--- Quote from: Aria on ---
--- Quote from: All4BigGuns on ---I'd like to suggest that all the augmented ones be moved into the 'Burnouts' list whether they have that Way mechanically chosen or not, as that is where they are headed.

--- End quote ---
Not sure I agree with that either...bioware is so prevelant and relatively essence friendly that a large number of adepts might seek a cheap boost to their powers.  I see Burnout as a much more extreme route.

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Exactly. Muscle Toner 4 + Muscle Enhancement 4 = 0.80 Essence at Standard Grade. +8 stat points for losing 1 Magic (therefore 1 PP), vs paying many times that for 8 points of IPA mostly over the natural limit. Only a diehard purist wouldn't take that deal.

Not to quibble, but standard grade Muscle Toner 4 and Muscle Augmentation 4 would be 0.80 Essence each, not together. But, yes, that opens up the possibility of +5 stat points for losing 1 point of Magic, which is far less expensive than what those improvements would cost in power points.


--- Quote from: Tecumseh on ---Not to quibble, but standard grade Muscle Toner 4 and Muscle Augmentation 4 would be 0.80 Essence each, not together. But, yes, that opens up the possibility of +5 stat points for losing 1 point of Magic, which is far less expensive than what those improvements would cost in power points.

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*facepalm* You are indeed correct. Up until WotA hit I always took Type O System for my Adept builds, so I'm used to thinking in those terms.

Still, even 2 points of Magic for the full +8 is a pretty good deal. For 2 Essence you can, if you take it all as Alphaware, also squeeze in a Suprathyroid Gland. That brings it to +5 Agility, +5 Strength, +1 Reaction, +1 Body (and possibly maxed out IP boost) for the cost of 2 Magic.

Depending on how your GM rules on the subject, Type O System might also let you slip Synaptic Booster 3 into that package. I say it's up to the GM because, due to Standard and Basic being used differently in Augmentation than in SR4A, there's some ambiguity over whether Type O System covers Cultured Bioware. My GM says it does, and I agree, if only because that's the only way it's even close to being worth 30 BP.


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