An Archive of Adepts - Walking the Ways

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« Reply #45 on: <12-11-13/1234:22> »
i present 2 adepts built under SR5 for you:

Derren Smith, built for combat. utilises pistols and blades, can astrally percieve/assense/combat as well.
Combat Adept:
Attrib A (24)
Mag B (mag6 + R4 skill)
Skills C (28/2)
Gear D (50k)
Meta E (EDG to 3)

REA 4 (7)

Electronics group R2
Sneaking R4 (free, adept)
Perception 4
Pistols 6 (9) (semi auto +2)
Heavy weapons 1 (grenade launcher +2)
Astral Combat 2
Gymnastics 4
Blades 4 (swords +2)
Etiquette 2 (street +2)
Pilot Ground 1
Assensing 2 (bought with 6 karma)

Adept powers:
Improved reflexes 2(3) (2.5pp)
Improved ability 3 (Pistols) (1.5pp)
Astral Perception (1pp)
Combat Sense 2(4) (1pp)
Enhanced accuracy (Pistols) (free-Mentor spirit)
Danger sense R1 (free-Mentor spirit)


Mentor Spirit: Dragon slayer (5 karma)
{+2 etiquette modifier}
Ambidextrous (4 Karma)

Allergy (pennicilin) Mild, uncommon (5 karma)
Distinctive style: Qi focus tattoos (5 karma)
Mild addiction: Nicotine (4 karma)
Astral Beacon: 10 karma

Force 4 Improved Reflexes Qi Focus (1 level) 12,000 (8 karma)
Force 4 Combat Sense Qi Focus (2 levels) 12,000 (8 karma)
Force 2 Weapon Focus (Katana) 14,000 (6 karma)

24 karma used
Clothing 20

Lined Coat 900
-Concleable holster x4 600
-Non Conductivity 6 1500
-Chem Protection 6 1500            4645

Helmet 100
-Image link 25
Transys avalon Commlink- 5,000
-sim module 100
-trodes 70

Glasses R4 400
-Vision Mag 250
-Thermo 500
-Flare comp 250
-Image link 25

Earbuds 50
-Audio enhance 1 500

Fake SiN R3 7500
-Fake Gun License 3 600
-Concealed carry R3 600
Katana (Weapon Focus) 1000

Yamaha Pulsar 180
-Laser Sight 125

Streetline Special   120

Beretta 201T  210    1285
-Gas Vent 3 600
-Laser Sight 125
-Hidden Arm Slide 350

Beretta 201T  210    1285
-Gas Vent 3 600
-Laser Sight 125
-Hidden Arm Slide 350

X4 spare clip (21 rounds) 20

Ruger SuperWarhawk   400
-Imaging Scope 300
x2 Speed Loaders 50

Remington RoomSweeper  250
-Laser Sight 125
-Gas Vent 3 600

Ares Antioch          3,200
(integral smartgun)
-Airburst link          600
-x2 HE grenades         200

Hold out rounds: 10 regular rounds: 20
Light Pistol rounds:
-80 rounds in x4 clips +10 spares 180
-20 APDS rounds
Heavy pistol rounds:
-x20 APDS 240
-x20 Explosive rounds 160
-10 Flechette rounds 65
-20 Regular rounds 40
-10 taser darts

10 Karma Used
Knowledge skills: INT + LOG x2 = 14 points
English N
Gang Identification 4
Criminal Organisations 2
Japanese 3
Music 2
20th Century History 1
Combat Biking 2

Contacts: CHA x3 = 9 points
3,3 Fixer
2,1 Armourer

Squatter Lifestyle (1month)

Derren Smith, Human male, 31 years of age
Runner, born in Denver.
Starting running the shadows a year ago after finishing his military service.
He was discharged and struggled to find permanent work, hopping from low-paid security job to working the doors and back again.
He fell into the shadows under the auspices of well paid work, but soon fell foul of the corps.
A run against an EVO lab went sour, he fled the city and has been laying low, real low, in the seattle barrens 'till the heat dies down.
His cash reserves are running low, so he's had to put feelers out in Seattle to try and earn a little cash.

And Flea; a generalist adept with skills in combat (machine pistols), decking, infiltration and parkour!
[spoiler]Flea 5E

A Attributes (24)
B Skills (36/5)
C Gear (140,000)
D Magic (adept 2)
E Meta (1)

STR 4 (+3)
BOD 3 (+2)
AGI 5 (+4)
REA(6) (+4)
CHA 3 (+2)
LOG 5 (+4)
INT 4 (+3)
WIL 3 (+2)

MAG 3(4) +20 karma

Code slinger: Hack on the fly -10 Karma

Mild,uncommon allergy (antibiotics) +5 karma
Distinctive Style (Qi focus tattoos) +5 karma
National SiN (Imperial Japan) +5 Karma
Prejudiced (Biased: Koreans) +5 Karma
Mild addiction: Nicotine +4 Karma


Cracking 5

Computer 4
Hardware 3
Software 1 (data-bomb)
Gymnastics 5
Free-fall 1
Running 4
Automatics 5 (Machine pistols 7)
Sneaking 3 (Urban 5)
Pilot ground 1
Etiquette 1 (street 3)
Blades 1 (knives 3)
Perception 2

Adept powers: (4PP)
-Improved Reflexes R1 (1.5pp)
-Wall Running (.5pp)
-Traceless Walk (1pp)
-Light body R4 (1pp)
Gear: +10 karma (160,000)
Deck: Microtronica azteca 200 (5/4/3/2) 110,250
-Satellite link 500
-Virtual Machine 80
-Encryption 80
-Toolbox 80
-Edit 80
-Browse 80           400

-Exploit 250
-Stealth 250
-Wrapper 250
-Shell 250
-Hammer 250
-Sneak 250          1500

Armour + Weapons:

Combat Knife 300
Survival Knife 100

Steyr TMP 350
-Gas vent 3 600
-Imaging scope 300
-Spare clip x3 15          (30 rounds)
-Concealable Holster 150

1815 spent on weapons

Chameleon Suit 1,700
-NonConductivity 3 750
-Thermal Damp 3 1500
-Chem Protect 3 750            4700

Helmet 100
-Trodes 70
-Image link 25
-Micro transceiver 100
-Radio Signal scanner R6 600
-Laser range finder R3 300    1195 

Clothing 20                             119880 so far

Transys Avalon 5000
-hot sim module 250
-Trid projector 200
-Epaper 5
-Biometric 200
+Fake SiN R3 7500
+Fake Gun license 3 600
+Fake Conceal carry 3 600
+Fake Decker license 3 600                 14975
-Silver Credstick 20

Contacts: R3 600
-Flare compensation 250
-Image enhance R2 1000                1850

Glasses: R4 400
-Image Link 25
-low light 500
-Thermo 500
-Vision mag 250                    1675

Earbuds 50
-audio enhance 1 500                550          19050 on elecs
                                                138930 so far

-Low Lifestye 2000
-Yamaha Growler  5000
-Toolkit (hardware) 500
-Gecko kit 250
-Directional Jammer R6 1200
-Tag eraser 450
-Directional Mic 50
-Laser Mic 100                                 7750 on misc
                                              146680 so far
Force 4 Qi Foci (combat sense) 12,000
+8karma                                      158,680 so far
x30 APDS 360
x30 APDS 360
x30 regular 60
x30 regular 60
x30 explosive 240
x30 explosive 240
                                            160,000 total spent.
Spare karma 25 + 24 from qualities spent on:
Mag 3->4
Qi focus
20k resources
1 contact improvement

Contacts: cha x 3 = 9 points
3,3 Black market weapons dealer
2(3),1 Talismonger/tatoo artist

Knowledge skills (int log x2= 18)
Japanese N
English 3
Freerunning 5
Matrix crime 2
Military history 3(IJA 5)
Music 2 (j-pop 4)
Bike racing 2 (track racing 4)


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« Reply #46 on: <12-20-13/0429:32> »
Is there an easy way of linking Csjarrat's post in the first post of this thread so everyone can find it?  I know how to do it on DS but can't find an equivalent here...??! Thanks
Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #47 on: <03-25-14/0853:15> »
Festivale has been added to the archive, a mysad face and singer.  The mentor spirit could easily be swapped around for one of the others that offers a bonus to social skills.
Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #48 on: <03-28-14/1405:22> »
I'd have Card added on here, but I'm still tweaking him. Gotta find some karma to get him onto Totem Path..and change one or two of his contacts.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger." - Tolkien

"F*** subtle." - Dresden


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« Reply #49 on: <04-08-14/0526:02> »
I'd like to submit my 5E Troll Adept Decker, Prism:


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« Reply #50 on: <04-08-14/0830:25> »
Linked at the front!  Haven't got many trolls up here yet, and hacker ones are even rarer so thank you.  Nice pic too :D
Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #51 on: <04-08-14/0959:13> »
Linked at the front!  Haven't got many trolls up here yet, and hacker ones are even rarer so thank you.  Nice pic too :D

Thanks! Like I said in the thread, Troll pics are hard to find, and harder still to find ones that aren't hideous looking. I saw that picture and it just screamed CZ ganger at me, which was the concept.


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« Reply #52 on: <08-15-14/1209:27> »
It's been a while since I put a new adept up here and with the release of Street Grimoire I hope there will be a few more upcoming.  For now, here's <<Silkie>> Street level social adept

She got hit by the nerf bat a bit with the reduction in the effectiveness of the Commanding Voice power from Stolen Souls but she seems to be working well in the game I'm running her in.
Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #53 on: <08-17-14/0021:11> »
I really love this thread and all the ideas for adepts that it has, but I do have a question.

On the SR5 stuff, you say Prime Runner is Priority A 2x, but according to Page 64 of SR5, it's just some modifications with the normal Priority System. Did you confuse it with the "High Life" campaign setting described on page 356 of SR5? In it's description: "When using the Priotity Table, players should select twice from row A, once from row B, and twice from row C. There should be no Availability limit to the equipment the characters can acquire. This is
the time to open up and play with all the toys."

I only ask because I would like to try my hand at creating an adept or two to post here, and I just want to be clear which set of rules you want used.


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« Reply #54 on: <08-18-14/0843:56> »
Yep, sounds like a minor confusion...I found that the modifications to the priority table lead to an unbalanced build, particularly for the street level game so I'm using the Street Scum and High Life modifications, I hadn't spotted the removal entirely of the availability cap so I'll modify my opening post, I haven't got round to making a Prime Runner adept yet (although I have a number of ideas floating around my brain :D)

Thanks! A
Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #55 on: <08-18-14/0935:49> »

Is this a thread for PbP games palyed on this forum site?
If so I have a few adept deckers I've updated since last played on another site.


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« Reply #56 on: <08-18-14/1239:57> »
It wasn't intended as such, it's a collection of adept builds for anyone to use/abuse as they see fit.  Some of the ones I've created are for pbp games on Dumpshock.  I'm considering running some pbp here on ShadowGrid in the near future too...
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« Reply #57 on: <08-23-14/0038:25> »
I would like to present Mikal (or substitute whatever name you want), a French Dwarf who follows the Beast Way and Embraces the teaching of his mentor Shark. I don't really have a background for him. He focuses a lot on close range, so you mostly have to sneak close enough to shred your enemies. It might not be the most optimized build, as I haven't had anybody critique it, but it's an option. He was built using the standard rules.

Right now it's a chummer5 file, so you need to download and load it into chummer5; if anyone has any idea how to convert it to something viewable in a web browser, I would appreciate it.


Is it ok that it's not a reviewed and streamlined build? I figured this would just give a starting place and people can adjust as they want. Also, if you want me to write some sort of backstory, I can, but I figured people would take the concept and figure out their own.
« Last Edit: <08-23-14/0050:14> by 8-bit »


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« Reply #58 on: <08-23-14/0335:25> »
No, it doesn't have to be optimised at all, they are mostly for inspiration and because I love collecting adepts :D

I can't read the chummer file there a way of exporting it as text or an excel file or something?  Anyone?
Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #59 on: <08-23-14/1231:32> »
No, it doesn't have to be optimised at all, they are mostly for inspiration and because I love collecting adepts :D

I can't read the chummer file there a way of exporting it as text or an excel file or something?  Anyone?

I can give you an html file, but it still needs to be downloaded to look at it in something like chrome. Otherwise, it just looks like a ton of code.

I've tested it with downloading then opening it up using Windows Explorer (Defaults to chrome) and it shows as a nice sheet. Otherwise, I have no idea. If someone does have a way to export it to a spreadsheet, that would be much better. Or some way to share the html that it will automatically open up with all the code rendered into something actually readable.