An Archive of Adepts - Walking the Ways

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« Reply #15 on: <05-11-12/0930:16> »
I'd like to offer up my wheelman/Smuggler Jackrabbit for the list, though I'm not sure what Way he would fall under, as well as Rattrap for the Silent Way, and Tenchi my Haruman Combat Monster for the Warrior's Way.  All at 400 BP+Karma.
Added for you :)  Is that The Dodger on Jackrabbit's contact list?
For that matter, i usually take Lofwyr as a contact. Comes in handy if you need him.
What i am worried more about is the million nuyen on the sheet, but then i thought this is for new example archtypes.
Well... boring....


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« Reply #16 on: <05-11-12/0949:35> »
[DISCLAIMER: The following rant is not meant to deride, ridicule, or otherwise impunge Swamp Fox's build. It is merely a diatribe on the classification of said build. And yes, I've had a lot of coffee.]

As an erstwhile deshi of the Kazikure Ugi, I must respectfully observe that the "Rattrap" build is not a "ninja".

Sure he has stealth an can disguise himself and has Killing Hands...but his highest weapon skill is with Heavy Pistols? I'm going to assume this character is not RAW (Ways aren't RAW, unless I am mistaken) yet no Sensei Positive Quality, no Martial Arts? He's only got one blade, and it's some generic, off-the-shelf ceramic knife (probably from some factory in China).

His Contacts are all Fixers - nary a mention of a Clan. He speaks several languages, but none of them are Japanese. His Knowledge Skills pertain to mercenaries and politics  - which is fine, but he should have artistic and/or crafting knowledge/abilities to round himself out. His gear list reads like he's planning on blowing up entire buildings, and his commlink could be hacked by a middle-school student.

I'm not trying to say it's a bad build - I'm sure he's a very nice assassin/terrorist with mystically enhanced disguise and stealth. I'm just saying that a ninja doesn't have Bad Rep and Records on File as Qualities!

Infiltrator? Very nice. Ninja? No, not really.

Ifriti Sophist

« Last Edit: <05-11-12/0953:52> by JoeNapalm »


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« Reply #17 on: <05-11-12/1009:04> »
Sure he has stealth an can disguise himself and has Killing Hands...but his highest weapon skill is with Heavy Pistols? I'm going to assume this character is not RAW (Ways aren't RAW, unless I am mistaken) yet no Sensei Positive Quality, no Martial Arts? He's only got one blade, and it's some generic, off-the-shelf ceramic knife (probably from some factory in China).
Ways are optional rules.  So they're RAW, but may or may be used in any given game.  However if you do use them, there's explicit rules on how they work. They're as RAW as the martial arts rules in Arsenal which are optional as well.

Ways however aren't missions legal. 


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« Reply #18 on: <05-11-12/1014:01> »
Sure he has stealth an can disguise himself and has Killing Hands...but his highest weapon skill is with Heavy Pistols? I'm going to assume this character is not RAW (Ways aren't RAW, unless I am mistaken) yet no Sensei Positive Quality, no Martial Arts? He's only got one blade, and it's some generic, off-the-shelf ceramic knife (probably from some factory in China).
Ways are optional rules.  So they're RAW, but may or may be used in any given game.  However if you do use them, there's explicit rules on how they work. They're as RAW as the martial arts rules in Arsenal which are optional as well.

Ways however aren't missions legal.

Ah, right. I misused RAW...I meant plain vanilla SR4A.

Of course, now I really want to build an actual ninja.

Oh, to be independently wealthy so that I had more time to waste!

Ifriti Sophist


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« Reply #19 on: <05-11-12/1021:56> »
Where do you refer all your ninja references to. Nowhere on the character sheet or anywhere else (and none of the characters have a background) it states, that the character is supposed to be a ninja. So why bothering about it?


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« Reply #20 on: <05-11-12/1046:10> »
Where do you refer all your ninja references to. Nowhere on the character sheet or anywhere else (and none of the characters have a background) it states, that the character is supposed to be a ninja. So why bothering about it?
•   <<Rattrap>> SwampFox's Human Ninja


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« Reply #21 on: <05-11-12/1221:31> »
My apologies for the use of the word ninja, it was meant in the coloquial rather than specific as someone who sneaks for a living  :o ...and yes, I'm aware that ninjas are very much more than that!!!

I'll remove the reference and hopefully all will be well :)

None of SwampFox's are exactly starting characters and have lots of karma but they might inspire someone down a path, ceramic knives from China and all  ;D
« Last Edit: <05-11-12/1223:50> by Aria »
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« Reply #22 on: <05-11-12/1736:22> »
I'd like to offer up my wheelman/Smuggler Jackrabbit for the list, though I'm not sure what Way he would fall under, as well as Rattrap for the Silent Way, and Tenchi my Haruman Combat Monster for the Warrior's Way.  All at 400 BP+Karma.
Added for you :)  Is that The Dodger on Jackrabbit's contact list?
Nope, just another hacker using a similar handle.  And the reason he had that much nuyen was due to our crew getting pulled into a VERY dangerous situation.  Essentially Bogata went the way of Chicago, except WORSE.  My character managed to get an Apaloosa (as per WAR) out of the mission, which we survived.  It got trashed at a later date and our team decided that they had enough saved up to retire by that point.

In regards to Rattrap, he was more of an infiltrator/demolitions guy, as per the Maximal I named him for.  For my "ninja' build, you'd want Tenchi.
« Last Edit: <05-11-12/1739:02> by SwampFox »


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« Reply #23 on: <06-29-12/0752:16> »
Rush added to the Athlete's Way and Toymaker has had a working over to include the tech skills he was missing originally.
Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #24 on: <07-01-12/0356:52> »
:)  Just posted my Magician's Way MysAd, Maus:


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« Reply #25 on: <07-09-12/1334:44> »
Added Kit & Kat to the athletes.  They are concept characters meant to be played as a pair, either one as an NPC, the player taking both or ideally two players running one each.  They are pretty much crippled by themselves so they aren't intended to be a model character for anyone looking for such a thing.
Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #26 on: <07-20-12/0829:07> »
Ok, added two hacker adept types to the Artisan section...nobody seemed to want to comment on them so they are either dull or simply so amazing that no comments were necessary :)  That said, comments are always welcome, particularly if someone else wants to use the build as a basis for their own hacker adept

<<Angelus>>VR Hacker. 400BPs

<<Key>>AR Hacker & Infiltrator.  400BPs
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« Reply #27 on: <08-01-12/0341:34> »
Nightstalker, Japanese Face and information gatherer following the shinto kami Tsukuyomi.
Adept on the Totem's Way using Street Skills.

[spoiler] == Info ==
Street Name: Nightstalker alias Street alias Night Owl
Name: Unnamed Character
Movement: 10/25, Swim: 6
Karma: 0
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 1
Public Awareness: 0
Composure: 10
Judge Intentions: 15
Lift/Carry: 5 (30 kg/20 kg)
Memory: 7
Nuyen: 0

== Attributes ==
BOD: 3
AGI: 4
REA: 3
STR: 2
CHA: 6
INT: 6
LOG: 3
WIL: 4
EDG: 2
MAG: 5

== Derived Attributes ==
Essence:                   6
Initiative:                9
IP:                        1
Astral Initiative:         12
Astral IP:                 3
Matrix Initiative:         6
Matrix IP:                 1
Physical Damage Track:     10
Stun Damage Track:         10

== Active Skills ==
Assensing                  : 1                      Pool: 10
Climbing                   : 1                      Pool: 3
Computer                   : 1                      Pool: 4
Con                        : 3                      Pool: 12
Data Search                : 1                      Pool: 4
Disguise                   : 2                      Pool: 8
Etiquette                  : 3                      Pool: 13
Flight                     : 1                      Pool: 3
Gymnastics                 : 1                      Pool: 5
Hardware                   : 1                      Pool: 4
Infiltration               : 2                      Pool: 6
Intimidation               : 1                      Pool: 10
Leadership                 : 3                      Pool: 12
Navigation                 : 1                      Pool: 7
Negotiation                : 3                      Pool: 15
Palming                    : 2                      Pool: 6
Perception                 : 1                      Pool: 10
Pilot Ground Craft         : 1                      Pool: 4
Pistols                    : 3                      Pool: 7
Running                    : 1                      Pool: 3
Shadowing                  : 2                      Pool: 11
Software                   : 1                      Pool: 4
Survival                   : 1                      Pool: 8
Swimming                   : 1                      Pool: 3
Tracking                   : 1                      Pool: 7

== Knowledge Skills ==
Area Knowledge: Neo-Tokyo  : 2                      Pool: 12
Area Knowledge: Seattle    : 2                      Pool: 12
Bars and Clubs             : 2                      Pool: 12
Corporate Rumours          : 2 [Japano Corps]       Pool: 12 (14)
English                    : 5                      Pool: 11
French                     : 1                      Pool: 7
Gangs                      : 2 [Turfs]              Pool: 12 (14)
Japanese                   : N                      Pool: 0
Political Rumours          : 2                      Pool: 12
Shadowrunner Community     : 3 [Johnsons]           Pool: 13 (15)
Shinto Tradition           : 2                      Pool: 8
Sports                     : 1                      Pool: 7
Underworld                 : 2 [Gambling]           Pool: 12 (14)

== Contacts ==
Club Owner (3, 3)
Fixer (4, 3)
Talent Scout (4, 1)
Weapons Dealer (3, 1)
Yakuza Lieutenant (3, 3)

== Qualities ==
Changeling (Class II SURGE)
Combat Paralysis
Distinctive Style
Low-Light Vision
Mentor Spirit (Moon Maiden)
Metagenetic Improvement (INT)
School of Hard Knocks
Sensitive System
The Totem's Way

== Powers ==
Astral Perception
Enhanced Perception Rating: 3
Improved Ability (Non-Combat) (Negotiation) Rating: 1
Improved Ability (Non-Combat) (Etiquette) Rating: 1
Kinesics Rating: 3
Natural Survivors (Street Skills) Rating: 3

== Weapons ==
Unarmed Attack
   DV: 1S   AP: -   RC: 0

== Concept ==
Job description: Legworker
Follows the Shinto kami Tsukuyomi, the god of the moon and the night.

== Notes ==
20.000 Nuyen for Gear

Totem's Way discount: Astral Perception, Kinesics[/spoiler]
« Last Edit: <08-03-12/0330:04> by Makki »


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« Reply #28 on: <08-01-12/0758:54> »
Anyone know how I link Makki's post into the beginning of the thread?

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