The elevator reaches it's pinnacle at the fifth floor and the door opens to reveal short hallway with a few doors along it. That little hall leads to an office, of which the centerpiece is a large antique desk, though, there is other furniture and a couple of doors in there as well. A fair amount of effort has gone into the decor. Behind the desk there is a glass wall with another door leading out to the balcony. The balcony's view is terrible. The only thing you can see are the backs of other buildings.
Mr. O'Leary, a large man with a completely bald head stares out the glass in the office, facing away from you in a thoughtful pose. After sluggishly emerging from one of the side rooms right next to you, a butler drone begins speaking to you, causing the tall figure to turn around and lock his wrathful eyes on you. Even from here you can see that his teeth have been replaced with metallic shark-like teeth, giving him a frightening visage.
Drone: "Welcome Mr. Sullivan. Mr. O'Leary is expecting you. Right this way please."
It turns around and begins to slowly lead you into the office. As you enter you notice another humanoid off to the side of the room, previously hidden from view. the being has some kind of dermal sheathing, ocular implants that make no attempt at a human appearance, and a ventilator. In addition to carrying several visible firearms and grenades, it has some kind of modern looking sword on it's back. Probably some kind of bodyguard.
Drone: "Mr. Sullivan is here to see you, sir."
Jimmy (Nervous):"Eh.. I brung 'em just like you asked, boss. Can I go now?"
Mr. O'Leary approaches you, looking each of you over carefully. After a moment he waves Jimmy away as if he were nothing. Jim turns to leave immediately. The butler drone slowly leaves the room as well.
Mr. O'Leary: "Sure don't look like much. Tell me, why should I trust something like this to a couple of street punks like you? Huh?"
((00C: Not a great post, even for me... If you need any clarifications please feel free to ask me.))