Shadowrunner Children

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« Reply #30 on: <02-28-12/2130:13> »
Hell, there's benefits for being a Shadowbrat...

*Walks up to a Security Guard*  "Mister...  I'm lost and can't find my Mommy."  "Where did you see her last?"  "Behind you with a narcojet pistol.  Mister?  Are you asleep?  Good shot Mommy."

You get it!!! :)  heh....

And I love "Shadowbrat" too.... mind if I "borrow" it? :)


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« Reply #31 on: <02-29-12/0145:39> »
As I mentioned previously, there was a published adventure featuring augmented adept & mage 6 & 8 year olds.

Even the diaper run idea isnt far from realism. Most SUCCESSFUL career criminals dont start because they think itd be an easy way to get paid. They start stealing/conning/selling crack for things they need, which for many included diapers, baby formula, food, or medication. Seems fairly innocent until they grow up to be Kane or Clockwork.


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« Reply #32 on: <02-29-12/0327:24> »
Hell, there's benefits for being a Shadowbrat...

*Walks up to a Security Guard*  "Mister...  I'm lost and can't find my Mommy."  "Where did you see her last?"  "Behind you with a narcojet pistol.  Mister?  Are you asleep?  Good shot Mommy."
You get it!!! :)  heh....

And I love "Shadowbrat" too.... mind if I "borrow" it? :)
Go right ahead.  Just an improvement from the second episode of Firefly.
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« Reply #33 on: <02-29-12/1140:11> »
As I mentioned previously, there was a published adventure featuring augmented adept & mage 6 & 8 year olds.

Even the diaper run idea isnt far from realism. Most SUCCESSFUL career criminals dont start because they think itd be an easy way to get paid. They start stealing/conning/selling crack for things they need, which for many included diapers, baby formula, food, or medication. Seems fairly innocent until they grow up to be Kane or Clockwork.

Yes, that's absolutely true, too.  Or the types of escalation in gang scenarios.  "Hey, kid, I'll give you 5 nuyen to bring this bag to the bodega on 8th and Pine.  Make sure no one sees you, ok?  If someone's in the store just look like you're there to buy candy.  Here's a nuyen in case you need to buy something, 4 more when you get back."  They have you run some nonsense the first few times, but later it's drugs, guns, whatever.... and so on.

I also liked the mother-daughter tag-team idea.  Perfect for the child Innocent Face quality. :)


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« Reply #34 on: <03-01-12/1259:40> »
For those interested, I created a page of clothes for kids (and adults), and a bunch of ideas for childhood items/accessories...

I have to dream up stats (will pour over the long list of items in the game, come up with reasonable options), and prices...but these should give you enterprising gamers some clue for things one can do with one's child around... or things the paranoid Shadowrunner-with-dependent might decide are "Must-Haves" to protect their most prized possession... - includes some ideas for Victoria Secret's "Empowered Woman" line of products -- because how do you think runners end up with Shadowbrats in the first place?  And of course, even if you're a lady specializing in men's entertainment, you know The World is A Dangerous Place™.

And - featuring the Take Your Child to Work™ line of armored baby & childhood transport products.  (oh yeah -- carseat -- must add armored carseats!)

These are just ideas.  No stats or prices yet, to speak of.  There to amuse and inspire...


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« Reply #35 on: <03-30-12/0919:56> »
Your system works all right, and I think I may use something similar if I ever have characters that young. I probably would only use it for comedy purposes, or for a grimdark "you are all 5 years old and find yourself stranded in another country with no food, money, parents, or a way back, and some mean looking gangers approach you" type game.

However, if the characters are teenaged, I simply give them less BP/Karma to use at creation, and make up for the difference quickly with extra rewards 'til they catch up with the team. Like, 100 less karma if you are 15.

I might also give older characters (40+) MORE Karma/BP, but they earn less as time goes on. Depends on my mood and the balance of the game.


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« Reply #36 on: <03-30-12/1348:39> »
Your system works all right, and I think I may use something similar if I ever have characters that young. I probably would only use it for comedy purposes, or for a grimdark "you are all 5 years old and find yourself stranded in another country with no food, money, parents, or a way back, and some mean looking gangers approach you" type game.

Lord of the Flies 2072.

However, if the characters are teenaged, I simply give them less BP/Karma to use at creation, and make up for the difference quickly with extra rewards 'til they catch up with the team. Like, 100 less karma if you are 15.

That can work past puberty.... I gave a system for aging folk out of being children, which could be useful for child dependents, sidekicks, or if people run a children's campaign such as I'm proposing.... [Play-By-Post proposal here] If you have a 7 year old kid dependent (negative quality) when you start gameplay, by 15 you'd should probably have bought the dependent quality off, and by 18 they could be running with you -- or instead of you.  Of course, the kid could be disabled or not runner-quality and need a babysitter for life.  Up to you & the GM.  But in the 8 years in-between, you might want stats for that kid so that the GM can at least aim some good pot-shots at them, have them kidnapped for ransom, etc. etc.

There's a thread under Rules & Such (Oops -- this IS that thread!) that's aged off the first couple pages about this -- not only are child "runners" appropriate for comedy, these stats could be used for dependents, for the kids in the campaigns & books (Look, a kid doesn't even have Pedestrian stats!), and for the occasional plant by the Bad Guys (kids with cranial bombs, lets say....) who think life is cheap and kids with innocent faces infiltrate their opposition more easily than double agents & spies (they're probably right).

However, yes, this campaign I'm proposing for PbP is for humor/fun.  Too much seriousness in Shadowrun Land.  Time for a reprise.

I might also give older characters (40+) MORE Karma/BP, but they earn less as time goes on. Depends on my mood and the balance of the game.

If you think age = an inability to learn, then you're both not up on the latest science, and you haven't met my 70 year old client (a businesswoman writing books and going strong at 70) who just learned how to take care of her own websites (I mean, she's taking care of some 5 websites now on her own...and she was helpless as a babe for the last 5+ years, completely dependent....).  She's only an exception to the rule because she never bought the "can't teach an old dog new tricks" line.  And that line was never true before the 20th century, so why should the 21st century continue that BS????  The age of the retirement/nursing home is over.  And good riddance.

Runners are also outliers on the bell curve.  They constantly & consistently defy "average joe" statistics.  So why should they slow down on the learning curve at 40+?  Genetics and "use it or lose it" facts of being human say they're going to be the guy still chopping his own wood for the stove past age 60 (know people in that category too) and learning new tricks all the time....because they USE them.  And they may be the George Burns who at 100+ fathers a child, so the excuse that genetics gives up when you can't procreate anymore need not apply.

I'm 42.  I don't think I'm learning less -- if anything I learn MORE because I actually appreciate information, skills and knowledge more than youngsters who are in the middle of or recently escaped from being force-fed proctored/approved information by The State & Authorities for 12+ years.....  (I Am Not Opinionated™)

Anyway, if you want to have a conversation about Ages & Stages of learning/ability/disability and whether aged runners should burn out or fade away, we can take that up under Rules & Such.  I can copy what I've said over there and have people hash it out....along with links to research that proves that people do make new neural pathways until the day they die -- barring some brain disorders such as Alzheimer's.  (OOPs -- this IS that thread -- lol!)


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« Reply #37 on: <04-02-12/1214:49> »
Age equals already learned the tricks of their trade. Hence less Karma needed. and more at the start. As in balance, so each player has roughly the same number by mid campaign.


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« Reply #38 on: <05-03-12/1710:30> »
Crisses I wanted to thank you for the info. Iv  had a couple players come up with at lest two odd character ideas and I had no idea how to do them. There both about the same idea, one is a Changling   with the Neoteny  Negative Quality and the other is a Teen that is a  vampire or Nosferatu. I wasn't sure how to go about  doing there physical stats till now.
What do I do to pass the time?
I do what any rigger with an IQ of 300 does.
I make a sex bot :D


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« Reply #39 on: <05-03-12/1734:29> »
The point is that presumably player-characters develop their build points over time.
  So in a career field filled with exceptional peope (the PCs), one of them i also exceptionally young (the teen PC).

  You shouldn't start different players in the same game off at different BP totals.  There's this little something called game balance to keep in mind.

Heck, you want to run 400BP kids, again, I'm not stopping you.  I'm looking forward to childhood antics within the realm of Shadowrun.
Just ebcause a runner happens to be fourteen or fifteen, doesn't mean they'll be "childish" in the sense of little kids:)


Personally, I think the best direction to go with a "kid" (meaning, young teen) would be Hacker, Rigger, Technomancer, Adept, or maybe Mystic Adept.  The "kid hacker" idea is so common as to be a trope unto itself, and most of what a Hacker is, is gear anyway; add remote-control "toys", and you've got a rigger.  Adepts, Technomancers, and so forth are born beng what they are, and "powers first manifest during puberty" is also a trope of it's own.

And of course, in a generally lower-powered campaign, you can just have teenaged gangers.  Akira, for example - the boys were all just fifteen years old.


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« Reply #40 on: <05-03-12/2227:12> »
I wasn't primarily thinking of this from the teen-runner perspective, but literally "Children" i.e. 4-10 year olds, perhaps.  If people want to give teen runners, presumably running with adult runners, full BP, by all means.  Otherwise, though, you're left in the dark regarding a runner's DEPENDENT children i.e. who are not supposed to be 400BP rock stars...but are supposed to be kidnapped and cause inconveniences or even outright trouble for the character.

I never suggested this idea should be cannon or added to a supplement.  But it could be house rules for a fun kids-getting-in-trouble campaign, or for dealing with a character's dependents (adopted kid, neice/nephew, son/daughter, younger aunt/uncle (yeah, that can happen), etc.).


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« Reply #41 on: <05-03-12/2259:49> »
Oh, that's the Dependent Quality.  It's already set up.

And even demonstrated in the fiction.  Think about Slamm-0! and NetCat's baby and how Clockwork reacts to him.


Damnit, now I want to see a pic of the kid and see why he thinks the poor guy is "Ugly".
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« Reply #42 on: <05-03-12/2315:28> »
I suppose it's where yu draw the line about how old a "child" is.  To most adults, 13, 14, even 15 is not only "a kid", but young enough not to be given major responsibilities (like, say, "being aco-conspirator in a plot to commit murder, arson, and kidnapping" ... a.k.a. a typical Extraction run).  Even 16 or 17 can be "pushing it".

But in the world of Shadowrun, a kid who's also an adept, or even a full mage?  Those talents don't care much how old or how young you are; if you've got magic, you've got magic ... and that might be enough for older runners to "give the kid a chance".  Especially for a kid 15 or older, I suppose.

But kids at 8 or 10?  Hmm.  Other than as runners (and not the "shadowrun" kind; I mean the "gopher" ftch-and-carry kind) and lookouts, I don't see them getting much "shadowrun" stuff going.


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« Reply #43 on: <05-03-12/2323:09> »
Well, look at organized and disorganized crime.  They use kids that age as couriers and lookouts all the time, and have for quite awhile.  As long as the kid has proven to be reliable (And, well, I was back at that age.  So are a lot of other "Children"), why not?  Worst they'll get is Juvie Hall, but more likely a slap on the wrist and sent home to parents, then back on the street.  Even peripherally, they'll use a neighbourhood of children as police "scanners".

Also, orks mature at what age again?  How about trolls?  That ork bouncer that just got three skips when he threw the elf decker/hacker out of the bar is only 10, he's big for his age, but he's still only 10.  And still a Juvenile as far as the system is concerned if he has a SIN.
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« Reply #44 on: <05-04-12/0131:03> »
Well looking at cyber ware there is some that they will not outgrow such as cyber eyes, but things like bone lacing wired reflexes and cyber limbs whould be a issue. Not shrue of the impact of head ware as they have less space to cram  thim in, but i can see some implants like comlink, or the caculator getting added to teens. Great way to track your kid just check the built in gps.

As to the stats for pre-publesent kids there is a surge quality that limits the age at that point.