Mythic Hero Kickstarter

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« on: <02-07-12/1441:15> »
Steve Long is a RPG writer who's got a lot of experience.  His major works have been for the HERO System including its last two editions and genre books.  He's doing a kickstarter to gather funding for his latest project, Mythic Hero. 

Mythic Hero covers real world mythologies from Armenian to Yoruban.  It will talk about how to use these mythologies in your game.  Knowing Steve Long's style, he really does his research and keeps an eye how to make the information useful for every sort of game.  His genre books (such as Star Hero, Fantasy Hero, and Dark Champions) are all excellent references for gamemasters wanting to play that genre of game.

I hope you will take a look at it and support it.

Here's the link to the Kickstarter project: Mythic Hero Kickstarter.

