[IC] War in heavens - A ghost in the Operahouse

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« on: <02-12-12/1016:45> »
There is only one God.

There is only one God but there is an infinite number of planes. All possible planes exists. They differ in time, size, physical or magic laws. Some are accessible only from some others, but all possible planes exists. All are tunes of the great Harmony, which is the work of God.

On some planes God sung entities and gave them free will to travel the metaplanes. The entities inhabit their plane. They can travel to other planes if they learn ways to do so but belong to the one they are born on. The curse of free will makes entities continously dream of a better place to live so their dreams, songs, prayers, wishes, curses, hates go to other planes and entities inhabiting them. Those prayers strengthen both the planes and entities inhabiting them. With sufficient faith a plane with all his entities can be shifted. Once the life of the entity ends on it's plane, if it will so and is accepted it can move to the plane of it's dreams strengthening it further.

Some planes are closer to God. They witness more of the Harmony. More numerous planes have greater impact on the Harmony, their choirs are better heard by the God.

Earth 2072 is one of the planes inhabited by metahumans. It is frequently visited by metaplanar travellers, because of the primitivity of the entities that inhabit it. Metahumans are prone to being faithful and numerous enough that winning their Essence make a difference in the metaplanar struggle.

There is the Struggle.

If an entity from any plane dominate the Harmony, it could influence the God. Maybe even understand the God. Maybe even become the God itself. Or maybe (a dreadful thought) replace the God. But maybe there isn't one God, but as there infinite number of planes so are infinite Gods and dominating Harmony is a way to become one. Free will is Curse as along with it comes Curiosity. Curiosity fuel Ambition. Ambition fuel the Struggle. Struggle for the Ultimate Reward of becoming a God.

Infinite milleniums ago a War in heavens begun and it last until today...

Dominions and Domains.

There are nine domains in between divided into three spheres as identified by metaplaner traveller Dionysius the Areopagite, who has later returned after his ascension to be prayed to and named a saint.

Starting from the closest to the God.
Sphere of Contemplation
Choir I - Domain of Seraphims
Choir II - Domain of Cherubims
Choir III - Domain of Thrones
Sphere of Cosmos
Choir IV - Domain of Dominions
Choir V - Domain of Virtues
Choir VI - Domain of Powers
Sphere of Planes
Choir VII - Domain of Princedoms
Choir VIII - Domain of Archangels
Choir IX - Domain of Angels

Terra - Domain of metahumans in this hierarchy is considered to be Sphere of Flesh and a Choir X, below are Choirs of the Animals, Choirs of the Insects

Each plane has a barrier in the form of an astral plane. Between the Sphere of Flesh and Sphere of Planes are dominions of all traditions. Dominions serves as a gateway to the higher sphere. There is as many dominions as it's followers, and inifinite number of those that aren't being followed. As soon as a single entity believe in it's existance a plane is created to respond to such dreams. If it gather enough essence it became a gateway to the Sphere of Planes.

Entities from Black magic dominion and Witchcraft dominion that are gateways to the plane of Demons arranged an alliance against Christian dominion that is a gateway to the plane of Angels. Other smaller or larger dominions, like Aztec, Islam, Sworn brothers of the Sword and multitude of Shaman domains fight their own part in the Struggle.

It doesn't mean that this are the only two participants of the Struggle, which is clearly pictured by the Insect hierarchy or Dragon hierarchy making their advances on the Sphere of Flesh. It doesn't mean that the planes do not mix which each other. Fire entities are found equaly often in higher domains, like in their native plane of Fire. The planes are infinite and so are hierarchies but there is only one God.

You aren't common spirits.
You belong to the Choir of Angels (or more specifically Choir of Demons), and thus you have the power called Word of Order, which really is a tune of the Harmony that bends the lesser planes to your will. If you accumulate enough Karma during your lifetime or for some outstanding actions, you might be rewarded with ascension to the higher Choir. Note that you aren't the only higher beings on Earth, and even you can be trapped and bound by a sufficiently knowledgeable metahumans.

Your Spirit Pact is hold by the Archdemon from the Choir of Archangels, it is through this pact that you are gained permission to leave the Plane of Demons and walk on the Domain of Metahumans. More specifically you are his agents on this plane to fullfill his wishes. Spoiling angelic attempts to win over the metahumans and making advances of your own. It is pretty close to what metahumans call 'running'. But being here on order doesn't mean you cannot have some fun with metahumans... all right lots of fun
Sorry for a small delay ;)

Denver Missions
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« Reply #1 on: <02-12-12/1109:51> »
"It's a deal then!" Procel left the body of Mrs. Ferrel and floated away. He took it to have a conversation with Jeremy and to enjoy some of the human food. The shrieking voice of Jeremys wife complaining about how she hated being possessed echoed from far away, but she was too deeply involved to actually do anything about it.

Jeremy was as black-hearted as Procel himself, using his position to further his own goals - cruel and merciless. Procel just helped him out to remove some unwelcome witness - he caused a car accident, one of his favorites. He can't stand people claiming to do the right thing for some greater good... now there is one less. In return Jeremy promised to blockade investigations in the last mage murders. It was a small circle of hermetic mages specialized in summoning and binding spirits to their will. The thought alone was sickening him. One by one he took care of them and freeing their bound spirits. He even managed to convince two spirits to stay and fueled their hate towards summoners.

Satisfied Procel floated through the narrow street canyons looking for a nice car to drive and relax...


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« Reply #2 on: <06-24-12/0731:25> »
When the Devil is too busy
(and Death's a bit too much)
they call on me, by name you see,
for my ... special touch.

-Voltaire, "When You're Evil"

You're called - and so you wasted no time to obey and followed the calling. Through the dominions you've ascended to the astral place known as House of Kobal - your superior. Demon prince of mockery, dark humor and prank.

The place itself was a joke, for there was no house, property or anything, only the sign pole claiming "I am somewhere else".
As if to punctuate Kobal himself is standing right beside it wearing  a white t-shirt with "here" word written on it. Looking as usual that is a nondescript body, with horns, hoofs and tail as required by etiquette.

I've been robbed. By my own. Can you believe that? I do actually, but that is not important. The thieves took it and descended to the Sphere of Flesh. What's worse is that fool Asmodeus found out somehow about them - they must have strung his traps in the dominions. He claimed them Renegades and sent his hunters after them. I'll not bear if the Game has them down before you or if they claim my Relic.

This are the thieves and a Relic they have stolen. Two spirits appear, their auras bearing marks of Kobal. They go by Shedim (the Corruptor) Ashamael and Habbalah (the Punisher) Lucrezio. The Relic they carry look like a necklace. Delicate piece of work, silver set with a central large beryl and two smaller surrounding ones. The central beryl seems to pulse and flicker with ominous dark green lights. 

The hunters went there. A portal opened picturing steel and glass building under the greyish sky. This is Earth year 2072. Seattle. Marion Oliver McCaw Hall. If they really are there, then they must be trying to perfom Joke of the Century, it's the only thing that will save them if I get them, that or switching to the Hosts of Heavens, but I doubt they'll try that.

Your task is to foil the Servitors of the Game (asmodeians), preferably humiliatingly; then to collect the Relic, and the two Renegades. Of course, if they have a Joke in progress, they should be allowed to complete it first. Go!
Sorry for a small delay ;)

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« Reply #3 on: <06-24-12/1052:50> »
Alex just hated how Kobal always knewn the perfect time to call him - this time, the hauntings on Room 101 of Woodworm Buildings were quite agitated, as if the dead decided not to rest. A perfect moment for study, but then, the boss decided to summon them.

On the House of Kobal stood a fallen angel, his/her looks quite quaint, and maybe antiquate, for the new trends into the demonic hosts: a young guy/girl, clad in a grey tunic, with deep eyes. He/She beared it's wings wide open, more as an identification sign as anything else.

As s/he heard the reason of the call, he takes quick glances at the other beings gathered there. Fortunately, the place on the Plane of Flesh where the thiefs are to be is quite close to his/her own domain there... not that spirits had any difficult travelling to far places, but it was always an advantage to be next to where one has resources.. of the fleshy quality.

Alex believes that to Kobal all is just a game, and the way he weaves his words let it clear that the play has just begun. It's not really time for questions, so he keeps quiet. When the other summoned beings leave to the Sphere of Flesh again, it also travel there.


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« Reply #4 on: <06-27-12/0629:32> »
You pass through the portal and appear on astral plane of the Earth.

For a moment entire field of view was blocked to reappear again. It seems that you have landed on the middle of the busy street line and time after time cars are passing through your auras leaving you with parts of unfinished thoughts as drivers auras pass through your own...

You gaze over the street and see multitudes of metahumans auras flowing through the streets, driving the cars and buses, multitude of watchers passing by and occasional spirits and dual beeings.

You flew a little higher to avoid conastant interruptions to see the building shown to you by Kobal. You immediatelly see it before you - it is slightly glowing in astral indicating heavenly presence taking hold there.

Quote from: ooc
assension rolls please
Sorry for a small delay ;)

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« Reply #5 on: <06-27-12/0948:31> »
Procel appeared before Kobal. His horns winding in spirals and little fires burning in his eyes. "My prince, excuse the delay. I got.." he hesitated "..trapped. I've been possessing a vehicle, when it crashed into awakened bushes that entangled me. I had to fight my way out. It was a very uncomfortable and most humiliating experience, i can assure."

After hearing the task Kobal had for them, Procel tried to memorize the spirits images. "Shedim and Habbalah, they will kneel before you soon enough." He laughed and stepped through the portal.

[spoiler]Assensing: Intuition 5 + Assensing 4 + Perceptive 2 (11d6.hits(5)=4) no glitch[/spoiler]


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« Reply #6 on: <06-27-12/0959:22> »
Quote from: ooc
The place has a background count of 1 aspected toward christian domain.
There is no visible external defences in the form of mana barriers - the place is probably to huge to be covered with them fully.
The picture attached is a night version (I like it best), but it is late afternoon
Sorry for a small delay ;)

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« Reply #7 on: <06-27-12/2305:24> »
Alex just nods at Kobal, and then plunges into the material Sphere of Flesh again.

[spoiler] 4 (Intuition) + 4 (Assensing) + 2 (Perceptive) = 10 dice = 2 hits, no glitch


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« Reply #8 on: <06-28-12/0512:22> »
As you move to the street to dive among the stream of people.

You notice that the flow of people ebb at some point toward the street and a single aura of a metahuman is sitting by the wall of the building.
There are multiple focis and fetishes dangling over him, making him look more like a christmas tree. The aura is definitely strong one and the metahuman is dual natured. He has immediatelly spotted you and you can easily see him getting agitated with fiery emotions flaring all over his aura.
Sorry for a small delay ;)

Denver Missions
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« Reply #9 on: <07-01-12/0455:09> »
Procel was worried when he noticed that person. Were we expected? A trap? He flew up and backwards a few meters so that the person limited to his dual-natured-ness couldn't reach him and prepared spell defense on Alex and himself. Then procel tried to read that persons aura to find out more about him.
[spoiler]Aura Reading: 5 Intuition + 4 Assensing + 2 Specialization + 2 Perceptive (13d6.hits(5)=4), no glitch[/spoiler]


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« Reply #10 on: <07-03-12/0847:53> »
Alex watched as the dual-natured creature's aura swirled with it's change of emotions... Sometimes metahumans are a lot too intense, they couldn't even control themselves. A strong aura, but not a subtle one... great.

Alex perceived he was spotted, so there was no sense in hiding anymore; he also knew the creature could see into the astral, so probably he would perceive magic use.

Well, he already spotted them, so why bother?

Quote from: Spellcasting roll
Alex cast Area Thought Recognition on himself, and then proceed to observe the area where the dual-natured metahuman is. He is specifically searching for the word "Relic" or the image of the "necklace" to pop on the mind of any guy on the area he can perceive. He is casting at Force 5, so the range of the sense will be 25 meters.
5 (Magic) + 5 (Spellcasting) = 10 dice pool = 5 hits, no glitch
Target may resist with a Willpower + Counterspelling test.
Drain value: 5/2 + 2 = 4 Stun Damage
Resisting Drain:
4 (Willpower) + 5 (Charisma) = 9 dice = 3 hits, no glitch
1 Stun Drain Damage remains.


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« Reply #11 on: <07-09-12/1025:43> »
sorry for a small delay... I guess I'll put that in my signature.

Procel was worried when he noticed that person. Were we expected? A trap? He flew up and backwards a few meters so that the person limited to his dual-natured-ness couldn't reach him and prepared spell defense on Alex and himself. Then procel tried to read that persons aura to find out more about him.
Aura Reading: 5 Intuition + 4 Assensing + 2 Specialization + 2 Perceptive (13d6.hits(5)=4), no glitch[/spoiler]

Quote from: ooc
The subject is a healthy troll. He is angry, agitated full of fiery passion.
Obviously he is Awakened and you clasify him as a representative of a shamanic hierarchy. Unless he masks really well, he is not a higher being and belong to the Plane of Flesh. 
He has strong aura, without Essence holes, that metahumans often have that result from plaicing withing their bodies pieces of dead machinery. You may recognize this aura if you ever see him again,
He has an Essence of 6 and his magical strength is weaker than yours.
You detect an astral signature on him, and immediately recognize it as a spirit link.

Alex cast Area Thought Recognition on himself, and then proceed to observe the area where the dual-natured metahuman is. He is specifically searching for the word "Relic" or the image of the "necklace" to pop on the mind of any guy on the area he can perceive. He is casting at Force 5, so the range of the sense will be 25 meters.
5 (Magic) + 5 (Spellcasting) = 10 dice pool = 5 hits, no glitch
Target may resist with a Willpower + Counterspelling test.
Drain value: 5/2 + 2 = 4 Stun Damage
Resisting Drain:
4 (Willpower) + 5 (Charisma) = 9 dice = 3 hits, no glitch
1 Stun Drain Damage remains.

There is one or two mortals around thinking about necklaces, but as you delve deeper into the thoughts, this are diamond necklaces, cross necklaces, simple necklaces and generaly some kind of ordinary jewerly. There is noone close thinking about relics.

You catch also thoughts picturing the metahuman you are seeing which is a filthy looking troll bearing a transparent made of paper and a wooden stick claiming - THE DAY OF PURGE IS COMEING. The troll has been preaching ... the earth will no longer face the streets of evil, the magic has returned to wipe out the wrongdoers and .... Demons, demons are here. Apage! Apage deamonas!

Quote from: ooc
Willpower(4) + Counterspelling(3) -> 7d6.hits(5)=3 not good enough
He is invoking his beast lord mentor to propel himself to the astral plane and free himself of the boundaries of the flesh. He is also receiving a mental confirmation from his spirit that it is responding to the threat on will follow to the task he was given.

A ghostly image of the Wolf appear around the body of the trollish shaman and as he fade away you see his aura in much more vivid energy flows. To his side a spirit appears as savage as the shaman himself and shoot himself against Alex.

Quote from: ooc
both of you roll initiative.
you spend your complex actions on perception and spellcasting.
Shaman used his to astrally project himself.
Spirit used his simple action to appear in the astral space between you and him and his second simple to charge against Alex (the attack itself will come on next turn).

initiative rolls:
Shaman astral initiative -> 8d6.hits(5)=2
Wolf spirit -> 10d6.hits(5)=4

[wolf spirit 14][shaman 10][Alex ??][Procel ??]
Sorry for a small delay ;)

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« Reply #12 on: <07-09-12/1105:55> »
Quote from: OOC
Alex is still on the Astral Plane, so his initiative is Intuition x 2:
4 (Intuition) + 4 (Intuition) = 8 dice = 2 hits, no glitch
Initiative = 10; Alex will be going after the enemy spirit...


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« Reply #13 on: <07-09-12/1141:35> »
Quote from: OOC
Procel is still on the Astral Plane, so his initiative is Intuition x 2:
Initiative: 5 Intuition + 5 Intuition (10d6.hits(5)=4, no glitch)
Initiative = 14; Adrenaline surge quality allows Procel to go first in the first IP.
Are we already in the background count or is it only around the hall as we are still on the street? Need to know for casting the spell.
Excited by the sudden aggression Procels eyes started glowing. "You call us demons?" he shouted. "Damn right you are!" Procel grasped for power and cast a mighty stunbolt against the shaman. No time to waste on the rubbish, we are on a mission!


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« Reply #14 on: <07-09-12/1227:06> »
Quote from: ooc
CT #1, IP #1
[Procel 14, surge][Wolf Spirit 14][Alex 10][shaman 10]

Procel is up
Sorry for a small delay ;)

Denver Missions
concluded 01 02 03 04 05 10 09 11
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