Shift Work

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« on: <01-20-12/0006:43> »
"I fraggin' hate shiftwork," Don thought as he sipped a cup of foul tasting soykaffe. He looked over at the Dr. Java maker and said, "Fraggin' kaffe maker." For some reason the kaffe always tastes sour when it comes out of that thing. Sarge says bad kaffe keeps you sharp, but he always comes in with a hot cup of StarCharts. Feet kicked up on the desk, Don looked over the monitors watching Tony walking around the parking area. One of the small pleasures of senority means that Don can relax until second check, let the young guy wear out his knees out first.

Tony walked around the parking garage, his eyes sweeping the darkness. He lives for this time of night, his DayKon contacts turn the shadows into noon. The machine pistol hanging from his belt gave him confidence if a problem came up, he could handle it. The job made him feel like a simstar, like Dirk Danger MaxTac. Just thinking of his hero brought a bit of a swagger to his walk. Checking his link, he sorted through the sims he's collected and saw a new one came out just Tuesday. Shaking his head he'd have to check his TrixServ agent for a new patch, it missed that. Clicking on order he continued his patrol. Nobody gets past Troubleseeker Tony, nobody.

Zipping unseen over the mall, a chamelion cloaked drone whipped back and forth following a pre-programmed route waiting for things to happen. Programmed in to look for Halloweener colours and record the events the moment it started.

Don was on his second cup of kaffe when the audio pipped up on his display. Most of the time the kids are playing that drekkin' Ork Rap, he mentally added a 'C' to the word each time he thought of it. This time the audio was picking up something he could get along with. Classic Maria Mercurial, one of her harder tunes. A small edge of a smile showed on his lips. Then it hit him, ain't supposed to be anyone out there playing that kind of music. He queued in Tony's com, send the rookie up front to check it out.

"Tony, we got something happening up front," Don said over Tony's link. Tony was just about to check out something he saw out of the corner of his eye but the call to action distracted him. Placing his hand on his pistol he started running for the front of the mall, the Don already opening the door by remote.

Nothing like Mercurial to get the blood heated up Nim thought as he checked the chronomitor on his HUD. It was go time, the counter reached zero and he gave the signal. The other bikes revved up and rolled out, time to make some noise.

Above it all the drone started recording, its dogbrain having no idea how good this show was going to get.

Don saw the choppers and spilled his kaffe on his lap, spitting some out as he started spinning up the lynx drones, "Holy frag," he said under his breath pounding the power up button like a chimp trying to get a soybean.

Tony reached the front just as a biker rolled past, throwing something bit at the front of the mall. With a dull splot it stuck to the ballistic glass. "Fucking gangers," Tony muttered, "I'm gonna have to clean that u," and then the satchel charge went off with the loudest explosion Tony had ever experienced. He was far enough away that the explosion didn't kill him instantly, several large shards of glass embedded themselves in his vest. DragonScale, the best stuff on the market. Drawing his pistol in the heat of the moment, Tony didn't see the trail of red he left smeared on the wall when he rolled to meet the incoming gangers.


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« Reply #1 on: <01-20-12/0007:08> »
Systems online the lynx said as Don called them to the elevator, "Come on, come on," he muttered mentally pushing the machines to roll faster. He looked down at the cameras and one sputtered and died as a Halloweener shot it with a blast from a shotgun. Through a secondary camera he could see the bikes roar into the front of the mall. The go-gangers howling like demons from Hell as Maria sang on.

Under his breath, Tony said, "Its go time," and pulled the trigger on his machine pistol, the burst from the gun felt good in his hand. Ammo spattered against the wall tracking a ganger as he wheeled along on his bike sending glass everywhere as he slid the bike to the side and roared into one of the shops. The next to come through the gaping hole was a horned hellspawn, glowing red eyes and combat axe in his right hand.

Nim heard the gunfire from inside the mall and shook his head. Machine pistol, fucking popguns on fast foward. Cupping his hand over the lighter in his hand he lit a joint and smirked. He was getting paid large for this, let the boys have their fun.

The lynx was in position and Don opened the window, in his AR display he caught sight of a Halloweener sitting casual on his bike, the arrogant prick was just sitting there. "I'll teach him a lesson he won't forget," Don muttered as he flicked the rifle over to Stick-N-Shock, "I'll light that cigarette for you." The last thing he expected to see in the drone's AR screen was a skinny girl with a pumpkin face tattoo. "Hiya," she said waiving at the drone, "Happy Halloween," she said and sprayed a thick gel all over the drone. Trying to adjust the rifle to shoot at the new target Don sent the trigger command. The muzzle flared and lit the napalm, as the white light flared in his vision Don reared back in his chair accidently throwing the drone in reverse and sending it sailing down one of the EZ-Glide escalators.

Upstairs, Tony pulled the trigger on his gun. Round after round spattered on the beast's chest. Tony was dimly aware that this harbinger of war was a massive troll a second after the combat axe cleaved his head from his shoulders.

Roaring with victory Ragnor hefted his axe over his head, the gore from the manthing dripping on his head. "Gonna need a clean up on aisle four," his girl giggled behind his back, giving his wide waist a squeeze. "Gonna need a clean up back here too," the tusker chica said and kissed the back of his neck.

The sound of KE inbound caught Nim's attention, over the PAN he said, "Time to go," and he throttled up his bike. The sound of engines throttling up behind him let him know the gang had gotten the message. Dropping down from the second floor Haley rushed over to her bike, "Ahaha I love that," the adept laughed, "They never expect you to run up a wall, do they?" Nim shook his head and said, "Take your word for that," and the two rolled off into the night.

In the AR display for the second drone, Don saw the headless corpse of Tony laying sprawled in a halo of broken glass. He repeatedly sent the fire code on the drone trying to take out the gangers as they hauled hoop out of the shattered front of the mall wishing the gel ammo the drone was loaded with was APDS. The first drone's systems went offline, napalm lightly burned something vital. With a sigh he called his C.O., he knew he'd have a lot to explain. "This drek never happens to the day shift," he muttered.


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« Reply #2 on: <01-20-12/1519:25> »
Cool stuff!!! Very nice piece!!


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« Reply #3 on: <01-20-12/1548:49> »
Thanks during last night's game our team hired some Halloweeners to distract security so we could loot the place. The details were left out other than a huge explosion and some gunfire. So I thought I'd jump in and describe the mayhem :)


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« Reply #4 on: <01-22-12/1856:13> »
Excellent idea!!! Hope we get to read more stories from you!

Red Canti

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« Reply #5 on: <01-30-12/2003:16> »
Dammit, I kinda liked Tony. He had that entertaining, expendable sort of stupidity that would've made for an awesome Runner. He even had a hilariously lame 'bad ass' nickname for other runners to give him drek about.
"Always Trust Mr. Johnson, always. Just make sure he knows he'd regret betraying that trust."


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« Reply #6 on: <01-30-12/2020:45> »
tony will live again, many times, in games from now on.
Carpe Noctem (seize the night)
Carpe per Diem (seize the pay), Carpe Dentum (seize the teeth), Carpe Denim (seize the pants)
Carpe Panem (seize the bread/capital)

no, i won't "just get over it."

NERPS!! for idiocy! NERPS!! for the minty fresh feeling! NERPS!! for gods! NERPS!! for guard duty!