[OOC] VU93 SL Project Shadowtalk

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« Reply #30 on: <02-11-12/1355:36> »
Big Murphy
Posted by Iceblade

Vital Stats: Big Murphy
Age: Deceased
Height: 2.1m
Weight: 100kg
Metatype: Ork
Awakened: No

So while I was in the hospital after my recent trip down south, I got to thinking. Death is always a breath away when you're in this business. Either you're taking it, or its coming after you. Sometimes both.

It is a fact that elves live longer than other metatypes. Barring disease or violence, we can reasonably expect to live a few centuries, according to current estimates. The first generations of elves are already coming to grips with the fact that they will live to bury the grandchildren of nonelves born after they were. It is a sobering thought to those of us who live, by choice or otherwise, outside elven lands like the Tirs, or areas controlled by the Manitou or Zulu tribes. It is given to us, then, to remember things as they were, and to chronicle the stories of those who came and went while we live on.

I write this now as an effort to help in that task. Big Murphy was seven years my junior, and yet had as long a career as many in the shadows. As those reading this know, he died on New Year's Eve, in the midst of a run gone bad. He died the way he lived, fighting.

Little Murphy was born as one of yet another litter of ork kids in the midst of that little slice of hell known as Redmond. The only advantage he had over the others was that his dad was a runner, instead of a two-bit hustler or gang member, or, worse, yet another victim. They were fortunate enough not to be forced to live in the radioactive wastes of Glow City.

He joined a street gang, like most kids did, and lived the life for a while. At the age of ten, his father tapped him to be the next to carry the Murphy handle and join the business of shadowrunning. Like most orks who were born, raised, and expected to die in the Barrens, Murphy was young, uneducated, and had little going for him besides size and strength. What made him different is that he wanted something more.

He was underestimated by many, even most, people who saw him. To look at him, and hear him speak, your first impression was always "Yet another ork that's all brawn, no brains". Seasoned runners learn to trust their first impressions of a situation, but Big Murphy was one of those cases that teaches us to never trust them completely, for there are always exceptions. You looked at him, and saw a dumb, musclebound, steroid abusing ork. And then he would quote 20th century literature, and display tactical knowledge worthy of Clausewitz. Some say he could speak English as well as any, but he chose not to. Having listened to him, I would tend to agree with that idea, whether it is true or not. Big Murphy knew enough about tactics to know that sometimes being underestimated is a good thing.

He got his start in this game we call Shadowrunning by teaming up with his father to steal a load of ammo from the Metroplex Guard, and doing it in such a way that they didn't find out about the theft for fourteen hours, by which time they'd long since ditched the truck and sold the ammo at the Crime Mall. They used the payout from that heist to get some muscle, and force out the gang that lived in the tenement house that would come to be their family's home.

After his father bought it on a run turned south in '59, Big Murphy struck out on his own, sometimes runing with a crew, sometimes taking solo gigs doing muscle work and the like. He gained a solid rep for planning and tactics beforehand, and keeping his head under fire when everything went to drek.

One of the highlights of his career is a caper he called the "Manchurian Twist, With Lime". It was a long con done in '61, where he operated as a janitor in an Ares facility for six months, staying in character the whole time until he was able to get to the paydata. He used the same cover in '62, exposing a Humanis plot to manipulate voting returns in metahuman neighborhoods. In '71, he led a group of the Bot'Kham and some Cascade Orks through Hell's Kitchen to intercept a cargo of radioactive waste that was going to be dumped in the NAN. The way I heard it, there was a golf club with Human Nation ties that happened to get some special fertilizer on the 9th green before the club opened in the morning.

One of the constants in the shadows is that rumors follow us wherever we go. Some of the rumors are true, some are exaggerated falsehoods woven by people who've seen too many trids about shadowrunners, and wish they had what it took to be a runner. I won't go into some of the rumors I've heard, both out of respect for the dead, and because some of them, if true, would cast an ill light on the living, and I don't care to do that at this time. Afterall, no one's paying me to smear anyone right now.

Big Murphy died on New Year's day, taking a bullet that was meant for a member of his team. It has been said that he was dead already, disease giving him only a little space to live, and that he chose his way out. Whether it is true or not, when he died, he left in his wake a sizeable collection of holdouts, and a protege to carry on the name, as his father did before him.
"Fun? Frag yeah! Always is when that involves a bucket full of drek!"


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« Reply #31 on: <02-19-12/1151:33> »
Big Murphy's Profile, second paragraph:

>>>>>[ Some people deserve rememberance. I only knew Big Murphy for a few short months, but he made a lasting impression with his intelligence, his willingness to help and his loyalty. I have no family left to mourn, and so the loss of friends like Big Murphy is felt all the more keenly. Like Miri underlines the centuries ahead of us, knowing that we'll outlive almost everyone we know. And's people like Big Murphy that shows us its worth knowing them. ]<<<<<
     --Madrecita (11:44:30/02-18-74)

Big Murphy's profile, sixth paragraph:

>>>>>[ Literature, chemistry, was all grist to his mill. I've spoken with Money Johnson, and Big Murphy read everything he could get. He was probably better read than most professors, if not quite up to their level of specific knowledge and practical experience. If ever there was someone who wasn't what he appeared to be, it's him. ]<<<<<
     --Madrecita (11:49:26:30/02-18-74)

"There are always consequences to our actions. We all must face what we have done, and submit to the justice of the pack. It may be that you will have to run alone from now on, but you cannot begin to fix what you broke without admitting that you broke it." - Madrecita's animal twin.


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« Reply #32 on: <02-21-12/2218:32> »
Posted by Madrecita

Name: James Raymond Bostwick
Handle: Wolfgar
Age: 43
Height: 1.8m (74in)
Weight: 90.7kg (200lbs)
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Gender: Male
Metatype: Elf
Awakened: Yes (Adept)

Ah, the CAS military. If you had to rely on them for information, all you’d get is a bunch of redacted files, all written in language that would make a history professor weep. There’s going to be a lot of holes in this bio because even though I got into the Top Secret section (with a ton of help from Ysoni and his friend Criara), the CASies don’t seem to trust their own Top Secret nodes. So much for classification. I guess to get more I’d have to break into the super-duper-uber Top Secret section...I sent the bio to Wolfgar in the hopes that he himself would fill in some blanks for me, and he sent it back with some comments attached. I’ve decided to leave the comments he made as they are. I feel it adds a little something when you hear it from the man himself. So, with no further ado...

Our dear Wolfgar was born on 19 September 2031 as James Raymond Bostwick Jr. He lost his parents early on; his mother in the VITAS outbreak just a few months after his birth and his father a few years later in combat action against Azzie forces. He grew up with his paternal grandparents, but also spent some time with his maternal grandparents.

There’s not much information available about his youth beyond the knowledge that he held a strong dislike, even hatred, for the Azzies, whom he blames for the death of his father. From this, I must assume that he had a strong relationship with his dad, and his grandparents must only have reinforced that. Such was his respect for his father, and his drive for vengeance that he joined the CAS Marine Corps when he turned 16. He joined up in 2047 and graduated in 2049 with honours as a Lance Corporal.

>>>>>[Actually, it was just my grandfather. Granny died before I was born, when my dad was about 15 or so, and the reason I joined was somewhat because it was expected of me. Our family had a long history of joining the military, therefore Gramps put me through training so hard that boot camp was a walk in the park. What he didn’t expect was that I would get through school so fast.]<<<<<--Wolfgar

I’m not going to pretend to know anything about military jargon or exactly who gets to boss who around, so I’ll skip over those abbreviated nonsense.

After his graduation, he entered special operations training, where he received training in reconnaissance, close quarters combat, hand to hand combat, demolitions and weapons maintenance at the special ops command school. I’m told this is no mean thing.

After completing his training, he spent a number of years doing special operations things until he was honourably discharged in 2054, holding the rank of Sergeant.

Between 2055 and 2062, Wolfgar ran with various teams, entering the Renraku Arcology multiple times. As his fame grew, he took on several ‘runs all over the world. I could find precious little record of what he did exactly, but given his rep, I think it’s safe to say he did them very well indeed. It was the last run he did that ended badly.

>>>>>[Well, I was in C-town when the Cermak bomb went off, and been in and out of that town quite a few times until they dusted it with fab 3. I even went to Germany and orbital once each. Won’t go orbital again though, I don’t care how much they offer or threaten me. Teams I ran with came and went though, mostly surviving. I have old partners in Germany, the Caribbean League, and L.A., the rest have either died since then, or else gone so deep under I can’t even find them. Lost a lot during '64 though.]<<<<< --Wolfgar

In 2062, he took on a ‘run for his former military compatriots to clean out the last of the Azzies out of Denver. Everything went well until a sniper took out one teammate...and said teammate was promptly reanimated by a Shedim. The Shedim wreaked havoc and killed his entire team before Wolfgar finally managed to bring it down. He dismembered the thing and burned the remains.

After that, he disappeared from public view until 2065, when he went back to school on a CAS GI Bill, earning a Ph.D in Political Science and Military history in 2069. He returned to the CAS military as an instructor, where he build a combat simulator to train CAS forces as well as others in hunting insect spirits and Shedim. This simulator is still in use.

He served as instructor until 2071, teaching political science, military history, philosophy and hand-to-hand combat when he was released from the active reserve. From then, he returned to his former training camp from where he operates various ‘runner teams.

Ice and I can testify how well he operates as a fixer, having recently accepted a few runs from him. He treats his teams well, and is more than prepared to give fair value, and isn’t stingy with intel. I’d trust him to give a team everything they need to get the job done. If a team fails, it’ll not be due to any failing from him.

Well...there you go. A small little bio on our dear Wolfgar. Looking back on what I’ve written, I see there’s a dearth of personal information. See what I mean about relying on military records for constructing a bio? I’ll keep digging and maybe one day, give this a more personal face. But for now...this is the best I can do. I hope you find it interesting."

>>>>>[Not much on the personal side to actually know, my work is my hobby so to speak and so I have fun every day whether its behind the trigger or not. Worked a couple of the "Laughing Man" ops, and have some really funny stories to tell on that and others. However, losing the loves of my lives to the bugs and Shedim, and have watched many, many friends, and even the children of some of the people I grew up with die, I don’t make many friends or have much of a personal life anymore. Mostly i hang with Tank Girl and the rest of you in VU93 when i feel the need to get out. This is of course excepting my Karaoke night each week.]<<<<< --Wolfgar
"Fun? Frag yeah! Always is when that involves a bucket full of drek!"


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« Reply #33 on: <04-01-12/0941:31> »
Posted by Wyrmtongue

Name: Reiko Tetsuki
Alias: Predator
Race: Female Human Asian
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 114 lbs
Hair Color: Chestnut
Eye Color: Green
Age: 30
Awakened: No

I have had the pleasure of working with Predator on a couple occasions, and after reading the other profiles here, I thought I would contribute one for her, as well.

The lovely Predator was born Reiko Tetsuki, and her parents were employees of Renraku America. She grew up in Japan, but when she was ten her family moved to that pyramid building... arcology? Yes, the Renraku Arcology. A search of the Matrix says that the official name of the place was the SCIRE, and was very important in Renraku's American operations. Her Father worked as a security officer, while her mother was in Research and Development.

As she learned to deal with being in a new sprawl, Reiko began training to work for Renraku one day, something I am told is fairly common with those raised in the corporate system. Though she had some skill with computers, Reiko was better suited to the role of a security guard than a programmer in a lab coat.

When she was fifteen little Reiko did what most metahumans of that age did, and found ways to rebel against her parents' authority. She snuck out of the Arcology, and went to bars with noncorporate citizens, even after being disciplined by her parents. I am told that this is a very shocking thing for someone to do when they've been raised in the corporate life.

Two days after she turned sixteen, something happened that changed her life. This was before I was born, but apparently a very smart computer program named Deus got loose in the Arcology, and caused a lot of trouble. Reiko and her parents managed to get out, but the spider she was sleeping with was trapped inside. She sometimes managed to get word from him, but for the most part she was helpless to do anything, as her parents resettled in Bellevue.

Two years after escaping the Arcology, Reiko came home after a night at the clubs, to find her father murdered and her mother mutilated. According to hospital reports, when the police got there she was in a 'catatonic state', which apparently means she looked like that rabbit I just ate staring up at my face, unable to move. She finished up school, and then dove into the shadows, trying to find the reasons why her parents were killed. To this day, the case remains open, and no suspects have been named.

In the years since her parents' death, our Predator has grown into a delicious-looking woman, and what the trids might call a Street Samurai. She found her lover again after the Shutdown ended. She remains with him, and is devoted enough to ignore any overtures that others may make towards her, more's the pity.

In her work, Predator is a reliable partner, and willing to adapt to situations that otherwise might make her uncomfortable, if the job requires. There was a time when, in order to get past some bouncers and 'talk' with a mark, we had to pretend to be floozies. She played the part well, and was very convincing. Didn't even threaten me with violence later when I had to grope her as part of the act. She is a true professional, and I can think of few metahumans I would rather have watching my tail when I'm on the job.
"Fun? Frag yeah! Always is when that involves a bucket full of drek!"


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« Reply #34 on: <04-18-12/2144:49> »
Wolfgar's Profile, thirteenth paragraph after "If a team fails, it’ll not be due to any failing from him."

>>>>>[After a botched run Wolfgar was willing to give me a second chance and a place to stay. It was the greatest peace of kindness anyone has ever done for me and I will never forget it.]<<<<<

     --Morg (18:13:42/04-18-74)
« Last Edit: <04-19-12/0613:47> by Morg »


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« Reply #35 on: <04-18-12/2158:52> »
Wolfgar's profile after Morg's comment.

>>>>>[While there are some in the Shadows that will do you a solid without expecting much in return, especially if you're a newbie, be careful because there are more out there who'll do you the favor just to put you under their thumb.]<<<<<

     -- Predator (20:56:12/04-18-2074)
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« Reply #36 on: <04-19-12/0250:54> »
Predator's profile, fifth paragraph after " her parents resettled in Bellevue."

>>>>>[I have to give Pred and her folks props for getting out of the ACHE. I did some salvage work in the restricted area. looking at some of the gear the AI used, I am surprised she can go anywhere near drones or commlinks...Oh if anyones interested I have a refurbished Medusa for sale.]<<<<<

     --Morg (01:10:22/04-19-74)
« Last Edit: <04-19-12/2104:30> by Morg »


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« Reply #37 on: <04-19-12/0633:19> »
Predator's profile, fifth paragraph, after Morg's comment

>>>>>[A Medusa? I haven't seen one in years! I know another who could make use of one of the old drones. Contact me offline, so we can arrange a price.]<<<<<

--Faust (06:32:34/04-19-74)
Greataxe - Apply directly to source of problem, repeat as needed.

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« Reply #38 on: <04-19-12/2004:50> »
Big Murphy's profile, after last paragraph

>>>>>[Well at least Murphy the Fifth as the decency of living in comfort. From what I gather, he's the first one to get out of the barrens and is well underway to earn a way higher payrate than his predecessors. I'm watching is progress with interest. In the mean time, I send work his way from time to time and make it my monthly duty to ruin his father's day. I heard he was quite angry when he got the Ork size Tir Tairngire Elven Noble attire I sent him. He tore the thing apart like a mad man! Hahaha! The irony is that he could have fed his brood for a year just by selling it.]<<<<<
     --Smiley (--:--:--/##-##-##)
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« Reply #39 on: <04-20-12/1449:37> »
Predator's profile, fifth paragraph, after Morg's comment

>>>>>[I was running back then and did quite a few runs into and out of the Arcology, it was very nasty and not something i would want to experience again, which is why i stay out of the place now. Wait, two suits and a 16 year old girl. Pred, was that you my team helped out of there?]<<<<<

--Wolfgar (13:45:34/04-20-74)
May god grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, to change the things I can, and the firepower to make the difference.

Suicide is never the answer, now homicide on the other hand, that has posibilities.

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« Reply #40 on: <04-20-12/1510:04> »
Predator's profile after Wolfgar's comment.

>>>>>[Don't think so, Wyrm was right that we weren't inside when the lockdown started, but frag if there wasn't chaos all over the area around that time. There were a lot of others close to my age stuck inside though, some of whom were friends.]<<<<<

-- Predator (14:08:34/04-20-2074)
« Last Edit: <04-28-12/2231:58> by All4BigGuns »
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The Wyrm Ouroboros

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« Reply #41 on: <04-21-12/0026:45> »

>>>>>[I was running back then and did quite a few runs into and out of the Arcology, it was very nasty and not something i would want to experience again, which is why i stay out of the place now. Wait, two suits and a 16 year old girl. Pred, was that you my team helped out of there?]<<<<<
          --Wolfgar (13:45:34/04-20-74)
>>>>>[I guess it could be possible. My parents and I getting the hell out of there was a bit frantic, so I don't much remember who helped us get out.]<<<<<
          -- Predator (14:08:34/04-20-2074)
A couple of notes:
  • By the time Predator & Parents could have been gotten out by a shadowrun team, they would have been separated and experimented on; the only real way they could have 'gotten out' of the Arcology early was if they weren't actually trapped in it.
  • By the time 'runners were doing 'runs into the Arcology, see #1 above.
Remember, nobody but certain of the Whites knew what was coming, and for the most part even they weren't clear on specifics.  The Arcology shut down suddenly, and people were seized, shunted aside, or slaughtered depending on their current/future usefulness and the amount of trouble they were causing.

Also, while I haven't posted it here, I have posted stuff to the shadowtalk on the page itself.  Since y'all aren't reading it, I suppose I should write here:

After Morg's comment, but before the above:
>>>>>[ Oh, that Tetsuki. Tetsuki Michiko was one of the little treasures of Renraku's security programming department, a certifiable genius at psychotropic programming. Renraku had scheduled an internal summit starting on 22 December; I'd be willing to bet my last nuyen that Michiko and family were on their way to Sea-Tac to catch a suborbital when the penny dropped Downtown. ]<<<<<
     -- The Wyrm Ouroboros (--:--:--/##-##-##)

All4BigGuns, I don't know if you specifically want Reiko to have been extracted from the Arcology, but if you do, I strongly recommend her having had to go through the hell of having her parents torn away and enduring experimentation -- or becoming part of the Resistance and fighting her way to the Ork Underground entrance/exit before getting away.  The Arc was locked up tighter than a drum for those first several weeks, and an extraction would, I think, be extraordinarily unlikely, to the point of utterly.
Pananagutan & End/Line

Old As McBean, Twice As Mean
"Oh, gee - it's Go-Frag-Yourself-O'Clock."
New Wyrm!! Now with Twice the Bastard!!

Laés is ... I forget. -PiXeL01
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« Reply #42 on: <04-28-12/2207:47> »
last paragraph of Iceblade's profile
>>>>>[Well that sure explains a lot.... even tho there are some "gaps" mon. But who doesn't. No?]<<<<<
          --Marak (22:07:34/04-20-74)

Madrecita's profile 5th paragraph
>>>>>[...Wow um jeesh mon. I'd be a lil dark too, after dat many tragedies mon.]<<<<<
          --Marak  (22:11:34/04-20-74)

« Last Edit: <04-28-12/2215:15> by Marak1972 »
no no no thats a BIG BUG
green - speech
blue - thought
Hello mon come on and letd get dis party started no


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« Reply #43 on: <04-28-12/2232:50> »
Madrecita 1st paragraph after audio clip

>>>>>[Point of no return?]<<<<<
          --Marak (22:30:34/04-20-74)

3rd paragraph after audio

>>>>>[Vasquez .... Where have I heard that name before?]<<<<<
          --Marak (22:32:34/04-20-74)

no no no thats a BIG BUG
green - speech
blue - thought
Hello mon come on and letd get dis party started no


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« Reply #44 on: <04-28-12/2233:18> »
Editted my response to Wolfgar's comment on my profile due to information in  The Wyrm's post.
(SR5) Homebrew Archetypes

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