Pit Fight: Discussion thread

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« on: <01-11-12/1733:26> »
I see that it is ineavitable to creatre this thread for rules discussions where more people can participate. Please comment any situation in the Pit Fight thread, opinions on rules and such. On this we will define Precedences for Pit Fights we will use in non-unequivocal situations. Thank you all for contribution.


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« Reply #1 on: <01-12-12/0156:58> »
RE(6)+2xUnarmed(12)-Disarm(4) (Great ghost help me!) (14d6.hits(5)=4)

Now, rules dont work exactly the way they are supposed to be. Disarm says that:
Characters with the Disarm maneuver may choose to go on Full
Parry with a –4 dice pool modifier. If they successfully defend
against the attack (i.e., they score more hits than their opponent),
IDN if Full Parry is meant only for Melee atacks with weapons or for any Close combat defense, since it is possible to disarm oponent in both cases, armed and unarmed...IMO for anything, but we will need to agree with that. Is it OK or Not with you?
Second part is: Scores more hits...But character sucesfully defends an attack even on tie. So what. Im trying to kick your weapon out. Since rules are what they are, I leave decission on you. I defended this way or another...

the sword is just for some extra damage, so for me it's actually not that important,

 you can try to disarm, with the additional rule that the one who is to be disarmed has the option to reroll misses with edge if he wishes so if the defendant has used edge to reroll his misses. Fair should be fair.
Karate has many disarm maneurvers so I think from a logic standpoint its OK as well.

secondly - a tie is not successfully defended, its touch attack still so no disarm with a tie in my opinion,
you could say you stopped my attack with the kick but failed to disarm me.

and just a note from me
Akuma is going for a knock-down, as he gets to do damage thanks to his manervers and he has the strength advantage, so better do not let me get net hits.
BTW how is reach working on this one?
And gecko grip stuff like this, would it give you modifiers or not in this case.?
« Last Edit: <01-12-12/0201:06> by Kouryuu »
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« Reply #2 on: <01-12-12/0242:44> »
Reach works for you...I didnt noticed you used have +1 as a troll and if the weapon adss something, which it should, it works for more
About that Tie OK
And with that edge reroll. IMO you are not able to reroll once you finished your offensive rooll. You may decide to do so before I roll my defense, but not later. And that Disarm is Deffensive action, So if I try it anytime again you will not be able to get extra rolls from edge.


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« Reply #3 on: <01-12-12/0244:05> »
You knbow
Im really amazed with your statistics...on 12 dices you get 5 hits in average :)


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« Reply #4 on: <01-12-12/0319:15> »
You knbow
Im really amazed with your statistics...on 12 dices you get 5 hits in average :)
Me too  ;D
But a small donation to IC might do wonders  ;)
Prepare for the worst, hope for the best and expect nothing!


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« Reply #5 on: <01-12-12/1218:11> »
HGow to treat the armor. Using highest possible? or no armor?

