Found any info on United Netherlands I should keep in mind? Or do I have a clean slate to work with since 2070?
(Apologies, translated via Google Translate, so it's not grammatically correct)UNDER A STRANGER FLAGThe group-based constitutional monarchy - at least technically speaking - the United Netherlands (VNL) under Queen Amalia is considered a corporate paradise, whose "main shareholder" many meta-people are convinced that Lofwyr is. Neither likes the domestic Regulus Joint Industries various other groups particularly well. In the embossed VNL parliament is divided on this, depending on who chewed or bribed how many MPs. Out of it also results in the very ambivalent relationship of the Netherlands to the Rhein-Ruhr-Plex: On the one hand, there has been since the Black Flood and the refugee waves many family ties, and if the VNL are the gateway to Europe, so the RRP is the one indispensable distribution station. So you benefit from each other. On the other hand, you fear the influence of the dragon. In negotiations about delivery conditions, customs duties and economic agreements the Rhein-Ruhr-Plex is in the stronger position, which is why one urgently needs a lever in the VNL seeks to maintain the lucrative relationship, but doing so to shift the balance in favor of the VNL.> As long as the British still have a say, there will be a nice standoff, enough for everyone Offers opportunities.> ZeitgeistIt happens depending on the season and upcoming political and economic conditions to an increase of Runs and river piracy. The Dutch Penose, the most successful Dutch export in adaptive crime support this "shadow lobbyism" by the way, there she earned on both sides. Since she Drug hype is no longer just in districts near the border, but spread out along the Rhine to Bonn, however, this leads to con ict with those already resident Criminals. NRR and VNL accuse each other of not doing enough against organized crime.