Almost every official forum has something in them, somewhere, that says that anything posted on them becomes the property of so-and-so. I don't see that particularly terminology anywhere in the TOS, but it may be buried somewhere else, dunno.
Anyway, that legal speak is there generally to protect the companies ass. If you write up "Night Steel the bad Ass Street Samurai" on the forums, and then a year or two later a character gets used in SR Fiction named Night Steel, that little legal notice basically means you can't sue them. because things like names and concepts tend to come and go, and similarities are bound to crop up.
CGL wouldn't condone lifting a character from the forums and using it without permission. Same goes for story concepts or anything else. But, in the case of similarities, they need to be legally covered.
And yes, VU93 is now canon

However, I haven't used any of the personalities from here. Yet. Maybe I'll do another review contest here in the near future, with prizes being a guest appearance in the fiction.
